Perra in english

Female dog

pronunciation: fimeɪldɔg part of speech: none
In gestures

perra1 = bitch. 

Example: It is advisable to spay sheepdog bitches since being in heat will bring on all kinds of hormonal changes and they will fight for reasons unknown to us.


» hijo de perrason of a bitchson of a gun .

Example: I'd love to see that son of a bitch roasted on a spit, but only God knows why, she's sticking by his side.

Example: Soon bad things will happen to Nabal and his family because he's such a son of a gun that nobody can talk sense to him.



» comprar por cuatro perrasbuy + Nombre + for a song .

Example: Most of them had been foreclosed, and she bought them for a song, often just for the unpaid taxes.

» conseguir por cuatro perrasget + Nombre + for a song .

Example: The two books were old and ratty, and he had got them for a song -- twenty bucks.

» por cuatro perrasfor a pittance .

Example: They trucks had sat gathering dust ever since, but have now been flogged off for a pittance to a second-hand dealer = Desde entonces los camiones han estado allí muertos de risa, pero ahora se han podido deshacer de ellos vendiéndoselos por cuatro perras a un compraventa de artículos de segunda mano.

» vender por cuatro perrassell + Nombre + for a songsell + Nombre + for a pittance .

Example: I sold them for a song compared to what they go for now.

Example: Destitute, Vivaldi was forced to sell further scores for a pittance before dying in a fleapit, aged 63, at the end of July 1741.

» venderse por cuatro perrasgo for + a song .

Example: They went for a song last fall but now seem to be as scarce as hen's teeth.

perro = dog. 

Example: The phenomena studied by disciplines may be either concrete entities, such as adolescent, motor car, dog or diamond or abstract ideas such as love, beauty or hate.


» acabar como el perro y el gatoend up at + each other's throats .

Example: One of the best ways to ensure that you and your partner don't end up at each other's throats is by giving each other plenty of leeway to be who you want to be.

» a cara (de) perrogrim-faceddog-eat-dog .

Example: In the English language, people are described as grim, while in Journalese they are referred to as being 'grim-faced'.

Example: Wild animals constantly at odds with each other in a survival of the fittest may be the norm, but it's not always a dog-eat-dog world.

» adiestrador de perrosdog handlerdog trainer .

Example: In many cases, dog handlers/trainers will also have to teach the dog's owner how to behave around the dog to ensure any training remains effective.

Example: In many cases, dog handlers/trainers will also have to teach the dog's owner how to behave around the dog to ensure any training remains effective.

» al perro flaco, todo se le vuelven pulgasit never rains but it pours [Usado más frecuentemente en inglés británico]when it rains, it pours [Usado más frecuentemente en inglés americano] .

Example: I don't think I'll ever stop using the phrase 'it never rains but it pours', but right now, life is looking up.

Example: It's one of those 'When it rains, it pours' kind of weeks -- Our doggy had knee surgery last week and she needs a lot of attention and, as a result, we haven't been sleeping well.

» andar como el perro y el gatobe at each other's throatsbe at one another's throatsbe at daggers drawn (with) .

Example: What keeps you riveted to the action of his plays or movies is the certain knowledge that sooner or later these characters will be at each other's throats.

Example: But as tension mounts, the president and prime minister are at one another's throats.

Example: Throughout Mr Blair's time in office Mr Mandelson and Mr Brown were at daggers drawn.

» a perro flaco, todo son pulgasit never rains but it pours [Usado más frecuentemente en inglés británico]when it rains, it pours [Usado más frecuentemente en inglés americano] .

Example: I don't think I'll ever stop using the phrase 'it never rains but it pours', but right now, life is looking up.

Example: It's one of those 'When it rains, it pours' kind of weeks -- Our doggy had knee surgery last week and she needs a lot of attention and, as a result, we haven't been sleeping well.

» ataque de un perrodog attack .

Example: The police said people should not try to intervene during a tense situation such as a dog attack because you could get hurt.

» cada perro que se lama su pijo/capulloevery man for himselfeach man for himself .

Example: If more and more of us begin to see life purely as 'every man for himself,' what other unintended consequences may come with such a shift.

Example: Once the community works together and stops seeing each other as the enemy, or each man for himself, then things will change.

» cara de perrosurly [surlier -comp., surliest -sup.]  ; unfriendlygrim face .

Example: He perceived that his life threatened to be an interminable succession of these mortifying interviews unless he could discover a way or ways to deal with her surly and terrorizing ferocity.

