Persona in english


pronunciation: pɜrsən part of speech: noun
In gestures

persona = fellow ; figure ; hand ; individual ; man [men, -pl.] ; party ; person ; character ; self. 

Example: From the skimming he had given their writings he knew that something like a chemical agent was working in Balzac's defenseless mind, and that the hapless fellow was trying not to succumb to it.Example: Much potentially valuable historical material is lost to posterity because of the attitude to the collection of primary sources which always gives pride of place to the ephemeral as long as it is compiled by a well-known figure.Example: Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.Example: Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual.Example: No less prestigious an authority than a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.Example: Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.Example: Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.Example: All the same, I think the incident improbable because he has been represented up till then as a cold, careful character.Example: Education should relate more effectively to personal development, to individual coping and to the development of the free self.


» a cargo de una sola personaone-man band .

Example: This library housekeeping facility is aimed primarily at the small, one-man band type library.

» Algo a cargo de una sola personaone-person operation .

Example: This organization may vary from a one-person operation in a special library all the way up to an internationally known indexing and abstracting agency.

» algunas personassome people .

Example: I think if some people couldn't smoke on the job, they'd be wrecks.

» atendido por varias personasmulti-staffed .

Example: Information desks should be sited near the library entrance, be multi-staffed, designed for double-faced seating and easy use of microfilm readers and AV materials.

» biografía de personas célebrescelebrity biography .

Example: Should we ignore the major trade publishers for almost everything except genre fiction, blockbusters, popular self-help, celebrity biographies and exposés?.

» círculo de personas afines e influyentesnetwork .

Example: Some of the barriers faced by women seeking senior international appointments are: glass ceiling; trailing spouse; career vs. long term relationship and children; lack of mentors; tokenism; and exclusion from networks.

» club para personas de la tercera edadDarby and Joan club .

Example: Betty Smith, a lifelong volunteer who helped co-found Darby and Joan clubs, has died at the age of 100.

» como persona queas one who .

Example: Of course, as one who disapproves of the use of the title as a unit heading, I don't see any justification for it.

» conjunto de personas que reciben un servicioconstituency [Conjunto de personas que reciben un servicio] .

Example: The idea that a particular library is an institution which gives service to a defined constituency should be the guiding principle.

» contra toda personaall comers .

Example: She went on to quote Jast, that stalwart defender of public libraries against all comers, who said, 'The librarian and teacher have almost opposite basic aims, the one deals with the literature, the other with the person'.

» crucial para la vida de una personalife-saving .

Example: The more experienced physicians, however, told a different story about lifesaving practices in pediatrics.

» cualquier otra personaanybody else .

Example: On first thought, it might appear that an author would be the best person to write the abstract, since presumably he or she knows more about the paper than anybody else.

» cualquier personaanyoneany Tom, Dick or Harry .

Example: Anyone using LC copy and the AACR is well aware of the stimulating challenges provided by superimposed headings.

Example: The idea that any women should marry any Tom, Dick or Harry regardless of her own feelings is simply prehistoric.

» cuidados para personas de la tercera edadelderly careelder care [eldercare] .

Example: The issue of elderly care is in danger of becoming a political football as parties are now openly battling it out to prove they have the most effective solution to the problem.

Example: This has created a relatively new and growing area of health care and provider services, known as elder care.

» cuidados para personas mayoreselderly careelder care [eldercare] .

Example: The issue of elderly care is in danger of becoming a political football as parties are now openly battling it out to prove they have the most effective solution to the problem.

Example: This has created a relatively new and growing area of health care and provider services, known as elder care.

» de personapersonal .

Example: Cards will remain useful for small local and personal indexes but other options, in the form of microcomputers and their software are beginning to compete in this application.

» de personas blancasall-white .

Example: I live in a gated all-white neighborhood with my parents and found out today that well over half of my neighbors are Jews.

» de personas con autoridad moralauthoritative .

Example: If support for Southey's usage has been limited on a strictly statistical count, it can, nevertheless, claim to have had some authoritative support.

» de personas de raza blancaall-white .

