Personal in english


pronunciation: pɜrsɪnɪl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

personal1 = manpower ; manpower force ; personnel ; staff ; staffing ; work-force [workforce] ; crew. 

Example: The question has been raised as to the manpower required to produce the ever-increasing number of abstracts.Example: This article focusses attention on formulating plans and policy for building up a manpower force for modernising library and information systems India within the next 5 years.Example: Application areas include: personnel records, mailing lists, accident and incident records, clinical and health records, committee minutes and records, and so on.Example: The current LC MARC data base contains both records created by the LC staff and those created by co-operating libraries and verified by the LC.Example: During the discussions it became apparent that the most pressing issues of staffing, resources, procedural complexities and educational opportunities related to IT.Example: Employers of library and information staff have to develop and maintain skills within the workforce.Example: Phillips has 12 installations with a crew of 15-450 men.


» actitud del personalstaff attitude .

Example: Within each organisation the written and unwritten rules relating to performance and staff attitudes represent that company's 'culture'.

» administración de personalpersonnel administration .

Example: Granted, performance evaluation may be an imperfect tool in personnel administration.

» ahorro de personalstaff saving .

Example: Cost-effectiveness of some manual systems was grossly underestimated and so far automation has failed to realise significant staff savings.

» apoyo del personalstaff support .

Example: The project had staff support and there was unanimous recognition that more reading time was needed.

» asignar personalcommit + manpower .

Example: Senior management must be willing to commit funds and manpower to ensure security doesn't fall behind the exploding use of computers in government.

» bien dotado de personalwell-staffed .

Example: Since the 1920s Mongolia has developed an extensive and well-staffed health care system.

» costes de personalstaff costs .

Example: Cost estimates often did not include overheads, and quite often did not include staff costs.

» dedicación del personalstaff hours .

Example: Cuts in the 1988 budget have resulted in cuts in opening hours, staff hours, and book budget.

» desarrollo profesional del personalstaff development .

Example: Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.

» dotación de personalstaffing .

Example: During the discussions it became apparent that the most pressing issues of staffing, resources, procedural complexities and educational opportunities related to IT.

» encargado de personalpersonnel officerwelfare officer .

Example: The personnel officer of a factory drops a stack of a few thousand employee cards into a selecting machine and produces in a short time a list of all employees who live in Trenton and know Spanish.

Example: In larger library systems there will be a welfare or personnel officer who can assist staff with personal problems relating to home life or their employment.

» evaluación del personalpersonnel evaluation .

Example: Few topics within the area of public library administration have generated as much print and speculation as the area of personnel evaluation.

» exceso de personal administrativoadministrative bloat .

Example: Faculty and administration alike must join through a process of shared governance to identify administrative bloat when it does occur, select a strategy to combat it, and redeploy resources.

» falta de personalundermanning .

Example: As a result of undermanning the university's computer centre has abrogated any constructive influence on libraries' choice of computer systems.

» falto de personalunderstaffed [under-staffed] .

Example: A problem central to the library profession is that libraries are chronically underfunded and understaffed.

» formación continua del personalstaff development .

Example: Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.

» formación del personalstaff trainingprofessional development .

Example: The literature available makes it very clear that staff training is extremely important, for all staff, from director to custodians.

Example: The first part of this article discusses motives for career choice and professional development.

» formar personalproduce + personnel .

Example: By contrast, information-driven programmes have a totally different orientation being designed to produce personnel skilled in the application of IT to information problems.

» funciones del personalstaff duties .

Example: It is very important that staff duties, professional and non-professional, be noted.

» gastos en personalstaff costs .

Example: Cost estimates often did not include overheads, and quite often did not include staff costs.

» gestión de personalpersonnel management .

Example: Personnel management is a critical issue facing library administrators.

» jefe de personalpersonnel officerwelfare officerstaff manager .

Example: The personnel officer of a factory drops a stack of a few thousand employee cards into a selecting machine and produces in a short time a list of all employees who live in Trenton and know Spanish.

Example: In larger library systems there will be a welfare or personnel officer who can assist staff with personal problems relating to home life or their employment.

Example: Few executives will deny that staff managers contribute substantially to the performance of their organizations.

» jefe de personal de la bibliotecalibrary personnel officer .

