Perforación in english


pronunciation: drɪlɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

perforación = drilling ; punching ; perforation ; puncture ; puncture hole ; borehole. 

Example: Priority is awarded to projects with the following aims: oil and gas recovery, drilling, optimum use of natural gas, and maximising the yield by the use of enhanced recovery techniques.Example: Most of the less satisfactory aspects of optical coincidence cards are associated with the punching.Example: The top edge of the stencil is then attached to the cylinder of the duplicating machine using the slots or perforations provided.Example: Treatment of the paper items included varnish removal; washing; and repairs to tears, punctures and missing areas.Example: He even has found a fish's stomach with puncture holes caused by eating a catfish, and the fish was still none the worse for wear.Example: This main borehole would then continue through the cavity and down to the lake while the first borehole would be used to recirculate water back to the surface using a submersible pump.


» dispositivo de perforaciónpunching device .

Example: Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.

» perforaciones petrolíferasoil drilling .

Example: A controversial land swap proposal could open portions of an Alaska wildlife refuge to oil drilling.

» plataforma de perforación petrolíferadrilling rigdrill rig .

Example: The worldwide oversupply of offshore drilling rigs has decreased rapidly in the past six years.

Example: Living with the Kaluli of Papua New Guinea, Steven Feld saw traditional life begin to die and the sounds of helicopters and drill rigs compete with birds and waterfalls.

» teclado de perforaciónkeyboard punch .

Example: One of them will take instructions and data from a whole roomful of girls armed with simple keyboard punches.

Perforación synonyms

boring in spanish: aburrido, pronunciation: bɔrɪŋ part of speech: noun oil production in spanish: producción de petróleo, pronunciation: ɔɪlprədʌkʃən part of speech: noun
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