Perdón in english


pronunciation: sɑri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

perdón = forgiveness ; pardon. 

Example: Schools, it is suggested, need to introduce their students to an understanding of the complexities of these notions of forgiveness and other possible attitudes to wrongdoers.Example: Campaigners are seeking a posthumous pardon for the men and women who were executed as witches centuries ago.


» ladrón que roba a (otro) ladrón tiene cien años de perdónit's no crime to steal from a thief .

Example: The old saying is that it's no crime to steal from a thief, but how far this will hold in law is a problem.

» pedir perdóneat + Posesivo + wordseat + croweat + dirtbeg for + forgivenessask for + forgiveness .

Example: It took a little time to get used to the new moniker, and snickering could be heard in certain quarters but those who scoffed have since had to eat their words.

Example: You who carped that the 007 films had devolved into a catalog of fresh gadgets and stale puns, eat crow.

Example: He walloped Bud, tore his shirt, and made him eat dirt.

Example: I didn't give her a song and dance or get on my hands and knees begging for forgivenes.

Example: There are as many ways to ask for forgiveness as there are people to apologize to and situations to apologize for.

» pedir perdón porfeel + sorry for .

Example: John made mistakes when he was a kid, but he was sorry for what he did = John cometió errores cuando era un niño, aunque siempre pedía perdón por lo que hacía.

» pedir persóneat + humble pie .

Example: I will have to eat humble pie and face humiliation though but I was good at the job and wish I could turn the clock back.

» suplicar perdónbeg for + forgiveness .

Example: I didn't give her a song and dance or get on my hands and knees begging for forgivenes.

Perdón synonyms

sad in spanish: triste, pronunciation: sæd part of speech: adjective bad in spanish: malo, pronunciation: bæd part of speech: adjective contrite in spanish: contrito, pronunciation: kəntraɪt part of speech: adjective dismal in spanish: triste, pronunciation: dɪzməl part of speech: adjective gloomy in spanish: melancólico, pronunciation: glumi part of speech: adjective deplorable in spanish: deplorable, pronunciation: dɪplɔrəbəl part of speech: adjective compassionate in spanish: compasivo, pronunciation: kəmpæʃənət part of speech: adjective dreary in spanish: triste, pronunciation: drɪri part of speech: adjective dingy in spanish: sucio, pronunciation: dɪndʒi part of speech: adjective drab in spanish: monótono, pronunciation: dræb part of speech: adjective penitent in spanish: penitente, pronunciation: penɪtɪnt part of speech: noun, adjective rueful in spanish: triste, pronunciation: rufəl part of speech: adjective pitiful in spanish: lamentable, pronunciation: pɪtəfəl part of speech: adjective drear in spanish: triste, pronunciation: drɪr part of speech: adjective unhappy in spanish: infeliz, pronunciation: ənhæpi part of speech: adjective lamentable in spanish: lamentable, pronunciation: ləmentəbəl part of speech: adjective worthless in spanish: sin valor, pronunciation: wɜrθləs part of speech: adjective distressing in spanish: angustioso, pronunciation: dɪstresɪŋ part of speech: adjective remorseful in spanish: arrepentido, pronunciation: rɪmɔrsfəl part of speech: adjective repentant in spanish: arrepentido, pronunciation: rɪpentənt part of speech: adjective regretful in spanish: arrepentido, pronunciation: rɪgretfəl part of speech: adjective cheerless in spanish: triste, pronunciation: tʃɪrlɪs part of speech: adjective meritless in spanish: sin mérito, pronunciation: merɪtləs part of speech: adjective pitying in spanish: de lástima, pronunciation: pɪtiɪŋ part of speech: adjective no-good in spanish: no es bueno, pronunciation: noʊgʊd part of speech: adjective good-for-nothing in spanish: bueno para nada, pronunciation: gʊdfɔrnoʊðɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective no-count in spanish: no cuenta, pronunciation: noʊkaʊnt part of speech: adjective no-account in spanish: sin cuenta, pronunciation: noʊəkaʊnt part of speech: adjective good-for-naught in spanish: bueno para nada, pronunciation: gʊdfɔrnɔt part of speech: noun, adjective sorry for in spanish: lo siento por, pronunciation: sɑrifɔr uncheerful in spanish: desagradable, pronunciation: ənʃɪrfəl part of speech: adjective
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