Example: An interview committee, consisting of the library personnel officer and the associate executive director for branches, convened to speak with applicants for the adult materials selection position = Un comité seleccionador, compuesto por el responsable del personal de la biblioteca y del subdirector ejecutivo de las sucursales, se reunió para hablar con los candidatos para el trabajo de selección de material de adultos.

» miembro del personalstaff memberstaffer  .

Example: This allows the faculty or staff member to identify his primary library for searching purposes.

Example: The increasing involvement of staffers in electronic information products has had only a modest impact on how journalists do their jobs.

» movimiento de personalstaff turnoverturnoverlabour turnover .

Example: The financial impact of staff turnover for the library profession has not yet been considered in depth.

Example: Inadequate compensation leads to poor performance, absenteeism, excessive turnover, grievances, and strikes.

Example: The variables were production, quality, costs, job satisfaction of operatives, job satisfaction of supervisors, work anxiety, accidents, absence, labor turnover, and industrial unrest.

» número y distribución de personalstaffing conditions .

Example: These sites have been operating CARTO-NET in close collaboration with one another but under very different staffing conditions so it has been useful to monitor their progress.

» personal administrativoadministrative staff [Grupo de personas que desempeñan las tareas administrativas o burocráticas de una organización] .

Example: This article examines library service in prisons from 1951, the stock, the range of prison readers, staffing, loans, and relations with administrative staff, prison warders and inmates.

» personal administrativo de apoyoclerical staffclerical workerclerical personnel .

Example: In our case we have a turnover of around 25 percent per year of our clerical staff.

Example: The library staff consists of 6 professional librarians (with MLSs) and 11 clerical workers.

Example: Windsor, Connecticut, has a public library staffed by 5 professionals and 10 clerical personnel.

» personal auxiliarclerical staff .

Example: In our case we have a turnover of around 25 percent per year of our clerical staff.

» personal bibliotecariolibrary personnellibrary stafflibrary worker .

Example: There is a need for more practical computer courses and education and training of manpower in such a way that library personnel may be both subject specialists and information specialists.

Example: Permutation makes it easier for both library staff and user to find entries.

Example: Much of the initiative in drafting the proposed law on libraries has come from government and professional bodies rather than from library workers.

» personal civilcivilian staff .

Example: The results of the survey indicated that at least some correctional institutions employed paid civilian staff.

» personal cualificadoqualified staffqualified personnel .

Example: Lack of qualified staff and administrative support had retarded development of prison library service in the state = La falta de personal cualificado y de apoyo administrativo ha retardado el desarrollo de los servicios bibliotecarios penitenciarios en el estado.

Example: Children with disabilities deserve access to qualified personnel regardless of the setting in which they receive services.

» personal de ambulanciaambulance crew .

Example: A local nurse and an ambulance crew stabilised Caleb at the scene for three hours until a team of medics arrived by chopper.

» personal de apoyoparaprofessional staffsupport staff .

Example: Training workshops for paraprofessional staff were provided on-site wherever possible.

Example: The collection includes books, pamphlets, filmstrips and recordings and is run by 3 librarians and 3 support staff.

» personal de apoyo bibliotecariolibrary support staff .

Example: The author briefly reports on the conferences, conventions, confabs and celebrations of interest to library support staff across the USA that took place in 1998-99.

» personal de atención al públicofront-of-house staff .

Example: It is crucial that all front-of-house staff are briefed on the evacuation procedures in the event of a fire or other issue before the audience arrive.

» personal de cabinacabin crew .

Example: Today's flight and cabin crews are much different than they were during the early years of commercial aviation.

» personal de direcciónsenior staffsenior management .

Example: Senior SLIS staff were seen to be relatively content with their present levels of funding which has been modestly increased in recent years = El personal de dirección de las EUBYD parecía estar relativamente contento con sus niveles actuales de financiación que se han incrementado moderadamente en los últimos años.

Example: In some library authorities these associations are highly developed and form a positive bridge between junior staff and the senior management.

» personal de la bibliotecalibrary stafflibrary worker .

Example: Permutation makes it easier for both library staff and user to find entries.

Example: Much of the initiative in drafting the proposed law on libraries has come from government and professional bodies rather than from library workers.

» personal del mostradorcounter staff .

