Pequeño in english


pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pequeño = small ; slight ; slim ; little ; small scale [small-scale] ; skimpy ; reduced ; tiddly . 

Example: The small extract from the index to BNB in figure 2.1 demonstrates some of the features of index entries generated according to PRECIS indexing.Example: The ISBD(CP)'s recommendations are very similar in principle to those for AACR2's 'in' analytics, except for slight changes in punctuation and order.Example: Abstracting journals vary enormously in scope ranging from vast publications covering an entire discipline, to slim volumes centred on a relatively narrow topic.Example: To introduce a little vulgarity, it would be absolutely hell on browsers were all the works by Agatha Christie or Dorothy Sayers or Dashiell Hammett or you name it, entered individually by their title.Example: While similar systems have been developed on an experimental basis in the past, these have usually been restricted to small scale collections.Example: Wimbledon organisers have imposed a ban on skimpy tennis outfits ahead of this year's tournament.Example: The model shows that market concentration rises with inelastic demand, reduced marginal costs and efficient technology.Example: In particular, my sea bass was overdone and supplied with a rather tiddly portion of baby spuds.


» a pequeña escalain a small waysmall scale [small-scale]writ small .

Example: The serialization of new fiction in half-crown monthly magazines such as Blackwood's started in a small way in the 1820s, and grew in importance during the following decade.

Example: While similar systems have been developed on an experimental basis in the past, these have usually been restricted to small scale collections.

Example: Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small.

» baño pequeñohalf-bath .

Example: The apartment itself features a comfortable master bedroom with walk-in closet, a second bedroom, two full bathrooms, and a guest half-bath = El apartamento cuenta con un cómo dormitorio principal con vestidor, un segundo dormitorio, dos baños amplios y un baño pequeño para invitados.

» botella pequeñasmall bottle .

Example: Many airlines will not allow you to bring the small bottles of alcohol on the plane.

» chicos y pequeñosgreat and small .

Example: 'At no time in history', according to Geoffrey Langley, 'did people of all types and classes stand more in need of information on all manner of matters great and small'.

» con pequeños maticesnuanced .

Example: This will move the debate about open access as a model for scholarly communication towards a more measured and nuanced discourse.

» dedo pequeñoPosesivo + little fingerPosesivo + pinkiePosesivo + pinkie finger .

Example: I'm bothered by numbness and tingling in my little finger and general weakness in my right hand.

Example: He has more courage in his pinkie than you could ever muster.

Example: He is sick of it, baffled by it and would rather repeatedly slam his pinkie finger in the door of his car than write another word of it.

» desde pequeñofrom an early age .

Example: The only woman among the 15 sailors being held hostage in Iran set her heart on a career at sea from an early age.

» dinero para pequeños gastosout-of-pocket allowance .

Example: The travel Grant will cover air ticket, registration fee and a small out-of-pocket-allowance.

» en pequeñowrit small .

Example: Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small.

» escuela de pequeñosinfant school .

Example: Many infant and junior schools have books in the entrance hall and in the corridors as well as in the classrooms.

» finca pequeñacroft .

Example: Ponies have been used for riding, transport, work on crofts and in coal mines, domestic service, and in show business.

» grande o pequeñogreat or small .

Example: Every other living creature on this earth great or small has a self-defence mechanism.

» grandes robles nacen de pequeñas bellotasgreat oaks from little acorns grow [Expresión inglesa que expresa que un inicio pequeño puede dar lugar a algo muy importante] .

Example: Much more will be needed, but at least a start will have been made; there is an English expression for this: 'great oaks from little acorns grow'.

» grandes y pequeñosgreat and small .

Example: 'At no time in history', according to Geoffrey Langley, 'did people of all types and classes stand more in need of information on all manner of matters great and small'.

» granja pequeñacroft .

Example: Ponies have been used for riding, transport, work on crofts and in coal mines, domestic service, and in show business.

» grupo pequeñosmall group .

Example: We have hundreds of small groups meeting all over the city every day of the week.

» hacer (más) pequeñomake + small(er) .