Example: I live in a gated all-white neighborhood with my parents and found out today that well over half of my neighbors are Jews.

» de primera personafirst-person .

Example: The article is entitled 'On the nets and on the streets: a first-person report of the Soviet coup' = El artículo se titula "En las redes y en las calles: un informe de primera mano del golpe de estado soviético' .

» de una sola personaone-man .

Example: Then reading of this story aloud to young children as they look at the pictures, needs a firm, quiet voice, until that glorious wordless pictorial passage showing the 'wild rumpus,' when at least one reader discovers it is necessary to give a one-man vocal performance of some rumbustious classical music as accompaniment to the viewing of those pages.

» dirigido a las personaspeople-centredpeople-oriented .

Example: The focus of service should be towards a people-centred library rather than a resource-centred library.

Example: However, a real solution cannot emerge until the social, economic and political foundations of society undergo a transformation which will allow the emergence of a people-oriented information service.

» dominio de las personas con más edadsenior power .

Example: At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with mudpies, leprechauns, senior power, red power, the Chinese New Year, prisoners' rights, and workers' control.

» durante la vida de una personawithin a human lifetimeduring a human lifetime .

Example: That means that sustainable energy is energy which is replenishable within a human lifetime and causes no long-term damage to the environment.

Example: During a human lifetime every molecule of the body is replaced many times over.

» el consejo de otra personaa second opinion .

Example: Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.

» el sueño de toda personathe stuff dreams are made of .

Example: The novel 'The stuff dreams are made of' suggests that the real part of us is not the body or the personality, both of which are transitory, but the inner consciousness.

» en personain personwalk-inin the fleshface-to-face [face to face] .

Example: Telephone reference services have become problematic in recent years due to increased volume of patron demand, both in person and on the telephone.

Example: Two industrial parks were studied to test the need for 'walk-in' versus 'call-in' service facilities.

Example: Although we have never seen Palaeolithic humans in the flesh, we recognize them immediately in illustrations, art, cartoons, and museum displays.

Example: This may help to improve the service librarians can give face to face with clients.

» escuchar la opinión de otra personahear + someone else's opinionhear + somebody else's opinion .

Example: Maybe she should talk to Alex about what was going on -- it could be good to get it off her chest and hear someone else's opinion.

Example: I get very enthusiastic because the people who attend those meetings are knowledge-seekers who want to learn and hear somebody else's opinion.

» escuchar las opiniones de otras personashear + other people's opinions .

Example: Though it is good to hear other people's opinions and their reasons, what really matters the most is yours in the end based on the information you have received.

» ganarse + Posesivo + personagain + Posesivo + person .

Example: By freeing the uncle you gain her confidence, and by gaining her confidence you gain her person.

» grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoríapeer group .

Example: The 10 journals published by the National Research Council of Canada were analysed using a peer group of journals constructed from cited and citing journal lists in JCR.

» inicial del segundo nombre de pila de una personamiddle initial .

Example: If you're not sure of the exact form of the phrase (Does the author have a middle initial?), enter as much of the phrase as you know.

» ir en personago in + person .

Example: As the company is in your vicinity, you could either call or go in person to lodge your complaint.

» la mayoría de las personasmost peoplethe majority of the people .

Example: Most people want -- and need -- an idealized father figure as a leader.

Example: Mali is a country with a strong oral tradition and consequently books are marginal to the majority of the people.

» la misma personaone and the same person .

Example: Guidelines can be expected to discuss some or all of the following: indexing instructions, especially if the abstractor and indexer are one and the same person.

» la opinión de otra personaa second opinion .

Example: Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.

» lista de personas de contactocontact list .

Example: Media techniques such as developing a contact list, issuing a press statement, and holding a press conference are discussed.

» lista de personas y cometidosduty roster .

Example: One of the supervisor's jobs is to arrange duty rosters for library staff.

» mala personarotten applea bad lot [Usado tanto para referirse a una persona como a varias]bad eggrotten egg .

Example: The party's leader in Brussels said that any 'rotten apples' could contaminate the European Union.

Example: The article is entitled 'Illegals not such a bad lot'.