Example: Many of the counter staff are female, poorly paid and have misgivings about the impact of technology on their work.

» personal del mostrador de préstamocounter staff .

Example: Many of the counter staff are female, poorly paid and have misgivings about the impact of technology on their work.

» personal de mantenimientoservice workerfettler [Palabra obsoleta] .

Example: The purpose of the course is to assist students to develop competence as service workers in nurseries, garden centres, greenhouses, golf courses and ground maintenance.

Example: For the last 27 years he had worked as a fettler, a moderately heavy job consisting of trimming and lifting heavy metal castings in a foundry.

» personal de proceso de datosoperation staff .

Example: The operations staff makes special backup copies of the catalogs in the network, reconstructs the files in case of a serious mishap, enters new system logon names, assigns authorization levels, and so forth.

» personal de recepciónreception staff .

Example: Training would be needed for the reception staff, who all said they were a bit long in the tooth for learning how to use a computer.

» personal de referenciareference staffreference personnel .

Example: RLIN has developed from a specialised service, used only by library and reference staff to a broader-based dial-up on-line information retrieval service for end users.

Example: If we look at it that way we can pour reference personnel into helping with troubles with the catalog for a transitional period.

» personal de secretaríasecretarial staff .

Example: The introduction of robotics has decreased employment in the factory while word processing technologies have reduced demands for secretarial staff.

» personal de seguridadsecurity staff .

Example: The author reports an ethnographic investigation of amateur strip shows, drawing on interviews with male & female contestants, announcers, disk jockeys, & security staff.

» personal de serviciosservice worker .

Example: The purpose of the course is to assist students to develop competence as service workers in nurseries, garden centres, greenhouses, golf courses and ground maintenance.

» personal de un centro multimedia escolarschool media staff .

Example: It is equally important that the attitudes of school media staff be ascertained before irrevocable decisions are made concerning the automation of technical services.

» personal de vueloflight crew .

Example: Today's flight and cabin crews are much different than they were during the early years of commercial aviation.

» personal docenteteaching stafffacultyteaching facultyfaculty staff .

Example: The author explains how the system works and discusses perceptions of librarians by teaching staff and vice-versa.

Example: During his tenure, OSU was recognized for the high quality Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) program it developed in serving both students and faculty.

Example: This article describes a study conducted to show how librarians think they are perceived by their colleagues in academe, the teaching faculty.

Example: These lectures were evaluated by faculty staff and students simultaneously.

» personal equivalente a jornada completafull-time equivalent staff (FTE staff) [Se utiliza para indicar el equivalente en personal de tiempo completo de personal a tiempo parcial que trabaja en una empresa] .

Example: 18% of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff occupying posts for trained librarians and information scientists are unqualified.

» personal equivalente a tiempo completofull-time equivalent staff (FTE staff) [Se utiliza para indicar el equivalente en personal de tiempo completo de personal a tiempo parcial que trabaja en una empresa] .

Example: 18% of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff occupying posts for trained librarians and information scientists are unqualified.

» personal jovennew blood .

Example: It has resulted in central government funding 'new blood' recruitment schemes for universities and polytechnics.

» personal más recientejunior staff .

Example: This article describes a scenario in which the training of junior staff on-the-job is discussed emphasising that the reality in New Zeland libraries falls far short of the ideal.

» personal militarmilitary personnel .

Example: This area is visited only by desert rats, biologists, military personnel, and those desperate people willing to walk across as much as 60 miles of waterless trail.

» personal necesariostaffing levels .

Example: This article describes stock selection, collections, staffing levels and service delivery in Western Australia public libraries.

» personal paraprofesionalparaprofessional staff .

Example: Training workshops for paraprofessional staff were provided on-site wherever possible.

» personal profesionalprofessional staff .

Example: There are divergences of opinion within the library profession about the proper division of labour between professional and clerical staff.

» personal sanitarioclinical staff .

Example: Actual contact with clinical staff in the clinical setting has improved librarians' understanding of their users' needs = El contacto real con el personal sanitario en la clínica ha mejorado la comprension de los bibliotecarios de las necesidades de sus usuarios.

» personal técnicotechnical staff .

Example: But unless technical staff want to remain in a servant role as mere tool jockeys, they must complete the evolution from craftsperson to professional.