Example: She said that she loves her breasts and that it is not true that she wants to make them smaller to look better in her wedding dress.

» hacer olas pequeñasripple .

Example: This weekend, some beach-goers spotted an elephant wading in the water, just kind of standing there stoically as the waves rippled around him.

» hacer parecer pequeñodwarf .

Example: The author forecasts that the global market for intranet technologies will dwarf the Internet by the turn of the century.

» hacer pequeños ajustestinker around + the edgestinker (about/around) with .

Example: EU leaders are trying to raise the dead by taking the rejected constitution and tinkering around the edges.

Example: Johnson's corrected proofs for the first edition of the 'Prefaces to the poets' show him skimming the text, tinkering with the accidentals but not revising them systematically.

» hacerse (más) pequeñoget + small(er) .

Example: A new study has found that human brains get smaller with age.

» hermana pequeñababy sister .

Example: This is a good way of solving the baby brother and sister problem while visiting the library.

» hermanita pequeñababy sister .

Example: This is a good way of solving the baby brother and sister problem while visiting the library.

» hermanito pequeñobaby brother .

Example: This is a good way of solving the baby brother and sister problem while visiting the library.

» hermano pequeñobaby brother .

Example: This is a good way of solving the baby brother and sister problem while visiting the library.

» hijo pequeñobaby son .

Example: A paramedic who broke his baby son's arm in an 'unforgivably brutal and shocking' attack was jailed for three years today.

» impresor de pequeños trabajosjobbing house .

Example: The division of the printing trade into specialized book, news and jobbing houses had already begun to take place by the beginning of the nineteenth century.

» IPE (Integración a Pequeña Escala)SSI (Small Scale Integration) .

Example: There are now a number of degrees of integration: 'SSI' Small Scale Integration (tens of transistors on a single chip); 'MSI' Medium Scale Integration (hundreds of transistors); 'LSI' Large Scale Integration (thousands of transistors); and 'VSLI' (hundreds of thousands of transistors).

» la clave está en la letra pequeñathe devil (is/lives) in the details .

Example: The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.

» la distancia es como el viento que apaga los fuegos pequeños pero aviva los grandesabsence makes the heart grow fonderdistance makes the heart grow fonder .

Example: She and various others I have talked with about this situation all stressed that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Example: Distance makes the heart grow fonder, or so people say, but long distance relationships change the structure of even the sturdiest romances.

» la letra pequeñathe fine print .

Example: He has called a foul on the council for hiding the third tax increase in the fine print of the legal notices of the newspaper.

» la pequeña pantallathe small screen [Usado generalmente para referirse a la televisión] .

Example: The most minimalist method is simply to take some mental notes for what does and doesn't work on the small screen and keep them in the back of your mind.

» las triquiñuelas de la letra pequeñathe devil (is/lives) in the details .

Example: The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.

» leer la letra pequeñaread + the small print .

Example: Always read the small print -- it's a rule most of know and most of us ignore.

» llorar como un niño pequeñocry like + a baby .

Example: I used to cry like a baby when I sliced onions -- not any more.

» lo bueno viene en frascos pequeñossmall is beautiful .

Example: It is not unusual these days to apply the much-quoted saying 'small is beautiful' to the needs of small and medium enterprises.

» lonja fina y pequeñasliver .

Example: Even though geomorphology is merely a sliver off the corpus of science, it has both intellectual and practical value.

» los detalles de la letra pequeñathe devil (is/lives) in the details .

Example: The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.

» los pormenores de la letra pequeñathe devil (is/lives) in the details .

Example: The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.

» más bien pequeñosmallish  .

Example: Sometimes it's the smallish things that take up the most room in our hearts.

» mosquito pequeñomidge .

Example: Africa has lions, Alaska has grizzlies, Nepal has yeti. Britain has the worst of the lot - midgies! They make life hell for campers, walkers and hill-goers alike.

» niño pequeñotoddler [En especial, aquel que anda a gatas o con dificultad]little childyoung child .

Example: The article 'Sitting pretty: infants, toddlers, & lapsits' outlines the procedures followed at San Francisco public library to help parents introduce their babies to appropriate literature.

