Pensamiento in english


pronunciation: θɔt part of speech: noun
In gestures

pensamiento1 = mind ; thinking ; thought ; rationality ; strands of thought. 

Example: Titles present filing problems (particularly in the minds of users).Example: Let us attempt to examine first the thinking and philosophy behind the arrangement of libraries designed in this period.Example: Amongst these are numbered: some specific legal and governmental works, such as laws, decrees, treaties; works that record the collective thought of a body, for example, reports of commissions and committees; and various cartographic materials.Example: A model of how librarians may actually go about book selection is presented in three ways: rationality; tacit knowledge; and symbolic content.Example: By looking at the work of some cyberfeminists, the author attempts to give a clearer picture of key debates and strands of thought in cyberfeminism.


» absorto en el pensamientolost in thought .

Example: He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize that someone was talking to him until he got thumped on the head.

» adivinar el pensamientoread + Posesivo + mindread + Posesivo + thoughts .

Example: Presidents who manage by dropping hints sometimes devise little tests to see if their executives can read their minds.

Example: Telling the difference between a subject looking at one thing or another by brain scan is interesting, but hardly constitutes 'reading their thoughts'.

» apartar un pensamientoquell + a thought .

Example: But he could not forget, nor could he quell the thoughts and feelings of fire that inwardly consumed his peace, and rendered existence torture.

» bocadillo de pensamientothought bubblethought balloonthink balloonthink bubble .

Example: Speech balloons and thought bubbles are among the most recognizable visual signs of the visual language used in comics.

Example: Wouldn't it be great if people in real life had thought balloons you could see while talking to them?.

Example: I saw what she saw and heard what she heard, every time I had a thought, (like a think balloon in a cartoon) she would answer it.

Example: The leaflet starts with a series of 'think bubbles' encouraging pupils to consider the reasons why it is important to go to school and the consequences of truancy.

» capaz de leer los pensamientosmind reading .

Example: A mind reading helmet could allow military bosses to tell if new captured enemies are friend or foe.

» corriente de pensamientotrend of thoughtstream of consciousness .

Example: The question of ideological thought (in the sense of a veiled interest-determined trend of thought) is again rearing its head in present times.

Example: This is an instance of the effort to integrate the history of the Holocaust into the general stream of historical consciousness.

» de pensamiento liberalliberal-mindedfree-thinking .

Example: Almost without exception libraries have agreed with the liberal-minded who wanted to make the immigrants' transition into a new society as painless as possible.

Example: The boldness of their appearance charmed many free-thinking courtiers at the same time that it scandalized the conservative contingent.

» de pensamientos nobleshigh-minded .

Example: The conference produced a high-minded, challenging agenda for the library community in the coming year = El congreso elaboró un programa lleno de retos y de principios muy elevados para la comunidad bibliotecaria en el año entrante.

» en + Posesivo + pensamientoin + Posesivo + (own) mindon + Posesivo + mind .

Example: If in your mind your job is solely for the purpose of 'putting bread on the table,' you are, in a sense, prostituting your labor.

Example: The school was sued for banning a young adult novel, 'Annie on my mind', about two high school girls who fall in love.

» escuela de pensamientoschool of thought .

Example: Despite the school of thought that believes only informative and indicative abstracts can be regarded as true abstracts we will explore many other additional terms.

» expresar + Posesivo + pensamientosfind + Posesivo + (own) voicefind + voicefind + a voice .

Example: In her essay, Montaigne's adoptive daughter struggled to find her own voice while speaking as the authorized representative of her father.

Example: But the practical question that gets asked again and again is how does the reader find voice on the printed page.

Example: The author argues that people must find a voice to address cuts in funding for the arts.

» globo de pensamientothought bubblethought balloonthink balloonthink bubble .

Example: Speech balloons and thought bubbles are among the most recognizable visual signs of the visual language used in comics.

Example: Wouldn't it be great if people in real life had thought balloons you could see while talking to them?.

Example: I saw what she saw and heard what she heard, every time I had a thought, (like a think balloon in a cartoon) she would answer it.

Example: The leaflet starts with a series of 'think bubbles' encouraging pupils to consider the reasons why it is important to go to school and the consequences of truancy.