» personal técnico de apoyosupport staff .

Example: The collection includes books, pamphlets, filmstrips and recordings and is run by 3 librarians and 3 support staff.

» política de personalpersonnel policystaff policy .

Example: The personnel policy should also include a statement concerning number and length of work breaks and a statement regarding attendance at library meetings -- who attends, whether time off with pay and/or travel expenses are awarded.

Example: This article sets out those staff policies that the library board has approved and their dates of approval or revision.

» puesta al día del personalstaff development .

Example: Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.

» que necesita bastante dedicación de personallabour-intensive [labour intensive]staff-intensive [staff intensive] .

Example: Catalogue maintenance in a large union catalogue based on cards or slips was a nightmare, and it was very labour-intensive to maintain such catalogues at more than one location.

Example: Computers have facilitated the paper flow within the organization -- a formerly arduous and staff-intensive effort = Los ordenadores han facilitado el papeleo en las organizaciones, un esfuerzo que antes era arduo y que necesitaba bastante dedicación de personal.

» razones del movimiento de personalturnover behaviour .

Example: Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.

» recorte de personaldownsizingstaffing cut .

Example: Downsizing has increased productivity and decreased throughput time for materials in technical services.

Example: This article describes how the library is coping with cataloguing given the speed with which it has grown, teething troubles with new software, backlogs, and funding and staffing cuts.

» reducción de personalstaff cutbacksdownsizing .

Example: In the present climate of economic retrenchment some media centers may be experiencing staff cutbacks.

Example: Downsizing has increased productivity and decreased throughput time for materials in technical services.

» registro de personalpersonnel record .

Example: She had just put the finishing touches on a draft of a study of the possibilities of automating personnel records.

» renovación de personalturnoverlabour turnover .

Example: Inadequate compensation leads to poor performance, absenteeism, excessive turnover, grievances, and strikes.

Example: The variables were production, quality, costs, job satisfaction of operatives, job satisfaction of supervisors, work anxiety, accidents, absence, labor turnover, and industrial unrest.

» responsable del personal de la bibliotecalibrary personnel officer .

Example: An interview committee, consisting of the library personnel officer and the associate executive director for branches, convened to speak with applicants for the adult materials selection position = Un comité seleccionador, compuesto por el responsable del personal de la biblioteca y del subdirector ejecutivo de las sucursales, se reunió para hablar con los candidatos para el trabajo de selección de material de adultos.

» reunión de personalstaff meeting .

Example: He focuses on the particular question as to how the laws apply to the various practices such as the screening of documentaries and other films in staff meetings.

» ritmo de movimiento de personalturnover rate .

Example: Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.

» sala de estar para el personalcoffee lounge [En ciertas instituciones, sala utilizada por el personal de una institución para descansar, tomar algún refresco, leer el periódico, comer algo, etc] .

Example: Above all, we specified a variety of reader places and that there be a coffee lounge close to the library.

» sala de personalstaff lounge .

Example: The library office is in the basement, 'downstairs' as it is euphemistically referred to, along with a staff lounge, the washrooms, heating equipment, and electrical and janitor's closets.

» sección de personalpersonnel departmentpersonnel office .

Example: Separate systems were developed for, say, the personnel and payroll departments.

Example: Of course, a number of these routines may be handled by other departments within the parent organization the personnel office or the salaries section.

» selección de personalpersonnel recruitment .

Example: Personnel recruitment is an important part of human resource management and thus a significant means in improving effectiveness.

» sólo para personal autorizadorestricted access .

Example: All storage rooms where flammable liquids are stored should have restricted access and be properly identified.

» tareas del personalstaff duties .

Example: It is very important that staff duties, professional and non-professional, be noted.

» tasa de movimiento de personalturnover rateturnover rate .

Example: Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.

Example: Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.

» turnos del personalstaffing rota .

Example: The difficulty of timetabling, staffing rotas etc. lies principally in the numerous drafts which usually have to be made to produce the final version.

» utilización de los recursos del personal propioinsourcing .

Example: Insourcing, or retaining services and, perhaps, providing them for others, can be successful if proper analysis is conducted before the process is begun.

» utilizar los recursos del personal propioinsource [En gestión, contrasta con outsource (subcontratar)] .

