Perfecto in english


pronunciation: pɜrfekt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

perfecto = perfect ; ideally suited ; flawless ; seamless ; unblemished ; untainted ; perfect fit ; just right. 

Example: Absence of human interpretation of content leads to perfect predictability and consistency in the generation of index entries.Example: For this reason alone, the printed catalogue is not ideally suited to a rapidly changing stock.Example: No system is flawless, however, and this includes SC350.Example: CD-I (CD-Interactive) finally allows them to be integrated together in a seamless fashion = CD-I (CD-Interactive) finally allows them to be integrated together in a seamless fashion.Example: Many traditional treatments, on the other hand, have tended to glorify him portraying him as an unblemished hero.Example: The information needs of minorities are important and that libraries must organise to become neutral service points making untainted information available to all.Example: Terms of the sale are undisclosed but the acquisition is believed by Gale to be a perfect fit with its own group growth strategy.Example: If you don't say the magic word just right, the door won't open.


» blanco perfectositting duck .

Example: The article 'Timesharing companies specializing in text: sitting ducks or top dogs?' considers the likely effects of technological developments, such as CD-ROMs, on the traditional on-line vendors.

» casi perfectoalmost-perfect .

Example: Some people even claim to have a photographic memory -- meaning they can recall things they've seen or read with almost-perfect precision, even down to the smallest of details.

» combinación perfectaperfect match .

Example: The article is entitled 'The perfect match - parasite & host: made for each other'.

» declarar en perfecto estado de saludgive + Nombre + a clean bill of health .

Example: About a year after he publicly announced his cancer diagnosis, Pennsylvania's governor has been given a clean bill of health.

» de perfecto acuerdoin perfect accord .

Example: This continuous line where the Earth meets the sky in perfect accord is a true spectacle of natural beauty.

» dominio perfectoa fine art .

Example: The article is entitled 'Abstracting as a fine art'.

» ejemplo perfectoperfect exampleshowplace .

Example: His story is also a perfect example of the unconditional love a mother has for a child.

Example: The article is entitled 'From shambles to showplace'.

» el hombre perfectoMr Right .

Example: She doesn't have a boyfriend at the moment but she is planning to freeze her eggs in two or three years if she hasn't met Mr Right by then.

» en perfecta armoníain perfect unisonin perfect accordin perfect harmony .

Example: The crunchy and malic taste of the green apple contrasts with the sweet and gooey toffee, yet they couple together in perfect unison.

Example: This continuous line where the Earth meets the sky in perfect accord is a true spectacle of natural beauty.

Example: Thus, on a purely physical level, the world is always in perfect harmony with itself.

» en perfecto estadointactin mint conditionin immaculate conditionas good as mint conditionas good as new .

Example: Only the concepts in the facet cited first in citation order will be grouped intact.

Example: The textbooks must be in mint condition and the original sales receipt presented.

Example: The respectable young woman (her weeds again in immaculate condition hardly suggestive of many days spent travelling afoot) looked with innocent curiosity.

Example: The prices were exceptionally low and all models were in as good as mint condition.

Example: Here are a few ways to tweak your old computer and make it as good as new.

» en un mundo perfectoin a perfect world .

Example: In a perfect world, what would you personally do with the print material that your library designates for weeding?.

» estar perfectobe (right) on the markbe spot onhit + the spothit + the markbe (right) on point .

Example: For a directorial debut with no big-name movie stars, the acting is right on the mark.

Example: The program is spot on -- you can't fault it with the presentation and it's totally inoffensive and suitable for kids.

Example: We focus on quality rather than quantity and hit the spot every time.

Example: Who said the problem with the young is not that they aim too high and miss the mark it is that they aim too low and hit the mark?.

Example: Their statements were right on point and tugged at the heartstrings.

» funcionamiento perfectoflawless performance .

Example: All dies are tested using actual production procedures to assure flawless performance.

» pareja perfectaperfect matchperfect couple .

Example: The article is entitled 'The perfect match - parasite & host: made for each other'.

Example: The article 'The perfect couple?' focuses on the concept of mixing leisure and shopping activities.

» pareja perfecta de ancianitosDarby and Joan .

Example: Tomorrow Mr, and Mrs. Woofl, a real 'Darby and Joan' couple, will celebrate their diamond wedding.

» perfecta demostraciónobject lesson .

Example: It provides an object lesson in the many factors of the software which have a bearing on the choice, design and operation of a computerised system.

» perfecto estadointactness  .

Example: The sacrum was used in sacrificial rites, was considered to play an important role in protecting the genitalia and its intactness as a nidus for resurrection at the Day of Judgment was vital.

» quedar perfectofit like + a glovefit + Nombre + (down) to a T/tee .

Example: Your boots must fit like a glove and be as comfy as your running shoes.

Example: She had on a teal blue V-neck shirt that fitted her to a T with a small bit of cleavage showing.

» ser el momento perfecto parabe the perfect time to .

Example: Homes are selling fast in Amarillo according to local realtors showing that now is the perfect time to buy a house.

