Perfección in english


pronunciation: pɜrfekʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

perfección = perfection. 

Example: With few questions and infrequent use it would be more sensible and effective to direct effort into searching, rather than strive for perfection in indexing.


» ajustarse a la perfecciónbe a natural fit .

Example: Hiring veterans is a natural fit for our organization, because they possess an unwavering commitment to their job.

» a la perfecciónsuperblyjust rightto perfection(down) to a T/tee .

Example: Nevertheless, black airmen continued to perform superbly.

Example: If you don't say the magic word just right, the door won't open.

Example: These tasty morsels have juicy tidbits of pork well seasoned and fried to perfection.

Example: You may plan everything for your wedding day down to a tee, but unexpected incidents tend to always arise.

» amor por la perfecciónlove of perfection .

Example: Witt has always done whatever she's done with all her heart -- with passion, intelligence, and a love of perfection.

» casi la perfecciónnear-perfection .

Example: We have reached near-perfection in bibliographic control of 'traditional' library materials.

» cocinar a la perfeccióncook + Nombre + to perfection .

Example: While it's slowly cooking to perfection, be sure to keep it well fed by spooning the marinade over the top of the meat.

» complementarse a la perfecciónbe a natural fit .

Example: Hiring veterans is a natural fit for our organization, because they possess an unwavering commitment to their job.

» conseguir a la perfecciónhave + Nombre + to perfection .

Example: Karen has got my hair to perfection even though she has nothing to start with.

» controlar a la perfecciónget + Nombre + (down) to a T/tee .

Example: This is a lovely song, it really does explain some of the traumas of growing up in south London, it really gets it to a tee.

» dominar a la perfecciónget + Nombre + (down) to a T/tee .

Example: This is a lovely song, it really does explain some of the traumas of growing up in south London, it really gets it to a tee.

» hacer a la perfecciónhave + Nombre + to perfectiondo + Nombre + to perfection .

Example: Karen has got my hair to perfection even though she has nothing to start with.

Example: If you start anything, do it to perfection, otherwise don't waste your time.

» pináculo de la perfección, elpinnacle of perfection, the .

Example: These cookies are the pinnacle of perfection!.

» verse a la perfecciónsee + Nombre + to perfection .

Example: The church's beauty and spirituality are seen to perfection when the façade is lit up by the evening sun.

Perfección synonyms

paragon in spanish: dechado, pronunciation: perəgɑn part of speech: noun idol in spanish: ídolo, pronunciation: aɪdəl part of speech: noun ne plus ultra in spanish: ne plus ultra, pronunciation: niplʌsʌltrə part of speech: noun beau ideal in spanish: tipo ideal, pronunciation: boʊaɪdil part of speech: noun flawlessness in spanish: impecabilidad, pronunciation: flɔləsnəs part of speech: noun
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