Example: The article 'Bringing it all back home: insourcing what you do well' examines one library's ability to insource some of its operations.

» vacante de personalstaff vacancy .

Example: Although acquisitions in the priority languages of Tamil, Persian, and Arabic have kept pace, processing has lagged behind because of unfilled staff vacancies.

personal2 = one-to-one ; personal ; private ; intimate ; one-on-one. 

Example: A few large libraries contain an adult learning centre, which provides training courses for volunteer tutors, one-to-one tutoring or instruction in small groups.Example: Cards will remain useful for small local and personal indexes but other options, in the form of microcomputers and their software are beginning to compete in this application.Example: SWALCAP supports a network arrangement of remote terminals and minicomputers linked to the central computer via private lines.Example: Until we feel as librarians that we are an intimate part of society, we will never begin to believe that we really function.Example: The one-on-one training pattern predominates and is effective at this institution where education in the singular is stressed.


» actitud personalpersonal attitude .

Example: Career counselors should reevaluate some personal attitudes toward gay individuals and consider the role of advocate for young homophiles seeking employment.

» a favor de la decisión personal sobre el abortopro-choice .

Example: This site is for those who have an interest in discussion of the social, legal and ethical aspects of abortion from a pro-choice perspective.

» alarma personalrape alarmpersonal alarm .

Example: Baby alarms, smoke alarms, alarm clocks, and rape alarms were used for testing consumers' shopping habits.

Example: They sell a wide range of self protection devices such as personal alarms, pepper sprays, stun guns, and tasers.

» anuncio personalpersonal ad .

Example: The article 'Virtual holiday excursions' covers metasites, holiday sites, virtual travel, pleasure reading, odd ball sites, personal psychology, personal ads, and fortune telling.

» aprovechamiento personalpersonal gain .

Example: This covert resistance to the information technology implementation process is motivated by personal gain.

» archivo personalprivate archivespersonal archive(s)personal records .

Example: It houses a large collection of archives from national institutions and associations as well as private archives and personal papers from politicians, civil servants, etc.

Example: His widow has opened her personal archive, hitherto unseen, including the private scrapbooks in which Eliot assiduously recorded their life together.

Example: The book is written in a very readable narrative style and includes information from her personal records and interviews with personal friends and family.

» armadura personalbody armour .

Example: They also discuss the need for military-designed body armor for journalists working in war zones.

» artículo personalpersonal item .

Example: Almost everybody we know had their treasures or some of their personal items stashed away in an old cigar box.

» aseo personalpersonal cleanliness .

Example: This film explains that germs live in dirt, carry disease, and can be washed away as part of one's personal cleanliness habits.

» asesor personalpersonal adviser .

Example: These pages are designed to support academic staff in their role as a personal adviser or equivalent.

» asunto personalpersonal issue .

Example: Most library use is for leisure reading or for helping solving immediate personal or life issues (e.g., travel guides, using a personal computer, writing a CV, self-help manuals).

» atención personalpersonal attention .

Example: He believes his success will be determined by 'personal attention, being on the ball, attention to detail and consistency of service'.

» atención personal al clientepersonal selling .

Example: The author explores the role of marketing in the information marketplace and the tools that can be employed in promotion: advertising; direct marketing; sales promotion; public relations and publicity; personal selling; and sponsorship.

» a título personalin a personal capacityin a private capacity .

Example: After a series of meetings in Amsterdam, 10 European publishers and librarians have put their names in a personal capacity to a joint statement on the Impact of Electronic Technology.

Example: The views expressed in this article are those of the author writing in a private capacity and are not the official view of the company he works for.

» atracción personalpersonal attraction .

Example: Verbal aggression was also found to be negatively related to both homophily and personal attraction.

» autoría personalpersonal authorship .

Example: Works with unknown or uncertain personal authorship, or works emanating from a body that lacks a name are to be entered under title.

» autor personalpersonal author [Cualquier persona responsable total o parcialmente del contenido de una obra y cuyo nombre puede servir de punto de acceso a una descripción bibliográfica] .

Example: A personal author is the person chiefly responsible for the creation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work.

» autor personal únicosingle personal authorship .

Example: Single personal authorship includes writers of books, composers of music, compilers of bibliographies, cartographers, artist, photographers, and, in certain cases, performers of sound recordings, films and videorecordings.