Example: Even after being told by his son that she was a bad egg he still let her stay and by doing that he was figuratively putting his head in the lion's mouth.

Example: The girl has had her troubles, but that doesn't mean she's a rotten egg.

» manipular los sentimientos de las personasmanipulate + people's feelings .

Example: They believe that the elites construct national traditions, mythology, and iconography in order to be able to manipulate people's feelings.

» matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexosame gender marriagesame-sex marriage .

Example: Therefore, same gender marriage should, as an added bonus, help protect patients and students from prejudice and ignorance.

Example: The Netherlands was the first country to allow same-sex marriage in 2001.

» ninguna otra personano one else .

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.

» oír la opinión de otra personahear + someone else's opinionhear + somebody else's opinion .

Example: Maybe she should talk to Alex about what was going on -- it could be good to get it off her chest and hear someone else's opinion.

Example: I get very enthusiastic because the people who attend those meetings are knowledge-seekers who want to learn and hear somebody else's opinion.

» oír por segundas personashear + second-hand .

Example: I'm only reporting to you what I've heard second-hand.

» orientado a la personahuman-oriented .

Example: Traditionally, controlled natural languages fall into two categories: human-oriented and machine-oriented controlled natural languages.

» orientado al servicio de las personaspeople-centred .

Example: The focus of service should be towards a people-centred library rather than a resource-centred library.

» otra personasomebody elsesomeone elsesomebody else, not me .

Example: You can very frequently go into a large library and have extreme difficulty finding somebody to help you because there are 40 people sitting out in back doing something which somebody else is doing down the road.

Example: The searcher is an information worker trying to extract documents or information on behalf of someone else.

Example: If you want somebody to do that, you get somebody else, not me.

» para algunas personasto some people .

Example: To some people the implications are revolutionary.

» para personas blancasall-white .

Example: I live in a gated all-white neighborhood with my parents and found out today that well over half of my neighbors are Jews.

» para personas con intereses similaresbirds-of-a-feather .

Example: This paper outlines the papers delivered at the conference, tutorials, and birds-of-a-feather sessions.

» para personas de raza blancaall-white .

Example: I live in a gated all-white neighborhood with my parents and found out today that well over half of my neighbors are Jews.

» pasar de una persona a otrapass around .

Example: Pdf is good for where we think users might want to read in paper format or have something to archive or pass around, but it takes longer to download.

» pérdida de persona queridaemotional loss .

Example: This web page provides information for professionals and the general public dealing with bereavement, grief and emotional losses.

» persona a cargodependent [Persona que depende de otra. A veces escrito dependant] .

Example: This project did not attempt to look at more personal factors such as partners and dependents on this occasion.

» persona activaactive person .

Example: Calluses on the hands and feet of an active person are normal.

» persona aprensivaapprehensive [Nombre] .

Example: High apprehensives reported spending more time preparing their speeches but received lower grades than low apprehensives.

» persona atractivagood-lookerlooker  .

Example: There is one thing that the good-looker has in common with the average person looking for a service job -- the pay.

Example: She's certainly a looker, but it doesn't mean she's a good shag.

» persona atrevidarisk taker .

Example: Librarians have accumulated a lot more capital than we think, and provosts want librarians to be risk takers.

» persona audazrisk taker .

Example: Librarians have accumulated a lot more capital than we think, and provosts want librarians to be risk takers.

» persona aún por determinarnomen nominandum [N.N.] .

Example: The abbreviation N.N. (nomen nominandum) is frequently seen in university course lists in Germany indicating that a course will take place but that the lecturer is not yet known.

» persona ausenteabsent person .

Example: For absent persons, we did not ask for details such as nationality or level of education.

» persona becadafundee  .

Example: The funding guidelines require the enforcement of a written policy on conflicts of interest and disclosure of 'significant' financial interests on the part of fundees.

» persona bien parecidagood-lookerlooker  .

Example: There is one thing that the good-looker has in common with the average person looking for a service job -- the pay.

Example: She's certainly a looker, but it doesn't mean she's a good shag.

» persona chapada a la antiguastick-in-the-mud .

