Perfectamente in english


pronunciation: pɜrfəktli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

perfectamente = perfectly ; squarely ; superbly ; loud and clear ; flawlessly ; just right ; immaculately ; right on the nose ; (down) to a T/tee. 

Example: This is a perfectly acceptable UDC class number but it does not conform to the citation order PME...ST.Example: Surveillance licensing is one question which falls squarely into the 'free movement of goods' category and does not involve the harmonization of the laws of member states.Example: Nevertheless, black airmen continued to perform superbly.Example: This draft resolution is meant to state, loud and clear, what is really at stake and to encourage governments to take action now.Example: Overall the drive was judged to perform flawlessly and well beyond what was expected by the reviewer.Example: If you don't say the magic word just right, the door won't open.Example: Immaculately dressed in a white dress Mila portrays a young maiden carefree and innocent with no hint of inhibitions.Example: They couldn't see us but they had our altitude right on the nose.Example: You may plan everything for your wedding day down to a tee, but unexpected incidents tend to always arise.


» conocer perfectamenteknow + all too well .

Example: If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.

» conocer (perfectamente) lo que Uno se trae entre manosknow + what's what .

Example: Amy may play the 'dumb blonde' persona, but she knows what's what.

» encontrarse perfectamentebe (as) right as rainfeel (as) + right as rain .

Example: Essentially this novel is about being right as rain for nearly a whole lifetime in a country full of light and sun, and tremendous goodwill.

Example: Feeling right as rain for a change, he felt a slight smile tug on his lips.

» funcionar perfectamentebe in working order .

Example: It is therefore a point of wisdom to ensure beforehand that everything is in the best possible working order.

» perfectamente + Adjetivobeautifully + Adjetivo .

Example: What was pinned up ranged from sheets of paper with nothing more written on them than a title and author to elaborate and beautifully executed illustrations.

» perfectamente integradoseamless  .

Example: The solution was found to be a composition of glue and treacle which could be cast on to the roller stock and which made a seamless, resilient surface that inked perfectly.

» perfectamente sincronizadoperfectly-timedperfectly-synced .

Example: She has an uncanny and unnerving ability to make you crease up with laughter before dropping a perfectly-timed bombshell.

Example: The 20% perfectly-synced playback can't be relied upon for more than 30 mins -- at some point the audio stream will be interrupted by an audible glitch.

» saber perfectamenteknow + all too well .

Example: If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.

» saber (perfectamente) lo que Uno se trae entre manosknow + what's what .

Example: Amy may play the 'dumb blonde' persona, but she knows what's what.

Perfectamente synonyms

dead in spanish: muerto, pronunciation: ded part of speech: adjective absolutely in spanish: absolutamente, pronunciation: æbsəlutli part of speech: adverb utterly in spanish: absolutamente, pronunciation: ʌtɜrli part of speech: adverb
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