Perplejo in english


pronunciation: pɜrplekst part of speech: adjective
In gestures

perplejo = nonplussed [nonplused] ; gobsmacked ; at sea ; befuddled ; fuddled. 

Example: He was nonplussed when the crowd he expected protesting his policy of arresting illegal immigrants turned out to be seven.Example: Recent statistics about the volume of junk e-mail are so astounding as to leave any reasonable person gobsmacked.Example: This site seems to be giving tons of options and am completely at sea as to how to go about choosing the best one.Example: Steven realized he was standing befuddled in the street, buffeted by the wind.Example: Exhaustion didn't come close to what she felt and even the bracing air current did nothing to clear her fuddled brain.


» dejar perplejopuzzleperplexstumpbewildernonplusboggle + Posesivo + mindflummoxblow + Nombre + out of the waterblow + Nombre + awayblow + Nombre + to bitstake + Nombre + abackfox .

Example: During this decade, a number of the perennial information issues for which technological solutions are needed will persit and continue to puzzle librarians.

Example: If when you are working you come across a problem which perplexes you, you should write to someone in the field who may be able to help you.

Example: I'm stumped -- again, any help would be appreciated -- and thank you for your responses so far!.

Example: Often the publisher would deliberately edited the copy of a book, substituting English spelling for American and vice versa, and changing the text if he thought it would bewilder or offend his customers.

Example: The spectacle in front of Bertie was enough to nonplus anyone -- Gussie in scarlet tights and a pretty frightful false beard.

Example: If something this simple boggled your mind you have the I.Q. of a cucumber.

Example: While a lot of humans are quick to say they love dogs, there are just as many who feel totally flummoxed by their dog's behavior.

Example: Bonnie blew me out of the water -- only a few people knew about something that happened to me and she hit the nail right on the head.

Example: This news completely took me by surprise and blew me away.

Example: But I did consider him a friend and recieving such a cold look from him blew me to bits.

Example: He was silent for a minute, then he surprised her with a remark that took her aback.

Example: Ocean energy has foxed the best minds in engineering, but one investor thinks he can crack it.

» quedarse perplejoflummox .

Example: While a lot of humans are quick to say they love dogs, there are just as many who feel totally flummoxed by their dog's behavior.

» tener perplejostumpfox .

Example: I'm stumped -- again, any help would be appreciated -- and thank you for your responses so far!.

Example: Ocean energy has foxed the best minds in engineering, but one investor thinks he can crack it.

Perplejo synonyms

lost in spanish: perdió, pronunciation: lɔst part of speech: noun, adjective stuck in spanish: atascado, pronunciation: stʌk part of speech: adjective nonplussed in spanish: desconcertado, pronunciation: nɑnplʌst part of speech: adjective bemused in spanish: perplejo, pronunciation: bɪmjuzd part of speech: adjective bewildered in spanish: desconcertado, pronunciation: bɪwɪldɜrd part of speech: adjective confused in spanish: confuso, pronunciation: kənfjuzd part of speech: adjective baffled in spanish: desconcertado, pronunciation: bæfəld part of speech: adjective confounded in spanish: aturdido, pronunciation: kənfaʊndɪd part of speech: adjective befuddled in spanish: perplejo, pronunciation: bɪfʌdəld part of speech: adjective quizzical in spanish: burlón, pronunciation: kwɪzəkəl part of speech: adjective puzzled in spanish: perplejo, pronunciation: pʌzəld part of speech: adjective questioning in spanish: interrogatorio, pronunciation: kwestʃənɪŋ part of speech: noun mazed in spanish: laberinto, pronunciation: meɪzd part of speech: adjective mystified in spanish: desconcertado, pronunciation: mɪstəfaɪd part of speech: adjective mixed-up in spanish: mezclado, pronunciation: mɪksədʌp part of speech: adjective nonplused in spanish: sin excusas, pronunciation: nɑnpluzd part of speech: adjective at sea in spanish: en el mar, pronunciation: ætsi part of speech: adjective metagrabolized in spanish: metagrabolizado, pronunciation: metəgræbəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective metagrobolized in spanish: metagrobolizado, pronunciation: metəgroʊbəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective
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