» hacer que + Algo + desaparecer + con el pensamientowish away .

Example: She realizes that while her heart is in the right place, she cannot wish away life's complications.

» hilo de + Posesivo + pensamientosPosesivo + train of thought .

Example: This potion will burn going down, but it will cleanse your body from your heart to your brain and it will essentially reset your train of thought.

» leer el pensamientoread + Posesivo + mindread + Posesivo + thoughts .

Example: Presidents who manage by dropping hints sometimes devise little tests to see if their executives can read their minds.

Example: Telling the difference between a subject looking at one thing or another by brain scan is interesting, but hardly constitutes 'reading their thoughts'.

» libertad de pensamientofreedom of thoughtfreedom to thinkfree thought .

Example: The aim is to provide varied information and to put it at the disposal of all different kinds of readers, thus contributing to equality of opportunity and freedom of thought.

Example: Librarians must turn to their own communities for the best defences against any restrictions in the freedom to read and think.

Example: Because true censorship restricts freedom of information, public libraries must promote free thought and free speech through free books.

» líder del pensamientoleader of thought .

Example: Those who self-actualise are at a peak of mental development, they are usually creative, leaders of thought, and frequently leaders in our society.

» línea de pensamientoline of thoughtline of thinking .

Example: This line of thought leads to the headings 'Engagement' and 'Premarital counseling'; the latter advises 'See Marriage counseling'.

Example: I feel this is an utterly absurd and ridiculous line of thinking, but unfortunately lack the knowledge to explain why it is ridiculous.

» método de pensamiento en voz altathinking aloud method .

Example: The classification work of 26 librarians and 9 students was studied by a thinking aloud method.

» mis pensamientos están contigo (y tu familia)my thoughts go out to you (and your family) .

Example: Probably one of the most unhelpful and frustrating things people can say in these situations, in my opinion, is 'My thoughts go out to you...'.

» olvidar un pensamientoquell + a thought .

Example: But he could not forget, nor could he quell the thoughts and feelings of fire that inwardly consumed his peace, and rendered existence torture.

» ordenar + Posesivo + pensamientoscollect + Posesivo + thoughts .

Example: Needing a moment to collect my thoughts yesterday, I opted for a quick walk along the boardwalk.

» pensamiento abstractoabstract thought .

Example: At this stage of 'concrete operations' children think in factual terms which are an essential preliminary to abstract and deductive thought.

» pensamiento analíticoanalytic thinking .

Example: Analytic thinking is useful and important, but sometimes you have to take mental leaps in order to make sense of seemingly unrelated pieces of information.

» pensamiento científicoscientific thought .

Example: This fundamental change might be likened to a paradigm shift in scientific thought which results in a new direction for any science.

» pensamiento compulsivocompulsive thought .

Example: Can hypnosis cure someone of a obsessive compulsive thought such that the person will never think that thought again?.

» pensamiento creativocreative thinkingcreative thought .

Example: The article is an invitation to walk along the path of creative thinking.

Example: Little wonder, then, that cognitive psychologists have long been fascinated by the mysteries of creative thought.

» pensamiento críticocritical thinking .

Example: This article argues that critical thinking, a long sought after goal in the US educational system, may be taught efficiently through the agency of library use instructions within the college environment.

» pensamiento deductivodeductive thought .

Example: At this stage of 'concrete operations' children think in factual terms which are an essential preliminary to abstract and deductive thought.

» pensamiento de grupogroupthink .

Example: This paper considers two recent cases of possible groupthink in British corporate management at BA and Marks and Spencer.

» pensamiento de orden superiorhigher-order thinking .

Example: However, good teaching also aims to improve students' ability to engage in higher-order thinking.

» pensamiento errantemeandering thought .

Example: You are the soundtrack to every ethereal dream, every meandering thought and every contemplative moment you've ever experienced.

» pensamiento erráticomeandering thought .

Example: You are the soundtrack to every ethereal dream, every meandering thought and every contemplative moment you've ever experienced.

» pensamiento generalconventional thinking .

Example: Conventional thinking has been that water-cooled chillers are more efficient than air-cooled chillers.

» pensamiento generalmente aceptadoconventional thinking .

