Pequeñez in english


pronunciation: smɔlnəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

pequeñez = smallness ; trifle ; shortness ; shortness of stature. 

Example: The teacher showed the children how the smallness of the character named Chibi in the illustrations paralleled his role in the novel.Example: As Sherlock Holmes reminded Dr Watson, 'You know my method; it is founded on the observance of trifles' = As Sherlock Holmes reminded Dr Watson, 'You know my method; it is founded on the observance of trifles'.Example: Now, after all these years of hearing that early menarche is associated with both shortness and fatness someone comes along and shows a genetic link among all three characteristics.Example: Shortness of stature is a common concern among children and their parents.


» no te angusties con pequeñecesdon't sweat the small stuff .

Example: Don't sweat the small stuff -- it's not worth hurting your health and wellbeing.

» pequeñecesbagatelle .

Example: 'Bagatelle' is a serendipitous and mercurially difficult kind of poem.

Pequeñez synonyms

littleness in spanish: pequeñez, pronunciation: lɪtəlnəs part of speech: noun
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