Peor in english


pronunciation: wɜrst part of speech: adjective
In gestures

peor = worse ; not-so-good ; low-end ; losingest. 

Example: There is now an even better (or worse) example that supplants rock music as the classical example of, not cultural lag, but musical lag, and that's GOSPEL MUSIC or GOSPEL SONGS, which has just now been established.Example: The not-so-good news is that we now need to spend equally prodigious efforts at preserving the fruits of our labor.Example: Therefore real time interaction is feasible on both low-end and high-end machines.Example: Futility has followed them since the day they were born, and Sunday night was no different for the losingest team in sports history.


» aun peorworseworse stilleven worseworse still .

Example: Problems will still exist with telecommunications and postal services with differing prices and, worse, differing standards of service.

Example: Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.

Example: Even worse, the bomb squads themselves have become targets.

Example: Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.

» cada vez peorworsening .

Example: This article discusses the worsening acquisitions budget at the library placing blame on the continuing large price increases of periodicals and books.

» cambiar a peorturn for + the worsetake + a turn for the worsetake + a turn for the worstchange for + the worseturn for + the worst .

Example: Across the pond, things turned for the worse as a confluence of issues impacted markets.

Example: This new virus has taken a turn for the worse with some variations now able to infect PCs without any user intervention.

Example: By this time the weather had taken a turn for the worst but we didn't let that stop us having fun and after a few slips we made our way back to Ambleside.

Example: He has changed for the worse since 2000, because defending a lie leads to bigger lies.

Example: When we reached the top of the mountain we thought all our woes were over though the weather had now turned for the worst.

» cambiar para peorchange for + the worseturn for + the worsetake + a turn for the worsetake + a turn for the worstturn for + the worst .

Example: He has changed for the worse since 2000, because defending a lie leads to bigger lies.

Example: Across the pond, things turned for the worse as a confluence of issues impacted markets.

Example: This new virus has taken a turn for the worse with some variations now able to infect PCs without any user intervention.

Example: By this time the weather had taken a turn for the worst but we didn't let that stop us having fun and after a few slips we made our way back to Ambleside.

Example: When we reached the top of the mountain we thought all our woes were over though the weather had now turned for the worst.

» convertirse en + Posesivo + peor enemigobecome + Posesivo + own worst enemy .

Example: There are many who think that towards the end of his life Gandhi became his own worst enemy and almost provoked his detractors into liquidating him.

» de lo peorat + Posesivo + very worstat + Posesivo + worst .

Example: At its very worst writing for a market can be pure 'hack' writing for money only, but in the world of books such an over-simplification can be misleading.

Example: This is 'scientific journalism' at its worst, but its standards are not wholly different from those of the mainline press.

» de los peoreslow-end .

Example: Therefore real time interaction is feasible on both low-end and high-end machines.

» de mal en peorout of the fire and into the frying panout of the frying pan and into the fire .

Example: The article is titled 'Out of the fire and into the frying pan'.

Example: Further, your question about using hydrocortisone cream makes me think of the saying, 'out of the frying pan and into the fire'.

» el peor de todosthe worst of the lot .

Example: Africa has lions, Alaska has grizzlies, Nepal has yeti. Britain has the worst of the lot - midgies! They make life hell for campers, walkers and hill-goers alike.

» en el momento peor de Alguienat + Posesivo + weakest .

Example: Ozon's novel falls flat because the plot is not only foreseeable pretty well every step of the way but, at its weakest, slumps into novelettish cliche.

» en el peor de los casosat worstin the worst of circumstancesat + Posesivo + very worstthe worst case scenarioat + Posesivo + worstin the worst caseif (the) worst comes to (the) worstif (the) worse comes to (the) worst .

Example: Further changes in the external world serve to render judgments, valid at the moment, wrong at best, and detrimental to the effectiveness of the catalog at worst.

Example: The lack of accessibility through normal channels does cause problems to librarians which can in the worst of circumstances make it seem as if the report is, indeed, unpublished.

Example: At its very worst writing for a market can be pure 'hack' writing for money only, but in the world of books such an over-simplification can be misleading.

Example: The worst case scenario suggests that library and information services may be replaced by electronic information points analogous to the electronic cash points installed at banks.

Example: This is 'scientific journalism' at its worst, but its standards are not wholly different from those of the mainline press.

Example: Theoretical results demonstrate that planning is in the worst case intractable.

Example: If the worst comes to the worst and you are attacked, try to escape rather than fight back, especially if you believe that your assailant may be armed.

Example: If worse comes to worst, you can always see if your employer may be amenable this time to giving you a cash advance.

