Peque in english


pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pecar = sin. 

Example: Some men, by continual sinning, sear even the conscience as with a hot iron, so that it becomes dead and past feeling.


» pecar desuffer from + a cursebe guilty oferr + on the side of .

Example: Watt suffered in generous measure from that curse which descends upon all bibliographers who are not severely self disciplined.

Example: Furthermore, if the library 's governance system is guilty of poor performance, it is more difficult to induce corrective action from a committee than from one person, who can be more easily removed for just cause.

Example: The decision of what to collect usually errs on the side of too much rather than too little.

» pecar de precauciónerr + on the side of caution .

Example: This default is to err on the side of caution.

Peque synonyms

mean in spanish: media, pronunciation: min part of speech: verb, adjective, noun humble in spanish: humilde, pronunciation: hʌmbəl part of speech: adjective fine in spanish: multa, pronunciation: faɪn part of speech: adjective minute in spanish: minuto, pronunciation: mɪnət part of speech: noun, adjective low in spanish: bajo, pronunciation: loʊ part of speech: adjective tight in spanish: apretado, pronunciation: taɪt part of speech: adjective modest in spanish: modesto, pronunciation: mɑdəst part of speech: adjective little in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəl part of speech: adjective, adverb minor in spanish: menor, pronunciation: maɪnɜr part of speech: adjective, noun soft in spanish: suave, pronunciation: sɑft part of speech: adjective moderate in spanish: moderar, pronunciation: mɑdɜrət part of speech: adjective petty in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: peti part of speech: adjective inferior in spanish: inferior, pronunciation: ɪnfɪriɜr part of speech: adjective narrow in spanish: estrecho, pronunciation: neroʊ part of speech: adjective least in spanish: menos, pronunciation: list part of speech: adjective young in spanish: joven, pronunciation: jʌŋ part of speech: adjective dwarf in spanish: enano, pronunciation: dwɔrf part of speech: noun wee in spanish: pequeñito, pronunciation: wi part of speech: adjective, noun diminutive in spanish: diminutivo, pronunciation: dɪmɪnjətɪv part of speech: adjective slender in spanish: esbelto, pronunciation: slendɜr part of speech: adjective stingy in spanish: tacaño, pronunciation: stɪndʒi part of speech: adjective limited in spanish: limitado, pronunciation: lɪmətəd part of speech: adjective micro in spanish: micro, pronunciation: maɪkroʊ part of speech: adjective slim in spanish: Delgado, pronunciation: slɪm part of speech: adjective tiny in spanish: minúsculo, pronunciation: taɪni part of speech: adjective minuscule in spanish: minúscula, pronunciation: mɪnəskjul part of speech: adjective miniscule in spanish: minúsculo, pronunciation: mɪnɪskjul part of speech: adjective puny in spanish: escuchimizado, pronunciation: pjuni part of speech: adjective petite in spanish: chiquita, pronunciation: pətit part of speech: noun, adjective elfin in spanish: duendecillo, pronunciation: elfɪn part of speech: adjective lowly in spanish: humilde, pronunciation: loʊli part of speech: adjective immature in spanish: inmaduro, pronunciation: ɪmətjʊr part of speech: adjective miniature in spanish: miniatura, pronunciation: mɪniətʃʊr part of speech: adjective, noun insignificant in spanish: insignificante, pronunciation: ɪnsɪgnjɪfɪkənt part of speech: adjective lesser in spanish: menor, pronunciation: lesɜr part of speech: adjective peanut in spanish: maní, pronunciation: pinət part of speech: noun infinitesimal in spanish: infinitesimal, pronunciation: ɪnfɪnɪtesɪməl part of speech: adjective atomic in spanish: atómico, pronunciation: ətɑmɪk part of speech: adjective midget in spanish: enano, pronunciation: mɪdʒət part of speech: noun lilliputian in spanish: liliputiense, pronunciation: lɪləpjuʃən part of speech: adjective, noun bantam in spanish: gallito, pronunciation: bæntəm part of speech: noun miserly in spanish: avaro, pronunciation: maɪzɜrli part of speech: adjective diminished in spanish: disminuido, pronunciation: dɪmɪnɪʃt part of speech: adjective mingy in spanish: tacaño, pronunciation: mɪndʒi part of speech: adjective littler in spanish: más pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəlɜr part of speech: adjective dinky in spanish: mono, pronunciation: dɪŋki part of speech: adjective, noun microscopic in spanish: microscópico, pronunciation: maɪkrəskɑpɪk part of speech: adjective teeny in spanish: chiquitín, pronunciation: tini part of speech: adjective lowercase in spanish: minúscula, pronunciation: loʊɜrkeɪs part of speech: adjective reduced in spanish: reducido, pronunciation: rədust part of speech: adjective narrow-minded in spanish: de mente estrecha, pronunciation: neroʊmaɪndəd part of speech: adjective bitty in spanish: fragmentario, pronunciation: bɪti part of speech: adjective decreased in spanish: disminuido, pronunciation: dɪkrist part of speech: adjective teensy in spanish: jovencito, pronunciation: tinsi part of speech: adjective weeny in spanish: weeny, pronunciation: wini part of speech: adjective smaller in spanish: menor, pronunciation: smɔlɜr part of speech: adjective littlest in spanish: más pequeña, pronunciation: lɪtələst part of speech: adjective runty in spanish: runty, pronunciation: rʌnti part of speech: adjective small-minded in spanish: pequeña mente, pronunciation: smɔlmɪndɪd part of speech: adjective subatomic in spanish: subatómico, pronunciation: səbətɑmɪk part of speech: adjective belittled in spanish: menospreciado, pronunciation: bɪlɪtəld part of speech: adjective teentsy in spanish: teentsy, pronunciation: tintsi part of speech: adjective smallest in spanish: pequeñísimo, pronunciation: smɔləst part of speech: adjective dwarfish in spanish: enano, pronunciation: dwɔrfɪʃ part of speech: adjective shrimpy in spanish: langosta, pronunciation: ʃrɪmpi part of speech: adjective small-scale in spanish: en pequeña escala, pronunciation: smɔlskeɪl part of speech: adjective ungenerous in spanish: poco generoso, pronunciation: əndʒenɜrəs part of speech: adjective undersized in spanish: sietemesino, pronunciation: ʌndɜrsaɪzd part of speech: adjective smallish in spanish: más bien pequeño, pronunciation: smɔlɪʃ part of speech: adjective gnomish in spanish: gnomo, pronunciation: noʊmɪʃ part of speech: adjective microscopical in spanish: microscópico, pronunciation: maɪkrəskɑpɪkəl part of speech: adjective weensy in spanish: weensy, pronunciation: winzi part of speech: adjective teensy-weensy in spanish: jovencito, pronunciation: tinziwinzi part of speech: adjective undersize in spanish: de tamaño inferior, pronunciation: ʌndɜrsaɪz part of speech: adjective bittie in spanish: bittie, pronunciation: bɪti part of speech: adjective elflike in spanish: elflike, pronunciation: elflaɪk part of speech: adjective half-size in spanish: medio tamaño, pronunciation: hæfsaɪz part of speech: adjective subgross in spanish: subgrosante, pronunciation: sʌbgrɔs part of speech: adjective atomlike in spanish: como un átomo, pronunciation: ætəmlaɪk part of speech: adjective
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