Pensión in english


pronunciation: penʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

pensión1 = pension ; alimony ; old-age pension ; allowance ; spousal support ; spousal maintenance ; alimony payment. 

Example: Such libraries now offer advice on benefits, employment, careers, housing, pensions, consumer affairs and other similar matters, or put people in touch with other sources.Example: If you've endured the agony of a divorce -- and more than 50 percent of Americans have -- there's a good shot you're paying alimony.Example: Although the age for receiving old-age pension is 65 years, an individual can decide to bring it forward to a maximum of 5 years.Example: These payments cover the following: tide-over allowances for workers, including redundancy payments, resettlement allowances, and vocational training for those having to change their employment.Example: Spousal support is money paid by one spouse to the other after they separate or divorce = Spousal support is money paid by one spouse to the other after they separate or divorce.Example: The amount of spousal maintenance you're entitled to (if any) depends on your individual circumstances = The amount of spousal maintenance you're entitled to (if any) depends on your individual circumstances.Example: Alimony payments are taxable to the wife & deductible by the husband.


» cobrar pensión y recibir salario por otra trabajo que se desempeñadouble-dipping .

Example: Double-dipping erodes the fabric of the pension system and the conceptual basis on which it was founded.

» cobrar una pensióndraw + a pension .

Example: Some of them will not be drawing a pension for at least 40 years.

» derecho de pensiónpension entitlement .

Example: The pension entitlements they have earned are theirs by right.

» disfrutar de una pensióndraw + a pension .

Example: Some of them will not be drawing a pension for at least 40 years.

» fondo de pensionessuperannuation fundsuperannuation schemepension fund .

Example: Employees who are considering changing superannuation funds should be aware that some funds may charge a transaction fee.

Example: When Labor returned to power in 1983, it still favoured a national superannuation scheme.

Example: Pension funds control relatively large amounts of capital and represent the largest institutional investors in many nations.

» media pensiónhalf boarddemi-pensionpart(ly)-catered .

Example: Price per person sharing a double room (half board): EUR 575 incl. VAT.

Example: Places in demi-pension are still available in hotels from the city centre and are preferably designed for younger participants.

Example: Part-catered means that during term-time you would get breakfast and a main meal later in the day, on weekdays only.

» pensión alimenticiaalimony [Dinero que un cónyuge paga al otro tras separarse o divorciarse]spousal support [Dinero que un cónyuge paga al otro tras separarse o divorciarse]spousal maintenance [Dinero que un cónyuge paga al otro tras separarse o divorciarse]alimony payment .

Example: If you've endured the agony of a divorce -- and more than 50 percent of Americans have -- there's a good shot you're paying alimony.

Example: Spousal support is money paid by one spouse to the other after they separate or divorce = La pensión alimenticia es el dinero que un cónyuge paga al otro tras separarse o divorciarse.

Example: The amount of spousal maintenance you're entitled to (if any) depends on your individual circumstances = El total de la pensión alimenticia a la que se tiene derecho (si es que así lo es) depende de las circunstancias individuales de cada persona.

Example: Alimony payments are taxable to the wife & deductible by the husband.

» pensión de menoreschild support .

Example: This has the dual purpose of encouraging compliance and protecting the interests of the payee entitled to child support.

» pensión de viudawidow's pension .

Example: Numerous applications for widow's pensions were denied because the widow could not prove her marriage was legally sanctioned.

» pensión de viudedadwidow's pensionwidower's pension .

Example: Numerous applications for widow's pensions were denied because the widow could not prove her marriage was legally sanctioned.

Example: A widower's pension is paid to a husband on the death of a wife who was a member where the deceased was the main breadwinner in the family.

» pensión de viudowidower's pension .

Example: A widower's pension is paid to a husband on the death of a wife who was a member where the deceased was the main breadwinner in the family.

» pensión por incapacidaddisability pension .

Example: Problem drinking, drink driving and criminality are important risk factors for receipt of disability pension and high levels of sickness absence in young men.

» pensión por invalidezdisability pension .

Example: Problem drinking, drink driving and criminality are important risk factors for receipt of disability pension and high levels of sickness absence in young men.

» pensión por vejezold-age pension .

Example: Although the age for receiving old-age pension is 65 years, an individual can decide to bring it forward to a maximum of 5 years.