Example: I know what you are saying, and I'd probably agree, if I weren't such an old stick-in-the-mud.

» persona civilcivilian [Nombre] .

Example: Here are entered works on temporary establishments which provide members of the Armed forces and, in emergencies, civilians with food and recreation.

» persona competentea good sport .

Example: 'I can't ask Inez and Zoe to work even more hours, they've been very good sports'.

» persona comúnordinary person .

Example: The ordinary person's information needs are becoming more complex and expensive.

» persona con ahorrossaver  .

Example: Savers will be hit hard by yesterday's interest-rate cut as they see returns on nest eggs shrinking.

» persona con ambiciónhigh flyer [high flier, -USA]go-getter  ; hustler  .

Example: Having a firm strategy to train high-flyers is the only way to make sure that the public library ethos will survive at the top level.

Example: He is a go-getter -- instead of bowing under any problem, he would go all out to find a solution.

Example: Hustlers don't wait for success to come to them; they go out and get it for themselves.

» persona con/de mucha labiafast-talkersmooth-talker .

Example: Beware the fast-talker, the person with the gift of the gab -- the friendly salesman, the oily politician -- running through the 'facts' faster than you can keep up.

Example: Almost two decades later we have research confirming that a smooth talker wins the day still.

» persona con/de mucha palabreríafast-talkersmooth-talker .

Example: Beware the fast-talker, the person with the gift of the gab -- the friendly salesman, the oily politician -- running through the 'facts' faster than you can keep up.

Example: Almost two decades later we have research confirming that a smooth talker wins the day still.

» persona con doble personalidadJekyll and Hyde .

Example: When she had finished Beck said reassuringly: 'Don't let old Tilly bother you - She can be a rotter at times - She's a Jekyl and Hyde, if ever there was one - One minute she's fine; another, she's a monster'.

» persona con éxitosuccessful person .

Example: A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.

» persona con iniciativago-getter  ; hustler  .

Example: He is a go-getter -- instead of bowing under any problem, he would go all out to find a solution.

Example: Hustlers don't wait for success to come to them; they go out and get it for themselves.

» persona con la mejor notatop scorertop scorer .

Example: The top scorers on the engineering exam will be awarded scholarships.

Example: Congrats to the highest scorers, you all deserve a pat on the back for a job well done.

» persona con la que se ha folladoboinkee  .

Example: She's is marrying one of my former boinkees, and her good old mumsy and dadsy are underwriting the wedding, reception, and honeymoon.

» persona con llavekeyholder  .

Example: Proper security during the library's closed times -- locks on stock cupboards and a limit to the number of keyholders -- is an obvious precaution.

» persona con mala ortografíapoor speller .

Example: The article 'Spelling checkers, spelling correctors and the misspellings of poor spellers' analyses a large corpus of spelling errors to assess how great a challenge such errors present for automatic checking and correction.

» persona con mucha ambiciónsocial climber [Persona con muchas ansias de triunfar socialmente] .

Example: New ideas are most likely to be introduced and pursued by 'social climbers'.

» persona con nivel cultural mediomiddlebrow [middle-brow] [Nombre] .

Example: People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.

» persona con problemas de aprendizajelearning disabled person .

Example: This article describes the problems for mentally retarded and learning disabled persons in keeping informed because news and information language is too difficult to understand and they cannot keep up with its pace.

» persona con sangre de horchatacold fish .

Example: She said she'd felt lonely and miserable for decades because he was such a cold fish, and that she'd finally given up on him.

» persona culpableguilty person .

Example: it is better to let the crime of a guilty person go unpunished than to condemn the innocent.

» persona de accióndoer  .

Example: He was hoping to renew the discourse between thinkers and doers that created America in the first place.

» persona de adentroinsider  .

Example: All libraries, particularly those with rare book or manuscript collections, should take steps to minimise insider thefts.

» persona de altos vueloshigh flyer [high flier, -USA] .

Example: Having a firm strategy to train high-flyers is the only way to make sure that the public library ethos will survive at the top level.

» persona de buen vergood-lookerlooker  .

