Perjudicial in english


pronunciation: hɑrmfəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

perjudicial = adverse ; bad ; detrimental ; damaging ; harmful ; crippling ; prejudicial ; disruptive ; destructive ; deleterious ; untoward ; baneful. 

Example: An increase in recall tends to have an adverse effect on another measure of performance, precision -- as recall is increased precision is lowered.Example: I'm not saying that it is bad, but it is a real difference of interest between the needs and purposes of research libraries and the public libraries, and I would also throw in the school and almost certainly junior college libraries.Example: But the proposal to enter all serials under their titles, while obviously easier to apply, is equally detrimental to the integrity of the catalog.Example: Potentially as damaging are errors that result from poor editing and proofreading.Example: These multiple-concept terms yield greater precision, but are associated with a rather larger indexing language and a higher likelihood of harmful scatter.Example: Can we avoid racism, sexism and the crippling effects of other forms of prejudicial stereotyping without recourse to censorship?.Example: Decentralisation of corporate libraries into smaller units can be prejudicial to the technical and market development in the company.Example: The crisis in South African education -- particularly black education -- has resulted from the disruptive effects of apartheid.Example: The Archives are located in an area that experiences severe air pollution and levels of ozone that are very destructive to paper and parchment.Example: This article attempts to show the influence of man on the beneficial or deleterious use of information.Example: Efforts to destigmatize euthanasia or even encourage it for some groups may have the untoward effect of promoting suicide in other groups.Example: They waited with baneful patience, ready to take hold of him the moment he relaxed his vigilance.


» efecto perjudicialharmful effect .

Example: These differences may have significant beneficial or harmful effects upon the global economy.

» hacer que sea perjudicial pararender + Nombre + detrimental to .

Example: Further, changes in the external world serve to render judgments, valid at the moment, wrong at best, and detrimental to the effectiveness of the catalog at worst.

» perjudicial parainjurious to .

Example: Criteria for censorship are that materials should not be blasphemous, indecent, obscene, injurious to morality or likely to encourage crime.

» perjudicial para el entornoenvironmentally-damaging .

Example: The aviation industry uses environmentally-damaging fossil fuels free of taxation and we can no longer ignore its ecological imprint.

» perjudicial para el medioambienteenvironmentally-damaging .

Example: The aviation industry uses environmentally-damaging fossil fuels free of taxation and we can no longer ignore its ecological imprint.

Perjudicial synonyms

insidious in spanish: insidioso, pronunciation: ɪnsɪdiəs part of speech: adjective subtle in spanish: sutil, pronunciation: sʌtəl part of speech: adjective pernicious in spanish: pernicioso, pronunciation: pɜrnɪʃəs part of speech: adjective bad in spanish: malo, pronunciation: bæd part of speech: adjective evil in spanish: mal, pronunciation: ivəl part of speech: noun, adjective adverse in spanish: adverso, pronunciation: ædvɜrs part of speech: adjective deleterious in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: delətɪriəs part of speech: adjective negative in spanish: negativo, pronunciation: negətɪv part of speech: adjective mischievous in spanish: dañoso, pronunciation: mɪstʃəvəs part of speech: adjective detrimental in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: detrəmentəl part of speech: adjective ill in spanish: enfermo, pronunciation: ɪl part of speech: adjective malign in spanish: maligno, pronunciation: məlaɪn part of speech: adjective, verb noxious in spanish: nocivo, pronunciation: nɑkʃəs part of speech: adjective untoward in spanish: adverso, pronunciation: əntuɔrd part of speech: adjective dangerous in spanish: peligroso, pronunciation: deɪndʒɜrəs part of speech: adjective catastrophic in spanish: catastrófico, pronunciation: kætəstrɑfɪk part of speech: adjective deadly in spanish: mortal, pronunciation: dedli part of speech: adjective traumatic in spanish: traumático, pronunciation: trɔmætɪk part of speech: adjective minus in spanish: menos, pronunciation: maɪnəs part of speech: noun abusive in spanish: abusivo, pronunciation: əbjusɪv part of speech: adjective counterproductive in spanish: contraproducente, pronunciation: kaʊntɜrprədəktɪv part of speech: adjective baneful in spanish: funesto, pronunciation: beɪnfəl part of speech: adjective prejudicial in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: predʒədɪʃəl part of speech: adjective inauspicious in spanish: poco propicio, pronunciation: ɪnaʊspɪʃɪs part of speech: adjective defamatory in spanish: difamatorio, pronunciation: dɪfæmətɔri part of speech: adjective denigrating in spanish: denigrante, pronunciation: denɪgreɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective injurious in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: ɪndʒʊriəs part of speech: adjective ruinous in spanish: ruinoso, pronunciation: ruənəs part of speech: adjective bruising in spanish: moretones, pronunciation: bruzɪŋ part of speech: adjective degrading in spanish: degradante, pronunciation: dɪgreɪdɪŋ part of speech: adjective hurtful in spanish: hiriente, pronunciation: hɜrtfəl part of speech: adjective pestilent in spanish: pestífero, pronunciation: pestələnt part of speech: adjective unsafe in spanish: inseguro, pronunciation: ənseɪf part of speech: adjective stabbing in spanish: puñalada, pronunciation: stæbɪŋ part of speech: adjective nocent in spanish: nocente, pronunciation: noʊsənt part of speech: adjective unfavorable in spanish: desfavorable, pronunciation: ənfeɪvɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective slanderous in spanish: difamatorio, pronunciation: slændɜrəs part of speech: adjective libelous in spanish: difamatorio, pronunciation: laɪbələs part of speech: adjective damaging in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: dæmɪdʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective libellous in spanish: difamatorio, pronunciation: laɪbələs part of speech: adjective calumnious in spanish: calumnioso, pronunciation: kəlʌmniəs part of speech: adjective unfavourable in spanish: desfavorable, pronunciation: ənfəvaʊrəbəl part of speech: adjective vesicant in spanish: vesicante, pronunciation: vezɪkənt part of speech: adjective, noun disadvantageous in spanish: desventajoso, pronunciation: dɪsædvænteɪdʒəs part of speech: adjective wounding in spanish: hiriente, pronunciation: wundɪŋ part of speech: noun denigratory in spanish: denigratorio, pronunciation: dɪnaɪgrətɔri part of speech: adjective corrupting in spanish: corrompiendo, pronunciation: kɜrʌptɪŋ part of speech: adjective vesicatory in spanish: vesicatorio, pronunciation: vezəkətɔri part of speech: noun calumniatory in spanish: de mentiras, pronunciation: kəlʌmniətɔri part of speech: adjective denigrative in spanish: denigrante, pronunciation: dɪnaɪgrətɪv part of speech: adjective prejudicious in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: pridʒudəʃəs part of speech: adjective
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