Perruna in english


pronunciation: dɔg part of speech: noun
In gestures



» tener una tos perrunahave + a bark of a cough .

Example: She's really phlegmy and has a runny nose and a bark of a cough -- it doesn't sound chesty or whoopy or wheezy, it just seems to be in her throat with lots of mucous.

» tos perrunabarking cough .

Example: If your child has ever had croup, then you likely know that barking cough well -- it has probably jolted you out of bed in the middle of the night.

Perruna synonyms

track in spanish: pista, pronunciation: træk part of speech: noun trail in spanish: sendero, pronunciation: treɪl part of speech: noun chase in spanish: persecución, pronunciation: tʃeɪs part of speech: noun, verb tag in spanish: etiqueta, pronunciation: tæg part of speech: noun heel in spanish: tacón, pronunciation: hil part of speech: noun tail in spanish: cola, pronunciation: teɪl part of speech: noun hound in spanish: sabueso, pronunciation: haʊnd part of speech: noun cad in spanish: canalla, pronunciation: kæd part of speech: noun click in spanish: hacer clic, pronunciation: klɪk part of speech: verb, noun pawl in spanish: trinquete, pronunciation: pɔl part of speech: noun detent in spanish: fijador, pronunciation: dɪtent part of speech: noun andiron in spanish: morillo, pronunciation: ændaɪɜrn part of speech: noun bounder in spanish: sinvergüenza, pronunciation: baʊndɜr part of speech: noun blackguard in spanish: canalla, pronunciation: blækgɑrd part of speech: noun frump in spanish: mujer desaliñada, pronunciation: frʌmp part of speech: noun firedog in spanish: perro bombero, pronunciation: faɪɜrdɔg part of speech: noun go after in spanish: ir detrás, pronunciation: goʊæftɜr part of speech: verb canis familiaris in spanish: canis familiaris, pronunciation: kænɪsfəmɪljeɜrɪs part of speech: noun chase after in spanish: perseguir, pronunciation: tʃeɪsæftɜr part of speech: verb domestic dog in spanish: Perro domestico, pronunciation: dəmestɪkdɔg part of speech: noun dogiron in spanish: Dogiron, pronunciation: doʊgɜrən
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