Percibidos in english


pronunciation: pɜrsivd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

percibido = perceived ; observed. 

Example: The arrangements should also negotiate resistance to perceived 'American dominance', erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.Example: We can then compare the observed frequency of occurrence of a term in a given document with the expected frequency.


» ser percibidoout of sight .

Example: More through inattention than any attempt at concealment, the shaping of the twenty-first century is happening offstage, out of sight.

percibir1 = apprehend ; discern ; perceive ; see ; watch ; espy ; sense ; notice. 

Example: Any action that is repeated frequently become cast into a pattern which can be reproduced with an economy of effort which, ipso facto, is apprehended by its performer as a pattern.Example: Such variations also make it difficult for a cataloguer inserting a new heading for local use to discern the principles which should be heeded in the construction of such a heading.Example: Hypermedia offers unheard of opportunities to gain insight into the way young people perceive, process and use information.Example: Where the conference cannot be seen to have a name, then the work will normally be treated as a collection.Example: Watch what occurs as the letters 'New' and a space are typed.Example: Laura Carpozzi head of the circulation department, who was on the far side of the desk, heard the checker's outburst and espied the bottleneck in the stream of traffic.Example: She sensed that something was wrong with his logic, but she was at a loss to explain it.Example: Notice that records 2 and 4 do not appear on the directory.


» percibir erróneamentemisperceive  .

Example: The study found that about 10% of people who are deemed obese misperceive that their body size is normal and think they don't need to lose weight.

» percibir un olorcillo acatch + a whiff ofget + a whiff of .

Example: If you can catch a whiff of your feet without bending over, you've got a problem.

Example: When the waitress leaned over to set the place for him he got a whiff of damp underclothes and armpits and talcum powder.

» percibir un tufillo acatch + a whiff ofget + a whiff of .

Example: If you can catch a whiff of your feet without bending over, you've got a problem.

Example: When the waitress leaned over to set the place for him he got a whiff of damp underclothes and armpits and talcum powder.

» que se percibe desde hace mucho tiempolong-felt .

Example: These tools, which began appearing early in 1975, fill a long-felt need for information that was not previously available outside the library.

percibir2 = earn ; receive. 

Example: The article 'Women in industry: where and how they administrate' concludes that there are fewer women in management than men and they earn less.Example: If you receive a large number of titles on you initial search, you can narrow your search by using qualifiers.

Percibidos synonyms

felt in spanish: sintió, pronunciation: felt part of speech: verb detected in spanish: detectado, pronunciation: dɪtektəd part of speech: adjective sensed in spanish: sentido, pronunciation: senst part of speech: adjective
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