Example: These messages were examined for 'friendly' features, such as politeness, specificity, constructiveness and helpfulness, and for 'unfriendly' features, like the use of cryptic codes or vocabulary, or language which users might find threatening, domineering, or emotive.

Example: I don't know about your garbage men but mine are rather huge guys with grim faces.

» caseta para el perrokenneldoghouse .

Example: Animals must have enough room to stand up and turn around, and each species must have its own kennel = Los animales deben tener suficiente espacio para oonerse de pie y darse la vuelta y cada especie debe tener su propia caseta.

Example: Some people prime and paint their doghouses to match their homes.

» collar de perrodog collar .

Example: No sooner said than done -- he slipped a dog collar around Pinocchio's neck and tightened it so that it would not come off.

» comida para perrosdog food .

Example: Dried dog food was used in 40% and dog sausage in 73%.

» como el perro del hortelano que ni come ni deja comera dog in the manger .

Example: What is meant by the phrase 'a dog in the manger'?.

» con cara de perroreluctantlyunwillinglybegrudginglygrudginggrudgingly .

Example: One is tempted to say that the enthusiasts for postcoordinate systems, being forced to admit reluctantly that control was necessary, couldn't bear to use the old-fashioned term 'list of subject headings'.

Example: Intellectuals have been unwillingly transformed into cultural commentators and cultural studies has replaced philosophy.

Example: Even if librarians can admit begrudgingly that comic books may deserve a rightful place in many libraries, innumerable fears come to mind = Aunque los bibliotecarios pueden admitir de mala gana que los comics pueden merecerse el lugar que les corresponde en muchas bibliotecas, las dudas que les asaltan son innumerables.

Example: There is little to be said for this grudging acceptance or utter rejection of pseudonyms.

Example: Another point which we hope these introductory remarks make clear is that AACR2, even more than the 1967 version, is the result of give and take, of compromise, of negotiation, of concessions made graciously or grudgingly.

» con un humor de perroslike a bear with a sore headfoul-temperedevil-temperedas mad as a wet hen .

Example: That number of pages to sift through is enough to make anybody feel like a bear with a sore head.

Example: He was foul-mouthed and foul-tempered, a vicious player whose most common word was 'cocksucker,' usually directed at the referees.

Example: Plato expresses this in his parable of the man in a chariot driving two horses; one is good-tempered, the other evil-tempered, and the charioteer has all the trouble in the world to manage it.

Example: He was mad as a wet hen throughout the procedure, but once he got over it, he was almost immediately back to his old self.

» correa para perrosdog leash .

Example: This large, sturdy dog leash is just the right length to take your favorite pet out for a walk or run.

» criadero de perrosbreeding kennel .

Example: This strain of virus causes neonatal deaths as well as infertility due to embryonal death, abortion and stillbirths in breeding kennels.

» criador de perrosdog breeder .

Example: So be wary of adverts in the local paper where a dog breeder is selling several different breeds of dog.

» del tamaño de un perrodog-sized .

Example: Recently, National Geographic had an article on a dog-sized, sabre-toothed animal discovered in Brazil.

» de un humor de perrosfoul-temperedevil-tempered .

Example: He was foul-mouthed and foul-tempered, a vicious player whose most common word was 'cocksucker,' usually directed at the referees.

Example: Plato expresses this in his parable of the man in a chariot driving two horses; one is good-tempered, the other evil-tempered, and the charioteer has all the trouble in the world to manage it.

» día de perrosbad hair day .

Example: The article 'Bad hair days in the Palaeolithic' argues that the familiar depiction of cavemen with longish, unkempt hair is not congruent with available archaeological data.

» día perrolazy day .

Example: I had such a lazy day yesterday. I stayed in my pajamas until 3:30 in the afternoon!.

» echarle los perros acome down on + Nombre + like a ton of bricks .

Example: Sometimes the police tolerated them for a bit but sometimes they came down on them like a ton of bricks as soon as they twigged what they were up to.

» echar los perrosthrow + Nombre + under the bus .

Example: She feels he has 'thrown her under the bus' by speaking out against her.

» el perro es el mejor amigo del hombrea dog is man's best friend .

Example: If a dog is man's best friend, and diamonds are a girl's best friend, which is the dumber sex?.

» entrenador de perrosdog handlerdog trainer .