Example: In the ditch near by little children paddle about.

Example: This article describes how a group of 12-18 teenage volunteers formed a group to dramatise children's books for young children and their parents at a public library.

» pequeñapetite .

Example: This petite, agile, graceful and vivacious artiste was a picture of self-confidence on the stage.

» pequeña empresasmall business .

Example: Small businesses employ more than 53% of Europe's workforce and are responsible for half of Europe's total turnover.

» pequeña joyabijou .

Example: It is a cosy and bijou cottage laid out on two floors that aims to provide home from home comfort.

» pequeña nobleza, lagentry, the .

Example: The personal papers of the gentry are one of the main categories of records available to historians examining the cultural aspects of urban life.

» pequeñas modificacionestinkering .

Example: The drawback to this is that sometimes tinkering can lead to unintended results.

» pequeño agricultorsmallholderdirt farmersmall-scale farmer .

Example: The article is entitled 'Optimising fisheries information for decision making among Kenyan fish pond smallholders'.

Example: My parents were raised by dirt farmers and they had a collective knowledge of native plants, which I absorbed by osmosis.

Example: Most of the imported threshers are very costly and hence beyond the reach of Nigerian small-scale farmers.

» pequeño comercioretailer  ; retail shopretail seller .

Example: Nowadays there is a clear three-part division of the book trade into publishers, wholesalers, printers, and retailers, but in the hand-press period the functions of book traders overlapped to a much greater extent.

Example: Books were advertised in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries by means of printed publishers' lists, which were carried about by salesmen and were probably put up in retail shops.

Example: Any retail seller which permits consumers to lay away consumer goods will provide a written statement of the terms and conditions of the agreement = Cualquier comercio que permita a los consumidores comprar a plazos apartando los productos les proporcionará un documento escrito de las condiciones del acuerdo.

» pequeño empresariosmall business owner .

Example: A recent report finds that small business owners who employ five or less staff are, on average, barely scraping a living from all their effort.

» pequeño granjerodirt farmersmallholder .

Example: My parents were raised by dirt farmers and they had a collective knowledge of native plants, which I absorbed by osmosis.

Example: The article is entitled 'Optimising fisheries information for decision making among Kenyan fish pond smallholders'.

» pequeño negociosmall business .

Example: Small businesses employ more than 53% of Europe's workforce and are responsible for half of Europe's total turnover.

» pequeño propietario de tierrasyeoman farmer .

Example: She argues that the way yeoman farmers lorded over their wives and dependents was similar to the way wealthy planters lorded over their slaves.

» pequeños ajustestinkering .

Example: The drawback to this is that sometimes tinkering can lead to unintended results.

» pequeños detallesminutiaepetty details .

Example: Flaws are emphasized and frequent comparisons made with similar tools, but these are often buried in a mass of minutiae.

Example: We all share the same wants and needs, only the petty details differ.

» pez pequeñobait fish [Que no merece la pena pescar]minnow .

Example: With hundreds of bait fish swarming your spot -- feeding like mad -- the game fish get extremely excited and start to move into the area to feed on the bait fish.

Example: It only contributes to user frustration and a very poor library image when material on minnows is cataloged under FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS.

» pez plateado pequeñoshiner [Usado comúnmente como cebo] .

Example: Already there are minnows in the bays, so it shouldn't be long before they're followed by shiners.

» presupuesto cada vez más pequeñoshrinking budget .

Example: In the face of rising costs and stagnant or shrinking budgets, libraries are looking for efficient and less expensive methods of processing materials.

» presupuesto muy pequeñoshoestring budget .

Example: Here are three travel sites for shoestring budgets.

» problema pequeñoa cloud no bigger than a man's hand .

Example: By 1980 I had decided that developments were moving sufficiently rapidly to justify a new edition, revised to take into account the growth in the use of computer-based services which in 1977 in Australia were a cloud no bigger than a man's hand.

» protuberancia pequeñanubblenub .

Example: As I move around the room I feel a nubble of something on the floor which, though solid initially, yields under the pressure of my foot.

