Perfeccionar in english

To perfect

pronunciation: tupɜrfekt part of speech: none
In gestures

perfeccionar = scale up ; perfect ; hone ; polish + Nombre + up. 

Example: After a brief discussion of basic hypertext operations, it considers some of the issues that arise in 'scaling up' hyptertext data base.Example: The network is being perfected in conjunction with standardisation and coordination of information technology equipment in other activities of the centre.Example: libraries are moving beyond their traditional job as book repository and branching into electronic networks, while still honing their traditional roles as educators and guides.Example: If we polish up and internalize these pearls of wisdom, especially those which challenge our existing boundaries and beliefs, the payoff can be priceless.


» perfeccionar una habilidadhone + skill .

Example: It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student's intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and give them tools for rigorous analysis of critical problems.

» perfeccionar un arteperfect + an art .

Example: Years and years of hard work and dedication go into perfecting the art of dancing on point.
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