Persistencia in english


pronunciation: pɜrsɪstəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

persistencia = persistence. 

Example: The persistence of a dismal image is a most worrying phenomenon and one which must change if progress is to be made by SLIS.

Persistencia synonyms

perseverance in spanish: perseverancia, pronunciation: pɜrsəvɪrəns part of speech: noun tenacity in spanish: tenacidad, pronunciation: tənæsɪti part of speech: noun continuity in spanish: continuidad, pronunciation: kɑntənuəti part of speech: noun perseveration in spanish: perseveracion, pronunciation: pɜrsɪvɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun perseverence in spanish: perseverancia, pronunciation: pɜrsevrəns part of speech: noun doggedness in spanish: tenacidad, pronunciation: dɔgɪdnəs part of speech: noun persistency in spanish: persistencia, pronunciation: pɜrzɪstənsi part of speech: noun pertinacity in spanish: pertinacia, pronunciation: pɜrtənæsəti part of speech: noun tenaciousness in spanish: tenacidad, pronunciation: tenəʃusnəs part of speech: noun
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