Persecución in english


pronunciation: pɜrsəkjuʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

persecución = chase ; hunt ; harassment ; hunting ; persecution ; stalking ; pursual ; pursuance. 

Example: Enthusiasm in a searcher, of course, all are agreed on: 'he must delight in the chase for its own sake'.Example: If a search, manual or on-line, appears likely to last more than a few minutes, and should the librarian decide not to encourage the enquirer to join in the hunt, good practice requires that the visitor be given something to be going on with and invited to sit down.Example: Incidents of harassment in libraries today between library employees and patrons or between one patron and another are on the increase.Example: It was not until the 16th century that falconry and stag hunting gained the significance that it retained until 1789.Example: This paper discusses the problem of censorship and persecution of publishers by authoritarian regimes.Example: States began passing anti-stalking legislation in 1990 after a rash of stalking related murders and publicity surrounding the stalking of celebrities = States began passing anti-stalking legislation in 1990 after a rash of stalking related murders and publicity surrounding the stalking of celebrities.Example: True education means more than the pursual of a certain course of study.Example: Rather, it is shown that in the long-run the pursuance of better quality of social life turns out to be the most important factor.


» persecución de cochescar chase .

Example: In a 2007 ruling, the Supreme Court was persuaded primarily as a result of viewing a video record of a car chase.

» persecución en coche a alta velocidadhigh-speed chase .

Example: High-speed chases are dangerous not only for police and suspects, but also for innocent bystanders.

» persecución étnicaethnic persecution .

Example: While many Afghans are returning home, others are attempting to leave, due mostly to ethnic persecution.

» persecución penalcriminal prosecution .

Example: Civil lawsuits are different from criminal proceedings in that civil proceedings are used when someone has been damaged by another's actions or a product and seeks money, rather than criminal prosecution.

» persecución racialracial persecution .

Example: He promoted a program of racial persecution and racism involving the wiping out of the Jews.

» persecución religiosareligious persecution .

Example: Under the circumstances, it is not surprising that over the past few years the phenomenon of religious persecution has drawn increased attention.
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