Permisible in english


pronunciation: pɜrmɪsəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

permisible = allowable ; permissible. 

Example: The combination of title lines, instruction line, and allowable answers is designed to tell you what step of the procedure you have reached = The combination of title lines, instruction line, and allowable answers is designed to tell you what step of the procedure you have reached.Example: The permissible indexing terms and the relationship to other terms can be gleaned from a perusal of the thesaurus.


» ser permisiblebe permissible .

Example: You are still failing to observe a PME...ST citation order where this is permissible in the construction of a compound class number in UDC.

Permisible synonyms

admissible in spanish: admisible, pronunciation: ədmɪsəbəl part of speech: adjective tolerable in spanish: tolerable, pronunciation: tɑlɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective permitted in spanish: permitido, pronunciation: pɜrmɪtəd part of speech: adjective allowable in spanish: admisible, pronunciation: əlaʊəbəl part of speech: adjective sufferable in spanish: sufrible, pronunciation: sʌfɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective
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