» pensión por viudezwidower's pensionwidow's pension .

Example: A widower's pension is paid to a husband on the death of a wife who was a member where the deceased was the main breadwinner in the family.

Example: Numerous applications for widow's pensions were denied because the widow could not prove her marriage was legally sanctioned.

» persona que cobra pensión y recibe salario por otro trabajo que desempeñadouble-dipper .

Example: Of the 36 double-dippers identified by Colorado Watchdog, 13 are retired from the Denver Police Department.

» plan de pensionespension planretirement planpension schemesuperannuation schemesuperannuation fundpension fund .

Example: The personnel policy should make provision for pension plans, income continuation insurance, workers's compensation coverage, vacation and other leaves.

Example: As many teachers near their retirement years, they discover that their retirement plans are insufficient.

Example: From next year, it will start to become compulsory for all UK firms to have a pension scheme.

Example: When Labor returned to power in 1983, it still favoured a national superannuation scheme.

Example: Employees who are considering changing superannuation funds should be aware that some funds may charge a transaction fee.

Example: Pension funds control relatively large amounts of capital and represent the largest institutional investors in many nations.

» recibir una pensióndraw + a pension .

Example: Some of them will not be drawing a pension for at least 40 years.

» régimen de pensionespension scheme .

Example: From next year, it will start to become compulsory for all UK firms to have a pension scheme.

» tener una pensióndraw + a pension .

Example: Some of them will not be drawing a pension for at least 40 years.

pensión2 = guesthouse [guest house] ; boarding house ; bed and breakfast (B&B) ; rooming house ; lodging house. 

Example: The aim is to establish a central library with a network of branches in guest houses and other places of accommodation.Example: A wide range of accommodation is available including low cost hotels, boarding houses and youth hostels for people attending the conference.Example: Comparing this car to other people carriers is like comparing the Ritz Hotel to a bed and breakfast.Example: A rooming house is considered illegal if it contravenes city bylaws.Example: According to the law, all barber shops, hairdressing salons, lodging houses and eating houses are required to register with the City Council = According to the law, all barber shops, hairdressing salons, lodging houses and eating houses are required to register with the City Council.


» alojamiento en régimen de pensión completafull-board accommodation .

Example: Package B includes full-board accommodation in a student residence in a single or double room with shared bathroom.

» con pensión completafully-catered .

Example: If you choose a fully-catered option you are provided with 3 meals a day, all served in the college dining room.

» media pensiónhalf boarddemi-pensionpart(ly)-catered .

Example: Price per person sharing a double room (half board): EUR 575 incl. VAT.

Example: Places in demi-pension are still available in hotels from the city centre and are preferably designed for younger participants.

Example: Part-catered means that during term-time you would get breakfast and a main meal later in the day, on weekdays only.

» pensión completafood and boardbed and boardfull boardfull-board accommodationen pension  ; room and boardcateredfully-catered .

Example: Slaves in most cases aren't paid for their labour beyond food and board.

Example: Does anyone know of any organisations which will offer bed and board in return for 2-3 weeks work?.

Example: All June departures are £599 per person which include full board for 7 nights, flights and transfers with no hidden charges.

Example: Package B includes full-board accommodation in a student residence in a single or double room with shared bathroom.

Example: En pension terms are available to guests staying at the same establishment for at least three to five days.

Example: The state of Illinois has been pursuing lawsuits against its own inmates to pay for their room and board.

Example: Catered or self-catered, choose your preference to have a perfect holiday in the French Alps.

Example: If you choose a fully-catered option you are provided with 3 meals a day, all served in the college dining room.

» pensión de mala muertedoss house .

Example: An escaped convict is on the loose, and the police are searching all the doss houses in the hopes of finding him there.

» pensión para vagabundosflophouse .

Example: This article discusses life in a flophouse in the Chinese slums of Harbin during 1940 when Japan had political control.

Pensión synonyms

pension off in spanish: jubilar a, pronunciation: penʃənɔf part of speech: verb retirement benefit in spanish: beneficio de retiro, pronunciation: ritaɪɜrməntbenəfɪt part of speech: noun retirement fund in spanish: fondo de retiro, pronunciation: ritaɪɜrməntfʌnd part of speech: noun retirement check in spanish: cheque de jubilación, pronunciation: ritaɪɜrmənttʃek part of speech: noun
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