Peregrina in english


pronunciation: pɪlgrəmədʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

peregrinar = journey. 

Example: Pilgrims journeyed to the cathedral to view the Veil of the Virgin, a strip of cloth believed to have been worn by the Virgin Mary at the Nativity of Christ.


» peregrinar abeat + the path to .

Example: The success that this has enjoyed in recent years means that a growing number of local authorities are beating the path to Brussels.

peregrino1 = pilgrim ; wayfarer. 

Example: A considerable amount of archival material relating to Africa, Asia and Oceania has been created by the various activities of Austrian diplomats, merchants and pilgrims since the early modern period.Example: They shared the image of a survivor as a wayfarer through the territory of grief.


» halcón peregrinoperegrine falconperegrine .

Example: For many years now there have been peregrine falcons breeding on a cliff face on the outskirts of the city of Plymouth.

Example: Peregrines are indeed the fastest creatures on the planet, diving steeply at speeds in excess of 300 km/h.

peregrino2 = absurd ; outlandish. 

Example: Too frequently absurd errors creep past the abstractor who does not know the field.Example: This book discusses some of the most outlandish myths and fantastic realities of medical history.


» idea peregrinaoutlandish idea .

Example: According to NASA, "astroculture" may not be an outlandish idea in a few years = Según la NASA, el astrocultivo puede no ser una idea peregrina en unos pocos años.
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