Periquete in english


pronunciation: dʒɪfi part of speech: noun
In gestures



» en un periquetein a jiff(y)in next to no timein no time at allin no timein a heartbeatin a tricein two shakes (of a lamb's tail)in two shakes (of a duck's tail)in two shakes (of a donkey's tail)in two licksin a snapin the blink of an eyein the twinkling of an eyewith the tip of a hat .

Example: My son had his milk teeth removed and the doctor did it in a jiffy and my son didn't even realise.

Example: What we call the universe, in short, came from almost nowhere in next to no time.

Example: In no time at all, the printing revolution also changed institutions, including the educational system.

Example: Follow each of these tips, and you'll be on the road to success in no time.

Example: Life is too short, and it can be over in a heartbeat.

Example: In a trice we find ourselves left without civilisation -- just a push of a wrong button and everything goes straight to a primitive state.

Example: He said something to them turned around and was gone in two shakes of a lamb's tail.

Example: After shaving the back of my neck, he sloshed a lather on my face and in two shakes of a duck's tail, my chin was as smooth as the bottom of a baby.

Example: This quiche is ready in two shakes of a donkey's tail and literally takes no time at all to put together.

Example: I'm headed out to the barn to pull the buggy around -- I'll be back in two licks to give you a hand.

Example: Firefox installs in a snap, and it's free.

Example: Society has moved from micro to macro scale in almost the blink of an eye.

Example: You can send an email message from Boston to Addis Ababa in a twinkling of an eye, but that message may be expunged in a second twinkling.

Example: These people have absolutely no scruples, commiting genocide with the tip of a hat.

» hacer en un periquetewhip upknock up .

Example: I respect artists, don't get me wrong, but this is something anybody could whip up in 10 minutes.

Example: It's simple food and and to be honest not unlike something you could knock up at home but it's nice for someone else to cook.

» pasar en un periquetebe a blip in time .

Example: No matter how grand or how dismal a situation is -- it's only one small blip in time.

» preparar en un periqueteknock upwhip up .

Example: It's simple food and and to be honest not unlike something you could knock up at home but it's nice for someone else to cook.

Example: I respect artists, don't get me wrong, but this is something anybody could whip up in 10 minutes.

Periquete synonyms

flash in spanish: destello, pronunciation: flæʃ part of speech: noun instant in spanish: instante, pronunciation: ɪnstənt part of speech: noun, adjective wink in spanish: guiño, pronunciation: wɪŋk part of speech: noun, verb trice in spanish: santiamén, pronunciation: traɪs part of speech: noun twinkling in spanish: centelleo, pronunciation: twɪŋkəlɪŋ part of speech: noun split second in spanish: dividir segundo, pronunciation: splɪtsekənd part of speech: noun new york minute in spanish: minuto de New York, pronunciation: nujɔrkmɪnət part of speech: noun blink of an eye in spanish: en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, pronunciation: blɪŋkʌvænaɪ part of speech: noun
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