» ser perfectobe rightbe spot onfit + the billbe (right) on the markhit + the spothit + the markbe (right) on pointbe on target .

Example: Scenes from books done in polished improvisations, for instance, or puppet plays adapted from stories are just right.

Example: The program is spot on -- you can't fault it with the presentation and it's totally inoffensive and suitable for kids.

Example: Some individuals think making resources simply electronic fits the bill, while others feel a digital library is far loftier than this.

Example: For a directorial debut with no big-name movie stars, the acting is right on the mark.

Example: We focus on quality rather than quantity and hit the spot every time.

Example: Who said the problem with the young is not that they aim too high and miss the mark it is that they aim too low and hit the mark?.

Example: Their statements were right on point and tugged at the heartstrings.

Example: The interesting part comes when one looks back on past predictions to see who was on target and who missed the mark by a mile.

» ser perfecto (pero)be (all) well and good (but) [También be (all) good and well (but)]be (all) good and well (but) [También be (all) well and good (but)] .

Example: However identifying the right marketing channels is all well and good but if the message isn't right then it's money down the drain.

Example: Liberty, equality, and fraternity are all well and good, but what made France truly superior was the French passion for wine.

» una pareja perfectaa match made in heaven .

Example: The article 'A match made in heaven' discusses the positive qualities and features of picture books for older readers.

» un emparejamiento perfectoa match made in heaven .

Example: The article 'A match made in heaven' discusses the positive qualities and features of picture books for older readers.

» venir perfectosuit + Nombre + (down) to a T/teesuit + Nombre + to the groundfit + Nombre + (down) to a T/tee .

Example: She'd heard on the grapevine that a big project was coming up with a past contact and it was work that suited her to a T.

Example: The apartments seem to be more suited to families but seeing as my friends and I aren't clubbers it suited us to the ground.

Example: She had on a teal blue V-neck shirt that fitted her to a T with a small bit of cleavage showing.

» visión perfecta20/20 vision .

Example: A person with 20/20 vision will most likely have a reading of zero diopters.

Perfecto synonyms

down in spanish: abajo, pronunciation: daʊn part of speech: adverb clear in spanish: claro, pronunciation: klɪr part of speech: adjective cold in spanish: frío, pronunciation: koʊld part of speech: adjective, noun clean in spanish: limpiar, pronunciation: klin part of speech: adjective, verb complete in spanish: completar, pronunciation: kəmplit part of speech: adjective, verb gross in spanish: bruto, pronunciation: groʊs part of speech: adjective, noun consummate in spanish: consumar, pronunciation: kɑnsəmət part of speech: adjective, verb pure in spanish: puro, pronunciation: pjʊr part of speech: adjective ideal in spanish: ideal, pronunciation: aɪdil part of speech: adjective, noun hone in spanish: piedra de afilar, pronunciation: hoʊn part of speech: noun, verb stark in spanish: rígido, pronunciation: stɑrk part of speech: adjective utter in spanish: pronunciar, pronunciation: ʌtɜr part of speech: verb impeccable in spanish: impecable, pronunciation: ɪmpekəbəl part of speech: adjective exact in spanish: exacto, pronunciation: ɪgzækt part of speech: adjective arrant in spanish: redomado, pronunciation: ærənt part of speech: adjective idyllic in spanish: idílico, pronunciation: aɪdɪlɪk part of speech: adjective immaculate in spanish: inmaculado, pronunciation: ɪmækjulɪt part of speech: adjective flawless in spanish: perfecto, pronunciation: flɔləs part of speech: adjective everlasting in spanish: eterno, pronunciation: evɜrlæstɪŋ part of speech: adjective staring in spanish: curioso, pronunciation: sterɪŋ part of speech: adjective, adverb pluperfect in spanish: pluscuamperfecto, pronunciation: plupɜrfekt part of speech: noun, adjective mastered in spanish: dominado, pronunciation: mæstɜrd part of speech: adjective thoroughgoing in spanish: concienzudo, pronunciation: θɔraʊgəgoʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective sodding in spanish: jodido, pronunciation: sɑdɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun undefiled in spanish: puro, pronunciation: ʌndəfaɪld part of speech: adjective errorless in spanish: sin errores, pronunciation: erɜrlɪs part of speech: adjective idealized in spanish: idealizado, pronunciation: aɪdiəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective faultless in spanish: impecable, pronunciation: fɔltləs part of speech: adjective perfective in spanish: perfecto, pronunciation: pɜrfektɪv part of speech: noun double-dyed in spanish: doble teñido, pronunciation: dʌbəldaɪd perfectible in spanish: perfectible, pronunciation: pɜrfektəbəl part of speech: adjective uncorrupted in spanish: incorrupto, pronunciation: ənkɜrrʌptɪd part of speech: adjective unflawed in spanish: sin ley, pronunciation: ənflɔd part of speech: adjective perfect tense in spanish: tiempo perfecto, pronunciation: pɜrfekttens part of speech: noun perfective tense in spanish: tiempo perfecto, pronunciation: pɜrfektɪvtens part of speech: noun
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