Example: There is one thing that the good-looker has in common with the average person looking for a service job -- the pay.

Example: She's certainly a looker, but it doesn't mean she's a good shag.

» persona de colornon-white [nonwhite]coloured mancoloured womancoloured [colored, -USA] .

Example: The film centers on a non-white secretary who believes that her dusky skin and non-Nordic features prevent her boss from returning her affections.

Example: He looked up and saw two figures cutting across the field, a colored man and woman, each carrying a bottle.

Example: He looked up and saw two figures cutting across the field, a colored man and woman, each carrying a bottle.

Example: Barkly declared that the contention between coloureds and whites was so intense in some instances as to beggar description.

» persona de conducta desviadadeviant .

Example: For example, in Q Social welfare we have QG Persons in need, QN deviants, QO Criminals, QR Offenders, as successive steps of division.

» persona de confianzagood old boysounding board [A la que se recurre para que nos dé su parecer u opinión] .

Example: Many long-term residents feel that Junctionville should be governed the way it was before Groome appeared -- by 'good old boys' who had worked their way up, who eschewed issues, and who faithfully rewarded their cronies.

Example: So he has become not only a great sounding board but a great adviser and someone we can turn to readily for advice in a lot of these areas.

» persona de contactocontactcorrespondentcontact personnamed contact .

Example: In order to give accurate information, a village contact would need first to diagnose the problem.

Example: Such reports are sent to 'correspondents' in the member states; these correspondents are responsible for forwarding the reports to an agreed list of destinations in their own country.

Example: Each entry presents the name of the office, the address, the main contact person, and a summary of the office's primary activities.

Example: The article 'The mandarin maze' describes how named contacts may be located in UK government departments.

» persona de edad avanzadaelderly person .

Example: They are developing ways of increasing access to information for a significant group of handicapped and elderly persons who have difficulty in accessing the printed word.

» persona de éxitosuccessful person .

Example: A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.

» persona de fueraoutsider  .

Example: The library director does not want to take the chance that by allowing the trustees to get active he might lose partial control of the library operation to an 'outsider'.

» persona dejadaslobslovenslattern .

Example: It's laughable when Archie Bunker says that, because we know he's an uneducated slob.

Example: Take care of yourself for, as you will soon find to your cost, a sloven in one thing is a sloven in all things.

Example: A woman who from being a slattern becomes overneat, or from being overneat becomes a slattern, is most certainly in love.

» persona de la alta sociedadsocialite .

Example: The 54 stills picture actors, poets, socialites, thieves, models, cosumers of amphetamines, painters, filmmakers, and musicians.

» persona de la propia empresainsider  .

Example: All libraries, particularly those with rare book or manuscript collections, should take steps to minimise insider thefts.

» persona de la tercera edadelder .

Example: Even among adults, the younger age groups make more use of the library than do their elders.

» persona de mantenimientofettler [Palabra obsoleta] .

Example: For the last 27 years he had worked as a fettler, a moderately heavy job consisting of trimming and lifting heavy metal castings in a foundry.

» persona demasiado complacientepeople pleaser [Tiene connotaciones positivas o negativas según el contexto] .

Example: At the heart of every great people pleaser is the best of intentions of wanting to be liked by the other person.

» persona demasiado servicialpeople pleaser [Tiene connotaciones positivas o negativas según el contexto] .

Example: At the heart of every great people pleaser is the best of intentions of wanting to be liked by the other person.

» persona de muy buen vergreat-looker .

Example: I'm no great-looker myself so I don't mind living somewhere where people look odd.

» persona de nacionalidad extranjeraforeign national .

Example: All foreign nationals entering Guinea-Bissau are required to have a valid international travel document.

» persona de nivel cultural bajolowbrow [low-brow] [Nombre] .

Example: People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.

» persona de nivel intelectual bajolowbrow [low-brow] [Nombre] .

Example: People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.

» persona de raza blancawhite [Raza] .

Example: In 1971 Sanford Berman demonstrated the subject heading list's bias toward an American/Western-European, Christian, white, male point-of-view.

» persona de raza negrablack [Nombre] .

