Periférico in english


pronunciation: pɜrɪfɜrəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

periférico = peripheral ; outlier ; satellite ; peripheral vascular disease. 

Example: A common standard serial interface is the RS232C which takes a 24-pin plug and is commonly used to connect many peripherals including printers and modems.Example: A number of non-public libraries participated in the co-operative scheme and they were known as outlier libraries.Example: Nevertheless a small satellite library and reference service operates in the European Parliament building in the rue Belliard, Brussels = Nevertheless a small satellite library and reference service operates in the European Parliament building in the rue Belliard, Brussels.Example: Moderate intake of alcoholic beverages, including red wine, reduces the risk of peripheral vascular disease.


» enfermedad vascular periféricaperipheral vascular disease .

Example: Moderate intake of alcoholic beverages, including red wine, reduces the risk of peripheral vascular disease.

» pérdida de visión periféricaperipheral vision loss .

Example: Peripheral vision loss, also called 'tunnel vision,' can be caused by glaucoma or other damage to the optic nerve.

» periféricosperipheral equipment .

Example: Peripheral equipment such as barcode wands, desensitizers, and book stamps should be within easy reach of the operator.

» sistema nervioso periféricoperipheral nervous system .

Example: Electromyograms can detect abnormal muscle electrical activity in conditions such as pinched nerves, damage to the peripheral nervous system, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, disc herniation, and others.

» visión periféricaperipheral vision .

Example: Foveal vision is used for scrutinizing highly detailed objects, whereas peripheral vision is used for organizing the broad spatial scene.

periférico2 = peripheral. 

Example: The example below demonstrates how to reject those documents that are likely to be of only peripheral interest.

Periférico synonyms

incident in spanish: incidente, pronunciation: ɪnsədənt part of speech: noun incidental in spanish: incidental, pronunciation: ɪnsɪdentəl part of speech: adjective marginal in spanish: marginal, pronunciation: mɑrdʒənəl part of speech: adjective circumferential in spanish: circunferencial, pronunciation: sɜrkəmfɜrenʃəl part of speech: adjective computer peripheral in spanish: periférico de computadora, pronunciation: kəmpjutɜrpɜrɪfɜrəl part of speech: noun fringy in spanish: con flecos, pronunciation: frɪŋi part of speech: adjective off-base in spanish: Fuera de la base, pronunciation: ɔfbeɪs part of speech: adjective peripheral device in spanish: dispositivo periférico, pronunciation: pɜrɪfɜrəldɪvaɪs part of speech: noun
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