Example: In many cases, dog handlers/trainers will also have to teach the dog's owner how to behave around the dog to ensure any training remains effective.

Example: In many cases, dog handlers/trainers will also have to teach the dog's owner how to behave around the dog to ensure any training remains effective.

» espectáculo en el que perros acosan a un osobear-baiting .

Example: By modern morality, the sport of bear-baiting is a repugnant form of blood sport: a bear would be chained to a post in the ring, still able to move, but not escape, and dogs would be set on the animal.

» estar como el perro y el gatobe at each other's throatsbe at one another's throatsbe at daggers drawn (with) .

Example: What keeps you riveted to the action of his plays or movies is the certain knowledge that sooner or later these characters will be at each other's throats.

Example: But as tension mounts, the president and prime minister are at one another's throats.

Example: Throughout Mr Blair's time in office Mr Mandelson and Mr Brown were at daggers drawn.

» humor de perrosvicious temperfiery temperfoul temperevil temperfoul mood .

Example: She has a vicious temper and is always screaming her head off about something.

Example: Be it his fiery temper, flamboyant clothes or his flashes of kindness and razor-sharp wit, when people talk of him, they tend to go from one extreme to the other.

Example: He is noted for his foul temper, his emotional monologues that end with flatulence, his vulgar manners, and his unusual diet.

Example: The three boys often watched him at a safe distance, and regretted that his evil temper made it impossible to be friendly with him.

Example: Drunk woman stabbed her partner when in foul mood.

» llevarse como el perro y el gatobe at each other's throatsbe at one another's throats .

Example: What keeps you riveted to the action of his plays or movies is the certain knowledge that sooner or later these characters will be at each other's throats.

Example: But as tension mounts, the president and prime minister are at one another's throats.

» llevar una vida de perroslead + a dog's life .

Example: Leading 'a dog's life' has taken on an entirely new meaning for some of today's lucky canines who live in the lap of luxury.

» más hambre que el perro de un ciegoas hungry as a wolfas hungry as a bearas hungry as a hunter .

Example: In the meantime Nana, who averred that she was as hungry as a wolf, threw herself on the radishes and gobbled them up without bread.

Example: All danger of freezing was past, but he was as hungry as a bear and tired to death.

Example: Not long after Joshua returned, bright and cheery, and as hungry as a hunter after his long drive.

» nadar como los perrosdoggy paddledo + the dog paddledog paddledog paddledoggy paddledo + the doggy paddle .

Example: The doggy paddle was the 1st swimming stroke used by humans, learned by observing four legged animals swimming.

Example: I have been trying to do the dog paddle for a week now and I am absolutely unable to get my head out of the water to breathe.

Example: After a few of those and a couple more dog paddles, he gave up and put his face down so he could swim properly.

Example: In this game the participants have to dog paddle across a distance of the pool and be the first to cross the finish line.

Example: For very small children, it may be advisable to start doggy paddling in a life vest first.

Example: Just about everybody opts for the classic freestyle, but you won't get kicked out of an Olympic triathlon for doing the doggy paddle.

» no buscarle las pulgas al perrolet + sleeping dogs lie .

Example: She feels torn between her love of the truth and the desire to let sleeping dogs lie.

» oler a perros muertossmell + revoltingsmell + disgusting .

Example: As far as mushrooms go, there are all sorts -- some smell revolting, some are deadly poisonous but some are also quite pretty.

Example: She smells disgusting; the reek of feces is almost too much to bear.

» pelea de perrosdogfight [dog fight]dogfighting [dog-fighting] .

Example: The author examines dogfights where the act of each dog provokes a response from the other dog in what is viewed as a 'conversation of gestures' similar to that found in boxing & fencing.

Example: If you suspect that dogfighting is happening in your neighborhood, contact local law enforcement authorities.

» perro callejerogarbage dogmuttmongrelstreet dogstray dog .

Example: To make the reading more fun for the children we'll include a squib about the garbage dog from 'The Eighteenth Emergency' by Betsy Byars to put alongside a passage about mongrels from the 'World Book Encyclopedia'.

Example: She was the type of kid who was always coming home with a new pet and we're not talking about your standard kitten in a shoebox or errant neighborhood mutt.

Example: To make the reading more fun for the children we'll include a squib about the garbage dog from 'The Eighteenth Emergency' by Betsy Byars to put alongside a passage about mongrels from the 'World Book Encyclopedia'.