Example: Only blacks had both a social and a moral condition; only women had both a history and a condition.

» persona desaliñadaslovenslattern .

Example: Take care of yourself for, as you will soon find to your cost, a sloven in one thing is a sloven in all things.

Example: A woman who from being a slattern becomes overneat, or from being overneat becomes a slattern, is most certainly in love.

» persona desaparecidamissing person .

Example: We all know the chances for finding a missing person decreases greatly with each passing day.

» persona desaseadaslovenslattern .

Example: Take care of yourself for, as you will soon find to your cost, a sloven in one thing is a sloven in all things.

Example: A woman who from being a slattern becomes overneat, or from being overneat becomes a slattern, is most certainly in love.

» persona descuidadaslovenslattern .

Example: Take care of yourself for, as you will soon find to your cost, a sloven in one thing is a sloven in all things.

Example: A woman who from being a slattern becomes overneat, or from being overneat becomes a slattern, is most certainly in love.

» persona designadanominee  ; designate .

Example: A local coordinating committee was also established for the course, consisting of the President (or his nominee), the local coordinator and the local tutors.

Example: Library staff members are officially hired by and report to the library director or designate.

» persona designada para un cargoappointee  .

Example: Upon hearing the favourable appraisal the committee was giving of her, the young appointee swelled with pride.

» persona destacadastandout [Nombre] .

Example: Andrew Asnes has become a much-admired standout of the Paul Taylor Dance Company.

» persona de una clase social superiorPosesivo + social superior .

Example: Despite hating false flattery, she grits her teeth and bows her head to the people who think they are her social superiors because she wants the best future for her family.

» persona de un nivel social superiorPosesivo + social superior .

Example: Despite hating false flattery, she grits her teeth and bows her head to the people who think they are her social superiors because she wants the best future for her family.

» persona divorciadadivorcee  .

Example: In both years, widows and widowers far outnumbered divorcees in single parent families.

» persona emprendedorago-getter  ; hustler  .

Example: He is a go-getter -- instead of bowing under any problem, he would go all out to find a solution.

Example: Hustlers don't wait for success to come to them; they go out and get it for themselves.

» persona encantadoracharmer  .

Example: Set in the 1950s, this novel explores what happens when a single girl falls for a charmer, and what happens when a scheming mother puts her oar in.

» persona encargada de actualizarmaintainer  .

Example: The requirements of a physical form of catalogue can be divided into two categories: those which are primarily in the interest of the catalogue or index maintainer, and those which mostly affect the catalogue user.

» persona encargada de hacer los trabajos sucioshatchetman .

Example: The book focuses on Nixon's two terms in office and draws on solid, original source material to get inside the minds of the president and his chief hatchetman, Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman, in particular.

» persona encargada de las relaciones públicasPR man [PR men, -pl.] .

Example: Otherwise they run the risk of being usurped by upstart local government PR men or newspaper consortia.

» persona encargada de recabar fondosfundraiser [fund-raiser] .

Example: These groups typically use paid fundraisers to solicit donations.

» persona en prácticastrainee  ; intern .

Example: This article compares serials cataloguing education in 1977/78 and 1984/85 as well as describing on-the-job training from the perspectives of the trainee and trainer.

Example: The experience of a preservation librarian who was accepted as an intern on the 3 month conservation course at Cornell University is described.

» persona entusiasta y trabajadoraeager beaver .

Example: Although we're lucky to have them, eager beavers can screw up if you give them the opportunity.

» persona estúpidano-brainer .

Example: Fortunately for you there are a few decisions that are real no-brainers.

» persona evaluadareviewee  .

Example: This allows reviewers and reviewees to discuss what has been achieved during the previous period and to determine what further development or support might be required.

» persona exitosasuccessful person .

Example: A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.

» persona famosafamous personcelebrity [Abreviado a celeb]celeb [Abreviatura de celebrity] .

Example: The most famous person to drop out of college who still succeeded in life is no doubt Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Example: For instance, if a person is working on building a radio program, the librarian should provide her with background information that helps to set the tone of the program, with facts and foibles of celebrities, with case histories of successful campaigns, with analogies, quotations, and anecdotes, and so on.

