Perdedor in english


pronunciation: luzɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

perdedor = loser ; underdog ; dog ; quitter. 

Example: The jungle fighter views his life and work in terms of winners and losers, with power as his goal.Example: A chapter each is devoted to the comic hero, comedian, humorist, rogue, trickster, clown, fool, underdog, and simpleton.Example: 'On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog -- the digital media has made possible the leveling of the playing field.Example: Here are a few examples of some famous quitters, people who didn't always stick it out.


» equipo perdedorlosing team .

Example: They were magnanimous in victory, offering kind words to the losing team.

» mal perdedorsore loserbad loserpoor loser .

Example: Now, he's a sore loser and talks to all of us in a threatening, condescending manner = Él es un mal perdedor y nos habla a todos nosotros en un tono amenazador y condescendiente.

Example: They were just plain bad losers who in the end said, 'Since you didn't do exactly what we wanted to do, we're not going to use the code'.

Example: In petty things he tended to be a poor loser; a defeat in a tennis game tended to put his nose out of joint.

» más perdedorlosingest .

Example: Futility has followed them since the day they were born, and Sunday night was no different for the losingest team in sports history.

» mostrarse magnánimo con los perdedoresbe magnanimous in victory .

Example: They were magnanimous in victory, offering kind words to the losing team.

» ser un mal perdedorbe a bad sport .

Example: But every now and then you'll run into someone who's truly a bad sport -- a kid who plays dirty, hogs the ball, or says mean things to you.

» situación en la que hay un vencedor y un perdedorwin-lose + Nombre .

Example: This article suggests that the win-lose approach to management is costly and encourages people to function in covert and competitive ways with self-interest as the primary concern.

Perdedor synonyms

failure in spanish: fracaso, pronunciation: feɪljɜr part of speech: noun also-ran in spanish: también corrió, pronunciation: ɔlsoʊrɑn part of speech: noun nonstarter in spanish: nonstarter, pronunciation: nɑnstɑrtɜr part of speech: noun unsuccessful person in spanish: persona fracasada, pronunciation: ənsəksesfəlpɜrsən part of speech: noun
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