Pereza in english


pronunciation: sloʊθ part of speech: noun
In gestures

pereza = foot-dragging ; laziness ; lethargy ; sloth ; sluggishness. 

Example: As an administrator he pushes authority as far down the hierarchy as possible and has little patience for foot-dragging and ignorance.Example: Good literature insists on the importance of the inner, the distinctive and individual, life of man, while much else in our activities and in our make-up -- fear, ambition, fatigue, laziness -- tries to make that life generalized and typecast.Example: Most patrons check in the first file they see and go no further because of ignorance or lethargy.Example: Students often misconceive what education requires, as prior schooling, plus sloth, predispose them to passivity.Example: The notion that the post-tenure years are a time of relative languor and sluggishness is not borne out in the data.


» con perezalazily .

Example: As Willoughby says 'Wing's bibliography is a dangerous work to handle lazily'.

» dar perezacan't/couldn't be bothered .

Example: Consider for example, a teacher who doesn't change his password (ever!) or can't be bothered to log out, all the firewalls and antivirus programs in the world will not protect a school's network.

» por perezalazily .

Example: As Willoughby says 'Wing's bibliography is a dangerous work to handle lazily'.

Pereza synonyms

acedia in spanish: acedia, pronunciation: əsidiə part of speech: noun laziness in spanish: pereza, pronunciation: leɪzinəs part of speech: noun slothfulness in spanish: la pereza, pronunciation: slɔθfəlnəs part of speech: noun tree sloth in spanish: árbol perezoso, pronunciation: trisloʊθ part of speech: noun
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