Example: He knew the names of celebs but he could have walked past any one of them in the street without batting an eyelid.

» persona fascinantecharmer  .

Example: Set in the 1950s, this novel explores what happens when a single girl falls for a charmer, and what happens when a scheming mother puts her oar in.

» persona fríacold fish .

Example: She said she'd felt lonely and miserable for decades because he was such a cold fish, and that she'd finally given up on him.

» persona ilusadaydreamer  .

Example: The qualities inherent to the daydreamer's meandering mind are those that I wish to evoke within my photographs.

» persona importantebig shotbiggie .

Example: Having been a big shot in Monrovia, he is accustomed to being waited on by servants, his wife and concubines alike.

Example: Trophies captured from the Nazis, as well as personal belongings of such biggies as Stalin also feature in this section of the war museum.

» persona importante y arrogantehigh muck-a-muckmuck-a-muck .

Example: Sometimes this procedure is used to find a scapegoat or underling to take the fall for high muck-a-mucks.

Example: This bistro not only serves a fabulous breakfast for a steal, but provides a quiet, elegant space for muck-a-mucks to powwow.

» persona infectadainfected person .

Example: HIV transmission occurs most commonly during intimate sexual contact with an infected person, including genital, anal, and oral sex.

» persona influyenteinfluencer  ; mover and shakerheavy weight [heavyweight] [Boxeo]biggie .

Example: The seminar aimed at identifying the decision makers and influencers within the educational community.

Example: The author argues the need to reconsider the role and image of the information professional, as trainer and mover and shaker, whilst stressing the need for continuous professional development.

Example: Alfred B. Tozer's pseudonymous boxing tales about a character named John L. Jr began while John L. Sullivan was heavy weight champion.

Example: Trophies captured from the Nazis, as well as personal belongings of such biggies as Stalin also feature in this section of the war museum.

» persona informadainsider  .

Example: All libraries, particularly those with rare book or manuscript collections, should take steps to minimise insider thefts.

» persona innovadorainnovator  .

Example: No further developments in binding technology took place until the 1850s, whereafter most of the innovators were American, not English.

» persona inquietafidget .

Example: All this said, he is a restless person, but in the active, productive sense rather than a fidget.

» persona inscritaregistrant .

Example: The conference drew some 365 registrants.

» persona interesadataker  .

Example: When, a few years later, the typefounder Fry offered founts in Baskerville's eccentric design (which was well known to be bad for the eyes) he found few takers.

» persona jovenyouth [Usado indistintatmente para singular y plural] .

Example: Although the library community advocates unrestricted access to resources for all, professional practices illustrate that librarians restrict access for youth.

» persona jubiladaretired person .

Example: It's normal for a retired person to feel a sense of loss and displacement when a significant portion of your identity goes away.

» persona mañosahandyman [handymen, pl.] .

Example: The impact of television series' and home improvement stores is in the process of transforming a solid handyman niche market into a publishing and bookselling bonanza in the US.

» persona más destacadatop person [top people, -pl.] .

Example: If you are interested in learning about meeting the top people in the field please fill out the form below.

» persona más relevantetop person [top people, -pl.] .

Example: If you are interested in learning about meeting the top people in the field please fill out the form below.

» persona mayorelder .

Example: Even among adults, the younger age groups make more use of the library than do their elders.

» persona medianamente cultivadamiddlebrow [middle-brow] [Nombre] .

Example: People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.

» persona mortalmortal .

Example: I think of someone like Zuckerberg to be more in the realm of Einstein than of mere mortals like most.

» persona muy atractivagreat-looker .

Example: I'm no great-looker myself so I don't mind living somewhere where people look odd.

» persona muy bien parecidagreat-looker .

Example: I'm no great-looker myself so I don't mind living somewhere where people look odd.

» persona muy caserahomebodyhomeloverhome bird .

Example: I see myself as having the soul of a wide-eyed wanderer when in fact I'm a homebody, destined to see the world simply through the eyes of my friends.

Example: For me, as such a homelover, having a peaceful and warm home is more important than anything else.

