Percepción in english


pronunciation: pɜrsepʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

percepción = perception. 

Example: Nevertheless, citation indexes do seek to link documents according to their content (or at least the perception of their content held by the author of the source work).


» cambiar de percepciónchange + Posesivo + perception .

Example: Changing perceptions and improving tarnished reputations is a huge task that will take considerable time.

» cambiar + Posesivo + percepciónchange + Posesivo + perception .

Example: Changing perceptions and improving tarnished reputations is a huge task that will take considerable time.

» de percepciónperceptual .

Example: Human perceptual and conceptual capabilities bring an aspect of improvisation and reinterpretation to every human action.

» error de percepciónmisperception  .

Example: Part time librarians often suffer from colleagues' and administrators' misperceptions about their commitment to the profession = A menudo los bibliotecarios a tiempo parcial padecen los errores de percepción sobre su dedicación a la profesión por parte de colegas y directivos.

» percepción de uno mismoself-perception .

Example: This article investigates library schools in an attempt to offer some enlightenment not only on library education, but on the nature of librarians and their self-perceptions.

» percepción extrasensorialESP (extrasensory perception) .

Example: These people believe not only in alien abductions, but also in things like UFOs, ESP (extrasensory perception), astrology, and crystal therapy.

» percepción remotaremote sensing .

Example: The author describes the activities of the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing which has partial supervision of the Land Registry Offices.

» percepción sensorialsensory perception .

Example: Sensory perception appears to fit your particular context so consult this entry.

Percepción synonyms

percept in spanish: percepción, pronunciation: pɜrsept part of speech: noun sensing in spanish: sintiendo, pronunciation: sensɪŋ part of speech: noun perceiving in spanish: percibir, pronunciation: pɜrsivɪŋ part of speech: verb perceptual experience in spanish: experiencia perceptiva, pronunciation: pɜrseptʃəwəlɪkspɪriəns part of speech: noun
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