Perito in english


pronunciation: prɑfɪʃənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

perito = expert witness ; surveyor ; hired gun ; assessor. 

Example: Appearing as an expert witness the librarian proved that, between 1943-55, a librarian following standard library practices of the time could have identified and located literature on the subject of the health effects of exposure to asbestos and the means of controlling dust in the mining and milling of asbestos.Example: Hospital librarians should assist in the development of library inspection guidelines for surveyors.Example: Why not get a 'hired gun' who will do the job in the least time and give us the opinion we're looking for?.Example: This article examines the role of the external assessor in the process of reviewing academic libraries.


» perito agrícolaagriculturist .

Example: While the majority of agriculturists in the fields of agricultural economics and forestry preferred technical reports, agronomists preferred conference proceedings.

» perito de extensión agrariaagricultural extension worker .

Example: The specific task and function of the agricultural extension worker are identified as being more than those of a mere information intermediary.

Perito synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective adept in spanish: adepto, pronunciation: ədept part of speech: adjective, noun expert in spanish: experto, pronunciation: ekspɜrt part of speech: noun, adjective skillful in spanish: hábil, pronunciation: skɪlfəl part of speech: adjective skilful in spanish: hábil, pronunciation: skɪlfəl part of speech: adjective skilled in spanish: experto, pronunciation: skɪld part of speech: adjective practiced in spanish: experto, pronunciation: præktəst part of speech: adjective
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