Perdurar in english
pronunciation: endjʊr part of speech: verb
pronunciation: endjʊr part of speech: verb
In gestures

perdurar = endure ; hold together ; linger on ; subsist ; stay in + place ; live on ; linger.
Example: This code had an important impact upon cataloguing practices in the United States and the United Kingdom, and endured for over half a century.Example: The organization was trembling on the brink of financial disaster, and only the journal, American Documentation, was holding it together.Example: The song may be forgotten but among library users the sentiment lingers on.Example: There is some doubt as to whether copyright subsists in a work which is generated by a computer.Example: A data base must respond to a dynamic reality in which terms, 'strain, crack and sometimes break under the burden, under the tension, slip, slide, perish, decay with imprecision, will not stay in place, will not stay still'.Example: But now we must face reality and embrace the memory of his spirit and his voracious lust for life, which will live on.Example: He lingered round the bookstall looking at the books and papers till a pert girl behind the counter asked him if he wouldn't like a chair.more:
» debate + perdurar = debate + rage [Especialmente de modo violento o con fuerza] ; debate + simmer .
Example: Nevertheless the controlled versus natural indexing language debate still rages. Example: The debate over how periodical collections are best organised has simmered since the 1940s.» disputa + perdurar = dispute + rage [Especialmente de modo violento o con fuerza] .
Example: This dispute has been raging over the last 30 years = Esta disputa ha continuado durante los últimos 30 años.» polémica + perdurar = argument + rage [Especialmente de modo violento o con fuerza] .
Example: For some years now an argument has raged over author versus title entry for nonbook materials.» que perdura = lingering .
Example: Another lingering misconception is that reference work is restricted to reference libraries.» tradición que (aún/todavía) perdura = lasting legacy .
Example: This book is sure to have a lasting legacy among all whose job it is to care about students.