Permuta in english


pronunciation: bɑrtɜr part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

permuta = barter. 

Example: International exchange of publications between libraries has long been a successful solution to the problem of barter where no absolute value is calculable.


» permuta de trabajojob exchange .

Example: This article describes the steps taken by the author in planning a job exchange with a librarian in the UK.

» permuta laboraljob exchange .

Example: This article describes the steps taken by the author in planning a job exchange with a librarian in the UK.

permutar = permute. 

Example: Corporate, conference, and multiple-surname entries in the name file, as well as titles in the title file, are permuted automatically by the system.

Permuta synonyms

trade in spanish: comercio, pronunciation: treɪd part of speech: noun swap in spanish: intercambiar, pronunciation: swɑp part of speech: noun, verb bargain in spanish: negociar, pronunciation: bɑrgən part of speech: noun, verb quid pro quo in spanish: quid pro quo, pronunciation: kwɪdproʊkwoʊ part of speech: noun swop in spanish: intercambio, pronunciation: swɑp part of speech: verb, noun
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