» beneficio personalpersonal gain .

Example: This covert resistance to the information technology implementation process is motivated by personal gain.

» biblioteca personalpersonal library [Colección de libros y documentos que una persona posee]home library .

Example: His personal library which includes literature on philosophy, history, religion and the arts, contains a number of rare books.

Example: Several enquiries about how to start home libraries have been received.

» bienes personalespersonal property .

Example: The law recognises and protects three categories of property: real estate; personal property; and intellectual property.

» blindaje personalbody armour .

Example: They also discuss the need for military-designed body armor for journalists working in war zones.

» calle peatonalpedestrian street .

Example: The market is designed as a long pedestrian street with shops on both sides.

» campaña personalpersonal campaign .

Example: In my opinion, this initiative has developed de facto into a pitiless personal campaign of vilification against him.

» característica personalpersonality traitpersonality characteristic .

Example: A good librarian has a complex combination of personality traits and learned skills, and little of the former can be taught in the library science classroom.

Example: This article is all about the key personality characteristics that can either lead to success or failure.

» carta personalpersonal letterconfidential letterprivate letter .

Example: Before 1650 if scientists communicated with each other at all it was through the medium of personal letters.

Example: But using her confidential letter to harm and embarrass her is absolutely without justification.

Example: Her private letters reveal her frustration in being excluded by the nineteenth century scientific establishment.

» cheque personalpersonal cheque .

Example: In situations where a person owes money to a creditor, and the creditor is not prepared to accept a personal cheque because he thinks it might bounce, a banker's draft made out by the debtor's bank can provide a solution.

» coach personalpersonal coachlife coach .

Example: In a nutshell, an effective personal coach teaches you how to bring in business.

Example: With a life coach a client is more comfortable taking bigger strides to getting the job done and making the appropriate changes toward a better life.

» comentario personalpersonal note .

Example: To intrude a personal note here, I was a little surprised to see just how good were some of the reviews of certain books which I myself had found rather boring or pretentious.

» comentario personal de una lecturareading-reportage [Situación educativa en la que una persona expresa expresa las opiniones que le despierta un texto al leerlo] .

Example: Reading-reportage brings these prejudices to the surface and opens them to discussion not just by the teacher but by the reader's peers.

» compromiso personalpersonal engagementpersonal investment .

Example: Published scientific papers were exclusively results of personal engagement and hard work in the free time.

Example: This article looks at ways in which librarians in leadership roles can elicit the motivation, commitment, and personal investment of members of the organisation.

» consejero personalpersonal adviser .

Example: These pages are designed to support academic staff in their role as a personal adviser or equivalent.

» contacto personalpersonal contactpublic contact .

Example: In the overall ranking the main sources, in order, were statistical information, personal contacts, newspapers and trade journal, grey literature, and conventional literature; the various kinds of secondary information service all ranked lower.

Example: Two prerequisites for being a good reference librarian are love of reference work and enjoying public contact.

» contratación de personal cualificado de otras empresaslateral hiring .

Example: In fact, recent data shows that the majority of mid-sized and larger firms are making lateral hiring in record numbers.

» convicción personalpersonal convictionprivate conviction .

Example: Where we individually place ourselves within this spectrum is ultimately a matter of personal conviction rather than diktat.

Example: His experience with fingerprinting was limited, but his private conviction was that all fingeprints were unique to the individual.

» cualidades personalespersonal qualities .

Example: In her last appraisal they had observed how she blended many attractive personal qualities with intelligence, energy, and determination.

» cuestión personalpersonal issuelife issue .

Example: Most library use is for leisure reading or for helping solving immediate personal or life issues (e.g., travel guides, using a personal computer, writing a CV, self-help manuals).

Example: Most library use is for leisure reading or for helping solving immediate personal or life issues (e.g., travel guides, using a personal computer, writing a CV, self-help manuals).

» cuidado personalpersonal care .

Example: At $300 billion a year in sales, health and personal care is the second largest retail category in the US behind groceries.

» datos personalespersonal details .

Example: Two computer discs holding the personal details of all families in the UK with a child under 16 have gone missing.

» defensa personalself-defence [self-defense, -USA] .

