Penseque in english

I thought

pronunciation: aɪθɔt part of speech: none
In gestures

pensar que = share + the view that ; Posesivo + feeling is that ; harbour + the belief that ; be of the view that ; be of the opinion that. 

Example: Not all librarians share the view that outreach is a good thing for the public library.Example: My feeling is that Labor is hitting Boren more as a warning shot to others who might be considering breaking ranks.Example: I harbor the belief that to a multitude of people music has always meant, an will continually mean, but one thing out of two: something melodious or odious.Example: The majority of respondents were of the view that their programmes now comprehend broader interests than might be suggested by the term 'librarianship'.Example: Some considered the rules over-complicated and fussy, whereas others were of the opinion that more detail was required.
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