Perecedero in english


pronunciation: perɪʃəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

perecedero = perishable ; vanishing. 

Example: Fee-for-service programmes can target non-traditional market segments such as pharmaceutical companies, lawyers, and manufacturing firms who regularly need and willingly pay a premium price for perishable medical information.Example: Librarians have a great role to play in the systematic collection of such material which constitutes a rich but vanishing source for the study of Nigeria's history.


» mercancías perecederasperishable goods .

Example: Perishable goods logistics is extremely important if you are concerned with making sure your foods arrive untainted.

» no perecederoimperishable  .

Example: Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value.

» productos perecederosperishables .

Example: Some of the exhibition's objects are plaster casts of such perishables as dying daffodil heads and hoof prints.

» racionamiento no perecederodry ration .

Example: People are being assisted with with goods or dry rations or even with cooked meals but the assistance is inadequate given the sheer scale of the numbers suffering.

Perecedero synonyms

biodegradable in spanish: biodegradable, pronunciation: baɪoʊdəgreɪdəbəl part of speech: adjective putrescible in spanish: putrescible, pronunciation: pjutresɪbəl part of speech: adjective spoilable in spanish: estropeable, pronunciation: spɔɪləbəl part of speech: adjective decayable in spanish: decadente, pronunciation: dɪkeɪəbəl part of speech: adjective putrefiable in spanish: putrescible, pronunciation: pjutrefiəbəl part of speech: adjective
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