Example: She holds that war is just if conducted for just ends (self-defence and the righting of wrongs).

» dinero para gastos personalespocket change .

Example: As a teenager, he used to earn pocket change by collecting and selling recyclable newsprint with his uncle, a former old-time 'ragman'.

» dinero para gastos (personales)pocket money [Generalmente, cantidad de dinero que los padres dan a sus hijos para sus gastos semanales]spending moneyweekly pocket money [Generalmente, cantidad de dinero que los padres dan a sus hijos para sus gastos semanales] .

Example: For example the total weekly income of a nine or 10-year-old -- including pocket money and other regular payments such as for odd-jobs -- almost halved between 2012 and 2015 from £7.40 to £3.90 per week.

Example: I was wondering if anyone could give me a rough idea of how much spending money we will need for 4 nights in Vegas.

Example: Weekly pocket money or a monthly allowance is one way for children to get some money to spend.

» documentos personalespersonal papers .

Example: This article covers personal papers e.g. bishops' diaries, financial records, papers of religious orders and societies, parish records and church registers.

» economía personalpersonal finance .

Example: This paper gives advice to librarians (primarily in the USA) on building and maintaining an up to date collection on investing and personal finance.

» edificación personaledification .

Example: Initially making such works for his edification alone, Neil was finally encouraged by gallerist Dina Brown to exhibit his pieces in 2005.

» educación personalindependent education .

Example: There is little evidence of public library use for research or independent education.

» efectos personalespersonal belongings .

Example: His small foreign-made car strained with the added burden of an interior packed to capacity with personal belongings and a heavily laden U-Haul trailor attached to the rear.

» ego personalpersonal ego .

Example: The processes employed go a long way towards minimizing the impact of internal politics and personal egos, which can be significant blockages to change.

» encabezamiento de nombre personalpersonal name heading .

Example: The term 'personal name heading' is used to designate the type of heading by reference to the type of name or title on which the heading is based. without regard to its function or relationship to other headings.

» encabezamiento personal uniformeuniform personal heading .

Example: This article analyses 4 descriptive cataloguing orthodoxies of the past -- corporate authorship, uniform personal headings, main entry, dominance of the card catalogue -- maintaining that each has been overthrown either overtly or covertly.

» enriquecimiento personalpersonal enrichment .

Example: Danish libraries must include video in their services if they wish to live up to their obligation as regards giving users the possibility of personal enrichment = Las bibliotecas danesas deben incluir el vídeo en sus servicios si desean cumplir con su oblicación de dar a los usuarios la posibilidad del enriquecimiento personal.

» entrada de nombre personalpersonal name entry .

Example: The user would find it helpful to have types of entries with the same entry word grouped, so that for example, all subject entries are found together, and all personal names entries are kept in a separate subsequence.

» entrevista personalpersonal interview .

Example: The written questionnaire was supplemented by personal interviews.

» escándalo personalpersonal scandal .

Example: Although personal scandals (especially scandals involving personal indiscretions) may not be 'career killers' as they once were, they do hasten the end to a political career.

» espacio personalpersonal spaceterritorial spacepersonal space territory .

Example: The article 'How to set up your own Web cam' describes ways of linking cameras, including camcorders, to a World Wide Web personal web site to make available to the world at large images of personal spaces and other similar areas.

Example: This is a report on a study of how male and female library users use the space at library tables based on the ways in which people reveal their territorial space (defined as personal space territory).

Example: This is a report on a study of how male and female library users use the space at library tables based on the ways in which people reveal their territorial space (defined as personal space territory).

» estilo personalpersona [personae, -pl.]individual style .

Example: In his early years he consciously emulated both the painterly style and persona of the much-admired artist Drouais, who became something of a cult figure in early 19th c. Paris.

Example: So long as the department carries out its responsibilities well and violate no regulations, there is little likelihood that the library director will attempt to impose his or her individual style of management on the independent section head.

» expediente personalpersonal recordspersonnel file .

Example: All requests must include a consent signed by the individual who is requesting access to his or her personal records.

Example: A library personnel officer, for example, may have the responsibility of receiving applications, interviewing applicants, maintaining personnel files, recommending promotion, transfer, etc.

» experiencia personalpersonal experience .

Example: He is moving on from the past and looking forward to a tremendous future helping to educate parents from his personal experiences.