Example: I'm a bit of a home bird -- I like to go out and travel of course, but I always love coming home too.

» persona muy complacientepleaser  ; people pleaser [Tiene connotaciones positivas o negativas según el contexto] .

Example: It wasn't until I talked to my Aunt Mary that I fully understood how I'd become a pleaser, and I wasn't really pleased about it.

Example: At the heart of every great people pleaser is the best of intentions of wanting to be liked by the other person.

» persona muy controladoracontrol freak .

Example: So many leaders quietly admit they are control freaks, but being a control freak stunts your organization's growth.

» persona muy dominantecontrol freak .

Example: So many leaders quietly admit they are control freaks, but being a control freak stunts your organization's growth.

» persona muy hogareñahomebodyhomeloverhome bird .

Example: I see myself as having the soul of a wide-eyed wanderer when in fact I'm a homebody, destined to see the world simply through the eyes of my friends.

Example: For me, as such a homelover, having a peaceful and warm home is more important than anything else.

Example: I'm a bit of a home bird -- I like to go out and travel of course, but I always love coming home too.

» persona muy importante [VIP]VIP [very important person] .

Example: Security is essential for very important persons or VIPs like celebrities, politicians and other renowned persons.

» persona muy ocupadabusy beaverbusy bee .

Example: She has certainly be a very busy beaver over the past several weeks.

Example: Brad is a busy bee with no less than five projects on the horizon.

» persona muy ordenadatidier  .

Example: He suggests that one way of weaning tidiers off their habit is to encourage them to leave, for example, their clothes on the floor overnight.

» persona muy servicialpleaser  ; people pleaser [Tiene connotaciones positivas o negativas según el contexto] .

Example: It wasn't until I talked to my Aunt Mary that I fully understood how I'd become a pleaser, and I wasn't really pleased about it.

Example: At the heart of every great people pleaser is the best of intentions of wanting to be liked by the other person.

» persona muy trabajadorahard-working person .

Example: From the story, you can learn that a hard-working person can earn a lot of money.

» persona nacida después del baby boombaby buster .

Example: The author divides staff into 2 groups: 'baby boomers' (born 1946-1961) who grew up assuming full and secure employment but tend now to be technologically challenged; and 'baby busters' (born 1965-1975) who tend to be technological savants and are taking over the leadership from the older generation of librarians.

» persona nacida durante el baby boombaby boomerboomer .

Example: The author divides staff into 2 groups: 'baby boomers' (born 1946-1961) who grew up assuming full and secure employment but tend now to be technologically challenged; and 'baby busters' (born 1965-1975) who tend to be technological savants and are taking over the leadership from the older generation of librarians.

Example: This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.

» persona nacida en el fin del milenioMillennial .

Example: Millennials say they are prepared to reward or punish a company based on its commitment to social causes.

» persona nativanative person .

Example: It involved the right of a native person to follow his religious tradition which involved smoking an hallucinogenic substance.

» persona negativanaysayer .

Example: Those who act promptly, who do it now, are ahead of the competition and attract fewer critics, enemies, and naysayers.

» persona nerviosafidget .

Example: All this said, he is a restless person, but in the active, productive sense rather than a fidget.

» persona no expertanon-scholar .

Example: In the sometimes frenetic push towards international cooperation among research libraries, the library needs of the nonscholar are easily overlooked.

» persona no gratapersona non grata .

Example: The persona non grata must be given fair and equitable time to finish their business before warning them.

» persona no muy lista pero trabajadoraplodder  .

Example: Your friends see you as painsta

Persona synonyms

soul in spanish: alma, pronunciation: soʊl part of speech: noun individual in spanish: individual, pronunciation: ɪndəvɪdʒəwəl part of speech: adjective, noun human in spanish: humano, pronunciation: hjumən part of speech: adjective, noun mortal in spanish: mortal, pronunciation: mɔrtəl part of speech: adjective someone in spanish: alguien, pronunciation: sʌmwən part of speech: noun somebody in spanish: alguien, pronunciation: sʌmbɑdi part of speech: noun
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