Example: They tend to wash their hands at the kitchen sink, have street dogs and cats in their community, and had poor sewage disposal.

Example: It is easy to see its two scrawny protagonists who ride around town on their bikes killing stray cats and dogs as victims of poverty and broken homes.

» perro cockercocker spanielcocker .

Example: We could never have dreamt that she would produce what for me is the most beautiful parti-coloured cocker spaniels I have ever had the pleasure to own.

Example: I own two cockers and have definitely fallen in love with the breed.

» perro come perrodog-eat-dog .

Example: Wild animals constantly at odds with each other in a survival of the fittest may be the norm, but it's not always a dog-eat-dog world.

» perro de búsqueda y rescatesearch and rescue dog .

Example: All throughout the night, our soldiers worked with their specially-trained search and rescue dogs to locate casualties trapped in the rubble.

» perro de castapedigreed dog .

Example: Pedigreed dogs are not always better than normally bred dogs, and can have serious health disorders as the result of inbreeding.

» perro de cazahoundbloodhoundgun doggun dogpointer dog .

Example: This article surveys hunting themes incorporated into coats of arms, including prey animals, such as stags, wolves, bears, and foxes; hounds and falcons; and hunting equipment such as horns, bows and arrows, and spears.

Example: He provides a wealth of information about Texas life on everything from making fiddles, to running bloodhounds, to finding moonshine stills.

Example: Spaniels are a type of gun dog, generaly small and having long coats and drop ears.

Example: Spaniels are a type of gun dog, generaly small and having long coats and drop ears.

Example: They broke the kitchen window, and forced open the shutter, but were prevented entering the house by a pointer dog.

» perro de guerradog of war [Referido a los soldados con un instinto bélico muy desarrollado]war dog [Perro especialmente adiestrado para ayudar en tareas militares] .

Example: Israel's dogs of war have been baying for blood for some time now.

Example: Like their human comrades, some war dogs can handle combat, and some can't.

» perro de presabulldog .

Example: Bulldogs are recognized as excellent family pets because of their tendency to form strong bonds with children.

» perro de rastreorescue dogsniffer dogsearch dog .

Example: The services is made up of three avalanche rescue dogs, five policemen, and two detonation experts.

Example: Sniffer dogs can normally be trained only to detect one illicit item, normally either explosive, substances or drugs.

Example: The next morning she was found safe and sound by Leni, the search dog, and his handlers.

» perro de razapedigreed dog .

Example: Pedigreed dogs are not always better than normally bred dogs, and can have serious health disorders as the result of inbreeding.

» perro de raza purapedigreed dog .

Example: Pedigreed dogs are not always better than normally bred dogs, and can have serious health disorders as the result of inbreeding.

» perro de rescaterescue dogsearch dog .

Example: The services is made up of three avalanche rescue dogs, five policemen, and two detonation experts.

Example: The next morning she was found safe and sound by Leni, the search dog, and his handlers.

» perro detectordetector dog .

Example: They have developed a pioneering technique for the detection of the red palm weevil by detector dogs.

» perro de trineosled dog .

Example: Exercise-induced gastritis and gastric ulcers are common in humans and horses, and recently have been described in racing sled dogs.

» perro esquimalhusky .

Example: She went to the husky and he leaped up against her, so that her arms were about him, with his wolfish muzzle reaching for her face.

» perro falderopuglap dog .

Example: If you love pugs too then join my group where you can discuss the joys and pitfalls of owning a pug.

Example: Due to economic depression, lap dog thievery is now on the increase. perroflautabusker  ; street musicianstreet performerbusker  ; street musicianstreet performer .

Example: The underground is the best place to find buskers.

Example: I made a deal to be a full time street musician for a semesters worth of credit if I would write a paper about my experiences.

Example: Going out into the world busking as a street performer can be a very rewarding experience.

Example: The underground is the best place to find buskers.

Example: I made a deal to be a full time street musician for a semesters worth of credit if I would write a paper about my experiences.

Example: Going out into the world busking as a street performer can be a very rewarding experience.

» perro guardiánguard dog .

Example: A guard dog perspective is offered as a way to better understand the functioning of the mass media as an important set of communication agencies in the social system.

» perro guíaguide dog .

Example: Equally, the same words with different syntax will have totally different meanings: a 'guide dog for the blind' is not the same as a 'blind guide dog'.

» perro labradorLabrador retriever .