Example: Between 11-13 weeks, all babies are said to have a 'nub' between their legs, and the angle of the nub will indicate whether it's a boy or girl.

» PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa)SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprise) .

Example: These access points will offer Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) an online catalogue of relevant information services.

» quedarse pequeñooverflow .

Example: Its extensive collection, a mixture of the rare and valuable and a wide range of modern printed material, overflows its cramped premises.

» quedarse pequeño al compararlodwindle by + comparison .

Example: While there is some pollution from previous mining activities, it dwindles by comparison to what this project will bring.

» restaurante pequeñobistro .

Example: The 30,000 square feet bookstore boasts a cafe, bistro, covered atrium doubling as a theatre, and room for 140,000 titles.

» rodaja fina y pequeñasliver .

Example: Even though geomorphology is merely a sliver off the corpus of science, it has both intellectual and practical value.

» terreno cultivable pequeñocroft .

Example: Ponies have been used for riding, transport, work on crofts and in coal mines, domestic service, and in show business.

» una pequeña minoría dea marginal fringe of .

Example: This put the matter down to the work of a marginal fringe of hotheads & lunatics.

» un pequeño puntitojust a little dot .

Example: It might be just a little dot in the huge canvas of our whole lives, but there are those special few that draw the dot with a permanent marker.

» volverse cada vez más pequeñoget + smaller and smaller .

Example: Trust is like an eraser it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.