» falta de tacto personalpersonal indiscretion .

Example: Although personal scandals (especially scandals involving personal indiscretions) may not be 'career killers' as they once were, they do hasten the end to a political career.

» gestión de archivos personalespersonal archives managementpersonal records management .

Example: Partnerships with other disciplines to develop solutions for personal archives management is a good commitment for the archival community to make.

Example: Our goal as a company is to provide affordable personal records management products that will enable each individual to store, track and retrieve their personal information easily.

» gusto personalpersonal tastepersonal preference .

Example: In the end, what suits you is a matter of personal taste.

Example: Like with crochet hooks, knitting needles come in a variety of materials and the choice of which one to use is a matter of personal preference.

» hábito personalpersonal habit .

Example: These are some of the personal habits and management styles that make a good/bad library director.

» hacer uso personalmake + personal use .

Example: This is also a sad reminder of how your ability to make personal use of digital media is under attack.

» higiene personalpersonal hygiene .

Example: Reducing the high mortality rate, promoting population growth, health, personal hygiene, & nutrition were among the general concerns.

» historia personalpersonal historyhuman story .

Example: The influences described never work in isolation but interact in varying combinations and strengths depending on an individual's personal history.

Example: Our staff around the world gather these human stories every day so that people living in peace and comfort can understand why the forcibly displaced and stateless need compassion and care.

» honor personalpersonal honour .

Example: Duelling is right -- a moral duty for an honourable person -- because the only just and fair law is the law of personal honour.

» honra personalpersonal honour .

Example: Duelling is right -- a moral duty for an honourable person -- because the only just and fair law is the law of personal honour.

» hurgar en + Posesivo + vida personaldig into + Posesivo + personal life .

Example: Now they will start digging into her personal life looking for any reason to smear her.

» identidad personalself-identity .

Example: The author explores the major themes of the novel: self-identity; love; and betrayal.

» indagar en + Posesivo + vida personaldig into + Posesivo + personal life .

Example: Now they will start digging into her personal life looking for any reason to smear her.

» índice de rendimiento personalindividual performance index .

Example: In order to test the robustness of their univariate and multivariate tests, multiple regressions were performed on 3 criteria: scientific productivity, citation impact, and individual performance index.

» indiscreción personalpersonal indiscretion .

Example: Although personal scandals (especially scandals involving personal indiscretions) may not be 'career killers' as they once were, they do hasten the end to a political career.

» información personalpersonal information .

Example: The author discusses the influence of technology on the processing of personal and private information.

» interés personalvested interestpersonal interestself-interestaxe to grind .

Example: At every level there are vested interests and any change threatens someone's special interests, privileges, authority, or status.

Example: This, of course, is inevitable in an institution presided over by a committee which has infinitely less personal interest in books than in politics or the price of coal.

Example: Therefore, the library manager must walk a tightrope that is continually swayed by self-interest (on the part of oneself and others).

Personal synonyms

intimate in spanish: íntimo, pronunciation: ɪntəmət part of speech: adjective subjective in spanish: subjetivo, pronunciation: səbdʒektɪv part of speech: adjective physical in spanish: físico, pronunciation: fɪzɪkəl part of speech: adjective private in spanish: privado, pronunciation: praɪvət part of speech: adjective ain in spanish: ain, pronunciation: eɪn part of speech: adjective face-to-face in spanish: cara a cara, pronunciation: feɪstufeɪs part of speech: adjective, adverb personalized in spanish: personalizado, pronunciation: pɜrsənəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective individualized in spanish: individualizado, pronunciation: ɪndɪvɪdʒuəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective person-to-person in spanish: persona a persona, pronunciation: pɜrsəntoʊpɜrsən part of speech: adjective, adverb of our own in spanish: nuestro, pronunciation: ʌvaʊɜroʊn part of speech: adjective of her own in spanish: de su propia, pronunciation: ʌvhɜroʊn part of speech: adjective of their own in spanish: de su propia, pronunciation: ʌvðeroʊn part of speech: adjective of his own in spanish: de su propia, pronunciation: ʌvhɪzoʊn part of speech: adjective of your own in spanish: tuyo, pronunciation: ʌvjɔroʊn part of speech: adjective
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