» esperar lo mejor pero preparándose para lo peorhope for the best and/but prepare for the worsthope for the best and/but plan for the worst .

Example: You might be an optimist, but with software projects, as the saying goes, you can hope for the best but you should prepare for the worst.

Example: While no one knows exactly what 2010-11 will bring, we can all hope for the best and plan for the worst.

» esperar lo peorexpect + the worst .

Example: The mother, a little afraid and expecting the worst, was unsettled, despite all her efforts to be open-minded, by her preconceptions not only about the drug but about the rights and wrongs of the position she had put herself into.

» estar peorbe worse off .

Example: Thus far we seem to be worse off than before -- for we can enormously extend the record; yet even in its present bulk we can hardly consult it.

» hacer peormake + Nombre + worse .

Example: Boils on the buttocks can be very painful, and the pressure from sitting can make the pain worse.

» ir de mal en peorgo from + bad to worse .

Example: This reawakening brought a determination to help make atomic energy a positive factor for humanity but things have gone from bad to worse re genuine disarmament.

» lo peor dethe (full) brunt of .

Example: Almost 3,200 flights have already been cancelled for tomorrow -- when the full brunt of the storm is expected to hit New England states.

» lo peor delthe armpit of the .

Example: He was seen as the white knight who saved the school by transforming it from 'the armpit of the district' to a good school.

» lo peor está por llegarthe worst is yet/still to come .

Example: What we're finding out from a fiscal standpoint is that the worst is yet to come.

» lo peor está por venirthe worst is yet/still to come .

Example: What we're finding out from a fiscal standpoint is that the worst is yet to come.

» lo peor + ser + quethe worst thing + be + that .

Example: The worst thing was that no one took her seriously.

» lo peor ya ha pasadothe worst is over now .

Example: The worst is over now and I wish you all the luck in the world.

» lo que es aun peorworse still .

Example: Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.

» lo que es peorwhat's worseworse yet .

Example: And, what's worse, they have themselves failed to aggressively lobby for their own interests.

Example: Someone I once knew wrote that we walk away from our dreams afraid that we may fail or worse yet, afraid we may succeed.

» los peores + Nombrethe poorest + Nombre .

Example: The notice could contain the list of the poorest performers, based on the most recent set of appraisals.

» mucho peorfar worse .

Example: No matter how confusing these may be, special librarians should consider that the alternative of full exposure to liability would be far worse.

» para peor de malesbut to make matters worse .

Example: But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.

» peor afectadoworst-hit .

Example: The worst-hit region, according to state officials, was along the upper Rhine river.

» peor aunworse stilleven worse .

Example: Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.

Example: Even worse, the bomb squads themselves have become targets.

» peor caso, elworst case, the .

Example: The author describes the predicament of the new supervisor assuming the worst case, where the individual is not familiar with the department.

» peor ... de, elworst ... in, the [Superlativo del adjetivo bad (malo)] .

Example: She urges a boycott of California as a library conference venue until the state improves its current record of the worst school library provision in the US.

» peor de los casos, elworst case, the .

Example: The author describes the predicament of the new supervisor assuming the worst case, where the individual is not familiar with the department.

» peor económicamenteworst off .

Example: The European Regional Development Fund provides cash for regional economic development and recovery in the worst off regions in the Community.

» Posesivo + peor enemigoPosesivo + worst enemy .

Example: In other words, we have become our worst enemy, continually shooting ourselves in the foot.

» peor aunworse stilleven worse .

Example: Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.

Example: Even worse, the bomb squads themselves have become targets.

» pero lo peor de todobut worst of all .

Example: She had dishonoured him and his village, but worst of all she had put herself in unimaginable danger.

» prepararse para lo peorbatten downbatten down + the hatcheshold on to + the seat of + Posesivo + pantsgird (up) + Posesivo + loinsget + ready for the worstbrace + Reflexivo .

Example: New Orleans battens down for second storm.

Example: Yet rather than battening down the hatches and boarding up the shopfronts, it is more a case of polishing the silver and pulling out the corks.

Example: It's basically: Hold on to the seat of your pants, because it's a roller coaster ride = Básicamente es que tenemos que atarnos los machos porque las vamos a pasar canutas.

Example: He advised us to gird up our loins and set about making Pakistan worthy of its name.

Example: We are hoping for the best, but getting ready for the worst.

Example: She braced herself, afraid that from some obscure motive of propriety or self-protection he would turn on her.

» quedar peorbe a little worse prepared .

Example: Scouts will now be a little worse prepared after they were banned from carrying their traditional penknives due to the new law.

