Perforar in english

Punch out

pronunciation: pʌntʃaʊt part of speech: verb
In gestures

perforar = notch (out) ; score ; pierce ; bore ; perforate ; punch ; drill ; puncture. 

Example: When a needle is inserted through the '8' position all cards in the pack with the hole '8' notched out will drop from the needle.Example: Examples of homographs are: bear (to carry, or an animal) and score (music, football or to cut).Example: She waited like Saint Sebastian for the arrows to begin piercing her.Example: Further down still the shank of the spindle, rounded again, entered the hose, which was an oblong rectangular wooden box, 25 cm. long by 12.5 cm. square bored with a hole to take the spindle down its long axis.Example: The former will be needed for single sheets of plain paper, while the latter is used for continuous paper which is perforated.Example: To do this, the accession numbers must be punched on a number of cards which would together represent the subject covered.Example: Then the accession card is drilled with the appropriate holes for the keywords = Then the accession card is drilled with the appropriate holes for the keywords.Example: When overpressure in the vial occurs due to microbial growth (e.g., gas production by fermentation) remove excess gas by puncturing the septum with a sterile injection needle.


» abrirse camino perforandobore + Posesivo + way into .

Example: For nearly two hundred yards they bored their way steadily into the mountain, their path gradually sloping downward.

» máquina de perforar papelesdesk punch .

Example: These machines were similar in principle to the desk punches used today for making eyelet holes in paper.

» perforar un agujerodrill out + a hole .

Example: Then, using a punch of some kind, we drill out a hole in the position corresponding to the document number, and refile the cards.

» perforar un pozodrill + a well .

Example: Historical time series of wells drilled in a given country or region onshore and offshore within 10 depth categories will be invaluable.

» sacar perforandodrill out .

Example: Mistakes made in cutting were mended either by altering the design to accommodate them, or by cutting or drilling out small parts of the block and replacing them with new wood.
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