Periodista in english


pronunciation: dʒɜrnələst part of speech: noun
In gestures

periodista = journalist ; newspaperman [newspapermen, -pl.] ; reporter ; newspaper reporter ; newspaper correspondent ; newsman. 

Example: From time to time librarians do catch a fleeting glimpse of how others see them when some journalist or academic does articulate this widespread phobia.Example: The public library's sole reason for being is to help people get along in the world, to help school children get better grades, to help preachers write better sermons that will keep the congregation awake, to help newspapermen find facts.Example: If the report is to a considerable extent in the words of the reporter then entry will be made under the heading for the reporter.Example: A newspaper reporter has been threatened after writing about drug trafficking.Example: Sir George Hubert Wilkins was leader of the expedition in which a submarine travelled under Arctic pack ice for the 1st time, as well as a scientist, photographer, and newspaper correspondent.Example: He, however, declined the request by newsmen to explain the specific nature of the 'domestic issues' that came up at the meeting.


» antiguo periodistaex-journalist .

Example: 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un experiodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .

» ex-periodistaex-journalist .

Example: 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un experiodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .

» mujer periodistanewswoman .

Example: The society section, for the most part, is handled by newswomen.

» periodista deportivosports journalist .

Example: Some sports journalists stick with one employer, and thus one form of media, while others freelance.

» periodista de televisióntelevision reporterTV reporter .

Example: Television reporters must be able to look danger squarely in the face, be willing to work long hours, forego weekends, holidays, and special occasions, and be ready to be on the road at a moment's notice.

Example: When he is interviewed by a TV reporter about this historical figure, Ruben feels embarrassed that he knows nothing about him.

» periodista reportero de imágenesvideo journalist .

Example: This shaggy-haired 27-year-old Burmese video journalist is considered a public enemy by his country's military junta.

Periodista synonyms

diarist in spanish: diarista, pronunciation: daɪerɪst part of speech: noun diary keeper in spanish: encargado del diario, pronunciation: daɪɜrikipɜr part of speech: noun
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