» sacar a relucir lo peor debring out + the worst in .

Example: Although there are some bad stepparents in the real world, becoming a stepmother or stepfather does not inevitably bring out the worst in people.

» salir peorbe a little worse off .

Example: The world is a little worse off than it was before as his talents, good cheer, metered insanity will be missed.

» sentirse peorfeel + worse .

Example: The physicians interviewed said that they did not like asking people about suicidal thoughts because they were worried that it might make them feel worse.

» ser lo peor de lo peorbe the lowest of the low .

Example: As opposed to alpha males and beta males, omega males are the lowest of the low; they're the type of men who shirk responsibility, refuse to grow up and generally avoid participating in the real world.

» ser peor quebe sorrier than [Comparativo de sorry]compare + unfavourably .

Example: There is, however, no reason to despair of schools having an influence on children from subliterate and illiterate homes, even as things still are, otherwise the short history of universal education would be much sorrier than it is.

Example: Salaries of library professionals compare unfavourably with pay scales in the information industry.

» ser + Posesivo + peor enemigobe + Posesivo + (own) worst enemy .

Example: If you put a lot of effort into losing weight but just don't seem to get results, you may be your own worst enemy.

» ser (sólo) el principio de algo (mucho) peorbe the thin edge of the wedgebe the thin end of the wedgebe the camel's nose (under the tent) .

Example: Internet brings a new generation of information services that are the thin edge of the wedge of a radically transformative change in how people will access information.

Example: It's the thin end of the wedge and we need to keep a good eye on it and make sure we do try and keep some control.

Example: Politicians reject the use of marijuana for medical purposes because they believe it represents the 'camel's nose under the tent'.

» superar la peor parte de Algobreak + the back of .

Example: The main objective of our proposal is to break the back of the financial crisis by sharply reducing mortgage foreclosures.

» tener la peor suerteget + the shit(tty) end of the stickget + the short end of the stickget + a raw dealget + a hard bargain .

Example: No matter how you look at it you are getting the shit end of the stick.

Example: Statistics show that women usually get the short end of the stick when their marriages break up.

Example: Boys are getting a raw deal because the education system dramatically favours girls, a leading academic has warned.

Example: So, anyway, we ended up paying $6,300 for the new piano and got a hard bargain for the old one.

» terminar de hacer la peor parte de Algobreak + the back of .

Example: The main objective of our proposal is to break the back of the financial crisis by sharply reducing mortgage foreclosures.

» tocar la peor suerteget + the shit(tty) end of the stickget + the short end of the stickget + a raw dealget + a hard bargain .

Example: No matter how you look at it you are getting the shit end of the stick.

Example: Statistics show that women usually get the short end of the stick when their marriages break up.

Example: Boys are getting a raw deal because the education system dramatically favours girls, a leading academic has warned.

Example: So, anyway, we ended up paying $6,300 for the new piano and got a hard bargain for the old one.

» y lo peor de todoand worst of all .

Example: Europeans noted with horror their habits of bathing frequently, derision of authoritarian structures, and worst of all, their 'petticoat governments'.

Peor synonyms

last in spanish: último, pronunciation: læst part of speech: adjective whip in spanish: látigo, pronunciation: wɪp part of speech: noun, verb bottom in spanish: fondo, pronunciation: bɑtəm part of speech: noun, adjective pip in spanish: pipa, pronunciation: pɪp part of speech: noun poorest in spanish: los mas pobres, pronunciation: purɪst part of speech: adjective rack up in spanish: acumular, pronunciation: rækʌp part of speech: verb lowest in spanish: más bajo, pronunciation: loʊəst part of speech: adjective pessimal in spanish: pesimista, pronunciation: pesəməl part of speech: adjective mop up in spanish: limpiar, pronunciation: mɑpʌp part of speech: noun, verb last-place in spanish: ultimo lugar, pronunciation: læstpleɪs part of speech: adjective most unsuitable in spanish: más inadecuado, pronunciation: moʊstənsutəbəl part of speech: adjective most evil in spanish: Más malvado, pronunciation: moʊstivəl part of speech: adjective most undesirable in spanish: más indeseable, pronunciation: moʊstəndɪzaɪrəbəl part of speech: adjective most wicked in spanish: más malvado, pronunciation: moʊstwɪkəd part of speech: adjective most unattractive in spanish: más poco atractivo, pronunciation: moʊstənətræktɪv part of speech: adjective most unpleasant in spanish: más desagradable, pronunciation: moʊstənplezənt part of speech: adjective
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