Perdición in english


pronunciation: pɜrdɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

perdición = downfall ; undoing ; perdition ; labefaction ; damnation ; nemesis. 

Example: What this time will be the cause of his slapstick downfall?.Example: At the dinner party, eating nearly proved the undoing of Peter, who ran the danger of becoming a pie himself.Example: Shakespeare thereby indicates that blind idealism, like blind cynicism, may lead the soul to perdition.Example: The natural result of this labefaction is the Delaware neonate killing by a freshman couple.Example: Sometimes, divorces are like family damnation repeating in the family tree of one family.Example: When possible the victim will disappear upon the approach of the nemesis.


» el camino a la perdiciónthe road to ultimate ruin .

Example: It is the arrogance and superiority of the godless secular society that is leading us all down the road to ultimate ruin.

» la salvación o perdición dethe making or undoing of .

Example: Education, child-bearing and food are intricately linked and could prove to be the making or undoing of Africa's development.

» llevar a la perdiciónspell + doom for .

Example: So in the wrong hands, this technology could spell doom for many innocent people.

» ser la perdiciónspell + doom for .

Example: So in the wrong hands, this technology could spell doom for many innocent people.

» ser la salvación o la perdición de Algomake or break .

Example: The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.

» suponer la perdiciónspell + doom for .

Example: So in the wrong hands, this technology could spell doom for many innocent people.

Perdición synonyms

hell in spanish: infierno, pronunciation: hel part of speech: noun inferno in spanish: infierno, pronunciation: ɪnfɜrnoʊ part of speech: noun nether region in spanish: región inferior, pronunciation: neðɜrridʒən part of speech: noun infernal region in spanish: región infernal, pronunciation: ɪnfɜrnəlridʒən part of speech: noun the pit in spanish: el pozo, pronunciation: ðəpɪt part of speech: noun
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