Example: The final necropsy diagnoses were compared among 1,206 golden retrievers, boxers, German shepherd dogs, Labrador retrievers, and rottweilers.

» perro ladrador, poco mordedorPosesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bitebarking dogs seldom bite .

Example: Without treatment, social anxiety is a torturous and horrible emotional problem; with treatment, its bark is worse than its bite.

Example: At the risk of sounding pedantic, I think there is some logic in 'barking dogs seldom bite' given that physically a dog cannot both bark and bite at the same time.

» perro lazarilloguide dog .

Example: Equally, the same words with different syntax will have totally different meanings: a 'guide dog for the blind' is not the same as a 'blind guide dog'.

» perro lebrelwhippet .

Example: As soon as my whippet goes into the living room he just jumps all over the furniture and if I go upstairs first thing he will do is lie on the sofa.

» perro lebreroharrier [Perro utilizado para cazar liebres] .

Example: Harrier is one of a small breed of hounds, used for hunting rabbits.

» perro lobowolfdog .

Example: Before the introduction of guns they used to hunt these wild goats with spears, chasing them with their wolfdogs, and thus bringing them to bay among the rocks, where they were easily approached and killed.

» perro mapacheraccoon dog .

Example: This paper discusses the reproduction behavior of mink, nutria, raccoon dogs, marmots, chinchillas, sables and martens.

» perro mestizomongrel .

Example: To make the reading more fun for the children we'll include a squib about the garbage dog from 'The Eighteenth Emergency' by Betsy Byars to put alongside a passage about mongrels from the 'World Book Encyclopedia'.

» perro no come perrodog does not eat dogthere is honour among thieves .

Example: Low-level hostilities between these two newspapers have been a fact of media life for decades but not the two publishers seem to have forgotten the old maxim 'Dog does not eat dog'.

Example: That there is 'honour among thieves' is well known, and there are many cultures in which one does not cheat those who are part of the family or tribe, be may cheat or steal from outsiders.

» perro ovejerosheepdog .

Example: It is advisable to spay sheepdog bitches since being in heat will bring on all kinds of hormonal changes and they will fight for reasons unknown to us.

» perro pachón ingléscocker spanielcocker .

Example: We could never have dreamt that she would produce what for me is the most beautiful parti-coloured cocker spaniels I have ever had the pleasure to own.

Example: I own two cockers and have definitely fallen in love with the breed.

» perro pastorsheepdog .

Example: It is advisable to spay sheepdog bitches since being in heat will bring on all kinds of hormonal changes and they will fight for reasons unknown to us.

» perro peligrosovicious dog .

Example: The owner of a vicious dog shall post a warning sign in a prominent place in front of the owner's premises to inform the public.

» perro perdiguerogolden retriever [En biblioteconomía, forma familiar de referirse las herramientas de recuperación de información como catálogos y sistemas de clasificación]gun dogpointer dog .

Example: The article is entitled 'Cataloguing and classification at Bath University Library: on the track of white elephants and golden retrievers'.

Example: Spaniels are a type of gun dog, generaly small and having long coats and drop ears.

Example: They broke the kitchen window, and forced open the shutter, but were prevented entering the house by a pointer dog.

» perro policíapolice dog .

Example: Today, police forces in most major cities use police dogs to track criminals, sniff out illegal materials, search buildings, etc..

» perro rabiosorabid dog .

Example: For every 300 reported dog bites, one was from a rabid dog.

» perro raposerofoxhound .

Example: They later followed the cavalcade of foxhounds which set out from the centre of the village.

» perro rastreadortracker dogbloodhoundsleuthhoundsniffer dog .

Example: Unlike their human counterparts, the length of duty for a tracker dog was around three years.

Example: He provides a wealth of information about Texas life on everything from making fiddles, to running bloodhounds, to finding moonshine stills.

Example: He was a dauntless adventurer, a sleuthhound, a research scholar of exceptional acuity.

Example: Sniffer dogs can normally be trained only to detect one illicit item, normally either explosive, substances or drugs.

» perro salchichadachshundsausage dogwiener dog .

Example: Dachshunds are predisposed to alopecia.

Example: Due to their long, narrow build, they are sometimes referred to in the United States and elsewhere as 'wiener dogs' or 'sausage dogs'.

Example: Due to their long, narrow build, they are sometimes referred to in the United States and elsewhere as 'wiener dogs' or 'sausage dogs'.

» perro salvajewild dogferal dog .

