Pérfido in english


pronunciation: pɜrfɪdiəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pérfido = bitchy ; catty ; malicious ; pernicious ; treacherous ; flagitious ; villainous. 

Example: She worked at a local clothing company for a while and found the other staff and managers to all be very cliquey, bitchy and rather shallow.Example: She is still your closest friend, so do your very best not to be catty and continue enjoying a marvelous friendship.Example: Perhaps the major problem will be the malicious attempt to cause confusion.Example: Furthermore, children can be misled by group influences into reading truly pernicious material (hard core ponography, for example) and when this happens adults have a clear responsibility to step in and do something about it.Example: Mearns warns us, 'Recollection is treacherous; it is usually too broad or too narrow for another's use; and what is more serious, it is frequently undependable and worn and feeble'.Example: Hitler is widely considered the worst humanity has to offer -- a genocidal dictator, and one of the most hateful, flagitious, murderous people who ever lived.Example: Many of the poor were villainous; to survive they had to be.

Pérfido synonyms

treacherous in spanish: traicionero, pronunciation: tretʃɜrəs part of speech: adjective unfaithful in spanish: infiel, pronunciation: ənfeɪθfəl part of speech: adjective punic in spanish: púnico, pronunciation: pjunɪk part of speech: noun, adjective
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