Península in english


pronunciation: pənɪnsələ part of speech: noun
In gestures

península = mainland ; peninsula. 

Example: Thus this code was important in catalogues on the mainland of Europe.Example: This district with 3,100 inhabitants is centrally placed on a peninsula surrounded by fjords.


» de la Península IbéricaIberian [Adjetivo] .

Example: Although neither of these initiatives have come to fruition, this is is likely to remain an Iberian issue in the foreseeable future.

» península arábiga, laArabian peninsula, the .

Example: The geographical area covers Burma as well, and the Arabian peninsula and Persian Gulf countries.

» península coreana, laKorean penisula, the .

Example: North Korea said today it was fully ready to work to denuclearise the Korean peninsula in opening remarks to six-party talks in Beijing.

» península ibéricaIberia .

Example: While Roman Spain was home to learned writers, evidence of libraries that scholars might have used in Iberia is scanty.

» Península Ibérica, laIberian Peninsula, the .

Example: This article describes some of the main reference sources for Sephardic studies in the broader sense of covering issues related not only to the Jews of the Iberian Peninsula and their descendants, but also to those of the Middle east and North Africa.
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