Perdiz in english


pronunciation: pɑrtrədʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

perdiz = partridge. 

Example: Because of its characteristics, the region is a natural breeding area for pheasants, partridges, and wood pigeons.


» dar vueltas sin avanzargo (a)round (and (a)round) in + circles .

Example: This type of discussion makes the conflict endless and the argument is going round in circles because different people are trying to solve different problems.

» levantar la perdizblow + the gaffspill + the beansblow + the gafflet + the cat out of the baglet onblab .

Example: It was not idealism but plain fear, plus a peasant's nose for security, which led to Vladimir's decision to blow the gaff.

Example: Native speakers of English use idioms such as 'put your foot down' and 'spill the beans' to label events that are not described literally by the words that make up the idioms.

Example: It was not idealism but plain fear, plus a peasant's nose for security, which led to Vladimir's decision to blow the gaff.

Example: Manic-depressives who are aware of their mental illness usually take great pains not to let the cat out of the bag, fearing it will damage their career and poison relationships.

Example: The officials have raised the alert level to yellow but I have heard that behind the scenes they are far more worried than they are letting on.

Example: Wark demonstrated that being the first to blab pays off when it's time for sentencing.

» marear la perdizkick + Nombre + to death [Tratar un tema hasta la saciedad]beat about/around + the bushgo around + the houses .

Example: The article is entitled 'Has Poisson been kicked to death? -- a rebuttal of the British Library Lending Division's views on the inconsistency of rank lists of serials'.

Example: There is no excuse for beating about the bush when combating poverty and social exclusion.

Example: They had dragged her there and they weren't even giving her an explanation, just going around the houses and dodging every question she asked.

» perdiz rojared-legged partridge .

Example: As one would expect from its Mediterranean origin, the red-legged partridge thrives on dry, sandy soils and breeds best in areas of high summer temperatures.

Perdiz synonyms

tinamou in spanish: Tinamou, pronunciation: tinəmu part of speech: noun bobwhite in spanish: bobwhite, pronunciation: bɑbwaɪt part of speech: noun ruffed grouse in spanish: urogallo superado, pronunciation: rʌftgraʊs part of speech: noun bobwhite quail in spanish: codorniz, pronunciation: bɑbwaɪtkweɪl part of speech: noun bonasa umbellus in spanish: bonasa umbellus, pronunciation: boʊnɑsəmbeləs part of speech: noun
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