Periodismo in english


pronunciation: dʒɜrnəlɪzəm part of speech: noun
In gestures

periodismo = journalism ; reporting. 

Example: In an authority list, the terms, whether descriptors or non-descriptors, may be single words (e.g., Hosiery, journalism, Lingerie), or phrases of two or three words (e.g., Electric meters, Electric power plants, Joy and sorrow).Example: No wonder their paper is going down the tube with their trashy reporting.


» ciberperiodismocyberjournalism .

Example: The author provides a comprehensive guide to the emerging field of cyberjournalism and examines the issues it raises.

» periodismo amarillogutter journalism .

Example: I am just an average citizen so have to cop this sort of biased, gutter journalism on the chin.

» periodismo de investigacióninvestigative reportinginvestigative journalism .

Example: The best predictor for whether people approve or disapprove of investigative reporting is their general attitude toward the media's role in society.

Example: The use of investigative journalism aids the development of qualitative democracy.

» periodismo deportivosports journalism .

Example: Sports journalism is one of the fastest growing areas in print and broadcast media.

» periodismo digitaldigital journalism .

Example: A lesson I learned from teaching my first digital journalism class in fall 2012: don't expect to teach everything in one class.

» periodismo multimediamultimedia journalism .

Example: In this course, students are introduced to three tools of multimedia journalism that have also been historically central to the news industry: writing, photography, and design.

» periodismo sensacionalistagutter journalism .

Example: I am just an average citizen so have to cop this sort of biased, gutter journalism on the chin.

Periodismo synonyms

fourth estate in spanish: Cuarto estado, pronunciation: fɔrθɪsteɪt part of speech: noun news media in spanish: Medios de comunicación, pronunciation: nuzmidiə part of speech: noun
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