Percebe in english


pronunciation: bɑrnəkəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

percebe1 = barnacle. 

Example: Subjects addressed in this collection of newspaper articles are bioluminescence, beachcomber finds, gulls, barnacles, sand, seaweed, and jellyfish.

percebe2 = twit. 

Example: Democracy's a nice idea in theory, if it wasn't for all the twits.

Percebe synonyms

barnacle goose in spanish: ganso de lapa, pronunciation: bɑrnəkəlgus part of speech: noun branta leucopsis in spanish: branta leucopsis, pronunciation: bræntəlkɑpsɪs part of speech: noun cerripede in spanish: cerripede, pronunciation: serəpid part of speech: noun cerriped in spanish: cerrado, pronunciation: serəpt part of speech: noun
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