Example: As a small child a big mangy wild dog attacked her.

Example: This city park has been designed as an ecological preserve for local flora and fauna but has recently become home to about 150 feral dogs.

» perro salvavidassearch and rescue dog .

Example: All throughout the night, our soldiers worked with their specially-trained search and rescue dogs to locate casualties trapped in the rubble.

» perro zorrerofoxhound .

Example: They later followed the cavalcade of foxhounds which set out from the centre of the village.

» por un perro que maté, mataperros me llamarongive a dog a bad name (and hang it) .

Example: If ever there was a case of give a dog a bad name and hang it, this is it.

» que cada perro se lama su pijo/capulloevery man for himselfeach man for himself .

Example: If more and more of us begin to see life purely as 'every man for himself,' what other unintended consequences may come with such a shift.

Example: Once the community works together and stops seeing each other as the enemy, or each man for himself, then things will change.

» raza de perrodog breed .

Example: Explore the weird and wacky side of the canine world with this hilarious photo gallery of strange-looking dog breeds.

» sacar al perro a pasearwalk + the dogtake + the dog for a walkdog walking .

Example: We don't have a dog, but walking the dog would be one of the things I would gladly let a robot do.

Example: Dog walking is usually done in the morning and if that is the time you are free you can earn money under the table, simply take a dog for a walk and get paid in cash.

Example: Dog walking is usually done in the morning and if that is the time you are free you can earn money under the table, simply take a dog for a walk and get paid in cash.

» sacar al perro de paseowalk + the dogtake + the dog for a walkdog walking .

Example: We don't have a dog, but walking the dog would be one of the things I would gladly let a robot do.

Example: Dog walking is usually done in the morning and if that is the time you are free you can earn money under the table, simply take a dog for a walk and get paid in cash.

Example: Dog walking is usually done in the morning and if that is the time you are free you can earn money under the table, simply take a dog for a walk and get paid in cash.

» salchicha para perrosdog sausage .

Example: Dried dog food was used in 40% and dog sausage in 73%.

» salmón perrochumchum salmondog salmon .

Example: Also called dog salmon, chum is one of the more commercially important salmon species found in the Pacific Ocean.

Example: Like other members of Washington State's salmonid family, chum salmon populations have been in decline.

Example: Also called dog salmon, chum is one of the more commercially important salmon species found in the Pacific Ocean.

» seguir como + Posesivo + perro falderofollow + Nombre + like + Posesivo + shadow .

Example: Melancholy followed him like his shadow in his journey; and on his return to Rome his malady increased.

» soltar los perrosthrow + Nombre + under the bus .

Example: She feels he has 'thrown her under the bus' by speaking out against her.

» temperamento de perrosvicious temper .

Example: She has a vicious temper and is always screaming her head off about something.

» tener un humor de perrosbe in a foul moodbe in an awful moodbe in a shitty moodbe in a filthy mood .

Example: Lucy was in a foul mood for much of the show's filming, partially because she had elected to stop smoking for health reasons when the show began.

Example: When I finally got to Boston (having missed the wedding and most of the reception) I was in an awful mood.

Example: I hate when I'm in a shitty mood for no reason.

Example: Our cat has been in a filthy mood after we left her at my in-laws for a week.

» tiempo de perrosfoul weatherabominable weather .

Example: Always drive with your headlights on in foul weather no matter the time of day.

Example: On the third day it took five hours in abominable weather to descend the seven rappels of the east face.

» traílla para perrosdog leashdog lead .

Example: This large, sturdy dog leash is just the right length to take your favorite pet out for a walk or run.

Example: Our own dogs are big and strong and so we have designed and made a range of sturdy dog leads that we can trust.

» tratar a Alguien como (si fuese) un perrotreat + Nombre + like dirttreat + Nombre + like shit .

Example: The system had treated my grandfather like dirt and kept him tugging his forelock at those whose only virtue was to have been born to wealthier familes.

Example: Don't treat her like shit just because you know you've got her head over heels.

» un día de perrosa bad hair daya shitty day .

Example: Wee all experience days when everything seems to go wrong and when I do I try not to think about work or everything else that's happening, and I try not to think about that I'm actually having a bad hair day.

Example: We all have days that don't turn out quite right, but there are lots of ways to turn even the worst of shitty days around.

» vida de perrosa dog's life .

Example: The programme 'Woof! It's a Dog's Life' tackles the trials and tribulations of being a dog owner.
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