Pequeño synonyms

mean in spanish: media, pronunciation: min part of speech: verb, adjective, noun humble in spanish: humilde, pronunciation: hʌmbəl part of speech: adjective fine in spanish: multa, pronunciation: faɪn part of speech: adjective minute in spanish: minuto, pronunciation: mɪnət part of speech: noun, adjective low in spanish: bajo, pronunciation: loʊ part of speech: adjective tight in spanish: apretado, pronunciation: taɪt part of speech: adjective modest in spanish: modesto, pronunciation: mɑdəst part of speech: adjective little in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəl part of speech: adjective, adverb minor in spanish: menor, pronunciation: maɪnɜr part of speech: adjective, noun soft in spanish: suave, pronunciation: sɑft part of speech: adjective moderate in spanish: moderar, pronunciation: mɑdɜrət part of speech: adjective petty in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: peti part of speech: adjective inferior in spanish: inferior, pronunciation: ɪnfɪriɜr part of speech: adjective narrow in spanish: estrecho, pronunciation: neroʊ part of speech: adjective least in spanish: menos, pronunciation: list part of speech: adjective young in spanish: joven, pronunciation: jʌŋ part of speech: adjective dwarf in spanish: enano, pronunciation: dwɔrf part of speech: noun wee in spanish: pequeñito, pronunciation: wi part of speech: adjective, noun diminutive in spanish: diminutivo, pronunciation: dɪmɪnjətɪv part of speech: adjective slender in spanish: esbelto, pronunciation: slendɜr part of speech: adjective stingy in spanish: tacaño, pronunciation: stɪndʒi part of speech: adjective limited in spanish: limitado, pronunciation: lɪmətəd part of speech: adjective micro in spanish: micro, pronunciation: maɪkroʊ part of speech: adjective slim in spanish: Delgado, pronunciation: slɪm part of speech: adjective tiny in spanish: minúsculo, pronunciation: taɪni part of speech: adjective minuscule in spanish: minúscula, pronunciation: mɪnəskjul part of speech: adjective miniscule in spanish: minúsculo, pronunciation: mɪnɪskjul part of speech: adjective puny in spanish: escuchimizado, pronunciation: pjuni part of speech: adjective petite in spanish: chiquita, pronunciation: pətit part of speech: noun, adjective elfin in spanish: duendecillo, pronunciation: elfɪn part of speech: adjective lowly in spanish: humilde, pronunciation: loʊli part of speech: adjective immature in spanish: inmaduro, pronunciation: ɪmətjʊr part of speech: adjective miniature in spanish: miniatura, pronunciation: mɪniətʃʊr part of speech: adjective, noun insignificant in spanish: insignificante, pronunciation: ɪnsɪgnjɪfɪkənt part of speech: adjective lesser in spanish: menor, pronunciation: lesɜr part of speech: adjective peanut in spanish: maní, pronunciation: pinət part of speech: noun infinitesimal in spanish: infinitesimal, pronunciation: ɪnfɪnɪtesɪməl part of speech: adjective atomic in spanish: atómico, pronunciation: ətɑmɪk part of speech: adjective midget in spanish: enano, pronunciation: mɪdʒət part of speech: noun lilliputian in spanish: liliputiense, pronunciation: lɪləpjuʃən part of speech: adjective, noun bantam in spanish: gallito, pronunciation: bæntəm part of speech: noun miserly in spanish: avaro, pronunciation: maɪzɜrli part of speech: adjective diminished in spanish: disminuido, pronunciation: dɪmɪnɪʃt part of speech: adjective mingy in spanish: tacaño, pronunciation: mɪndʒi part of speech: adjective littler in spanish: más pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəlɜr part of speech: adjective dinky in spanish: mono, pronunciation: dɪŋki part of speech: adjective, noun microscopic in spanish: microscópico, pronunciation: maɪkrəskɑpɪk part of speech: adjective teeny in spanish: chiquitín, pronunciation: tini part of speech: adjective lowercase in spanish: minúscula, pronunciation: loʊɜrkeɪs part of speech: adjective reduced in spanish: reducido, pronunciation: rədust part of speech: adjective narrow-minded in spanish: de mente estrecha, pronunciation: neroʊmaɪndəd part of speech: adjective bitty in spanish: fragmentario, pronunciation: bɪti part of speech: adjective decreased in spanish: disminuido, pronunciation: dɪkrist part of speech: adjective teensy in spanish: jovencito, pronunciation: tinsi part of speech: adjective weeny in spanish: weeny, pronunciation: wini part of speech: adjective smaller in spanish: menor, pronunciation: smɔlɜr part of speech: adjective littlest in spanish: más pequeña, pronunciation: lɪtələst part of speech: adjective runty in spanish: runty, pronunciation: rʌnti part of speech: adjective small-minded in spanish: pequeña mente, pronunciation: smɔlmɪndɪd part of speech: adjective subatomic in spanish: subatómico, pronunciation: səbətɑmɪk part of speech: adjective belittled in spanish: menospreciado, pronunciation: bɪlɪtəld part of speech: adjective teentsy in spanish: teentsy, pronunciation: tintsi part of speech: adjective smallest in spanish: pequeñísimo, pronunciation: smɔləst part of speech: adjective dwarfish in spanish: enano, pronunciation: dwɔrfɪʃ part of speech: adjective shrimpy in spanish: langosta, pronunciation: ʃrɪmpi part of speech: adjective small-scale in spanish: en pequeña escala, pronunciation: smɔlskeɪl part of speech: adjective ungenerous in spanish: poco generoso, pronunciation: əndʒenɜrəs part of speech: adjective undersized in spanish: sietemesino, pronunciation: ʌndɜrsaɪzd part of speech: adjective smallish in spanish: más bien pequeño, pronunciation: smɔlɪʃ part of speech: adjective gnomish in spanish: gnomo, pronunciation: noʊmɪʃ part of speech: adjective microscopical in spanish: microscópico, pronunciation: maɪkrəskɑpɪkəl part of speech: adjective weensy in spanish: weensy, pronunciation: winzi part of speech: adjective teensy-weensy in spanish: jovencito, pronunciation: tinziwinzi part of speech: adjective undersize in spanish: de tamaño inferior, pronunciation: ʌndɜrsaɪz part of speech: adjective bittie in spanish: bittie, pronunciation: bɪti part of speech: adjective elflike in spanish: elflike, pronunciation: elflaɪk part of speech: adjective half-size in spanish: medio tamaño, pronunciation: hæfsaɪz part of speech: adjective subgross in spanish: subgrosante, pronunciation: sʌbgrɔs part of speech: adjective atomlike in spanish: como un átomo, pronunciation: ætəmlaɪk part of speech: adjective
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