Perpendicularmente in english


pronunciation: pɜrpendɪkulɜrli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

perpendicularmente = in a perpendicular direction ; perpendicularly. 

Example: Most such shelving moves in a perpendicular direction on rails mounted on the floor.Example: When the wind blows perpendicularly to the valley, wind speed tends to be lower but more variable than when it blows parallel to the valley.


» cortar perpendicularmente a la veta de crecimientocut + across the grain .

Example: Fine-grained hardwoods were preferred, nearly always cut across the grain, although the largest size types were sometimes cut on the plank.

Perpendicularmente synonyms

sheer in spanish: escarpado, pronunciation: ʃɪr part of speech: adjective
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