Example: Conventional thinking has been that water-cooled chillers are more efficient than air-cooled chillers.

» pensamiento grupalgroupthink .

Example: This paper considers two recent cases of possible groupthink in British corporate management at BA and Marks and Spencer.

» pensamiento humanohuman thought .

Example: The development of alphabets altered human consciousness and the linearity of written language clouding our minds to the multidimensionality of human thought.

» pensamiento ilusoriowishful thinking .

Example: I suspect that Mr Byrum's personal opinion that AACR2 will force libraries to close their catalogs is partly wishful thinking.

» pensamiento intelectualintellectual thought .

Example: While the reading habits of the elite form the leading edge of intellectual thought, the vast majority of humanity have had, in the past as well as the present, different habits and aims.

» pensamiento intrusivointrusive thought .

Example: Children and adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) suffer from unwanted and intrusive thoughts that they can't seem to get out of their heads (obsessions).

» pensamiento laterallateral thinking .

Example: These methods might exclude documents which could only be recognized as relevant by the lateral thinking which, for the present at least, appears to be the prerogative of the human brain.

» pensamiento liberalliberal thought .

Example: These books have appeared at an inopportune time for radical or even liberal thought.

» pensamiento librefree thought .

Example: Because true censorship restricts freedom of information, public libraries must promote free thought and free speech through free books.

» pensamiento matemáticomathematical thinking .

Example: Betweenness is an important theme pervading much of mathematical thinking.

» pensamiento obsesivoobsessive thought .

Example: Trying to reason out or make sense from an obsessive thought usually only strengthens the thought.

» pensamiento originalcreative thinkingcreative thought .

Example: The article is an invitation to walk along the path of creative thinking.

Example: Little wonder, then, that cognitive psychologists have long been fascinated by the mysteries of creative thought.

» pensamiento que ronda la cabeza de Unothought + run through + Posesivo + head .

Example: You know, another thought's been running through my head, now that you mention a relationship between the public library and the schools.

» pensamiento racionalrational thoughtrational thinking .

Example: Our political class yaps and squeals but is incapable of rational thought.

Example: At heart, their spiel is an emotional appeal -- an attempt to arouse emotions that ultimately preclude analysis and other forms of rational thinking.

» pensamiento suicidasuicidal thought .

Example: The physicians interviewed said that they did not like asking people about suicidal thoughts because they were worried that it might make them feel worse.

» perder el hilo de + Posesivo + pensamientoslose + Posesivo + train of thought .

Example: She was so shocked by the man's response that she lost her train of thought.

» perderse en el pensamientolose + Reflexivo + in thought .

Example: Linda climbed the stairs to her workroom, plumped down at the table, set her chin in her palms, and lost herself in thought.

» rapidez de pensamientoquick thinking .

Example: It was a moment in time that could've resulted in a disaster, but it didn't because of his quick thinking.

» relegar un pensamientoquell + a thought .

Example: But he could not forget, nor could he quell the thoughts and feelings of fire that inwardly consumed his peace, and rendered existence torture.

» una cadena de pensamientosa train of thought(s)a chain of thought(s) .

Example: In general, I think of this as a train of thought, since the metaphor is so very apt.

Example: By a curious chain of thoughts she soon found herself reconstituting in detail her association with the Deuxville Public Library.

» una serie de pensamientos encadenadosa chain of thought(s)a train of thought(s) .

Example: By a curious chain of thoughts she soon found herself reconstituting in detail her association with the Deuxville Public Library.

Example: In general, I think of this as a train of thought, since the metaphor is so very apt.

pensamiento2 = pansy. 

Example: If you find the pansies still too leggy after a week or so, you can pinch them off to make them bush out more.


» bocadillo de pensamientothought bubblethought balloonthink balloonthink bubble .

Example: Speech balloons and thought bubbles are among the most recognizable visual signs of the visual language used in comics.

Example: Wouldn't it be great if people in real life had thought balloons you could see while talking to them?.

Example: I saw what she saw and heard what she heard, every time I had a thought, (like a think balloon in a cartoon) she would answer it.

Example: The leaflet starts with a series of 'think bubbles' encouraging pupils to consider the reasons why it is important to go to school and the consequences of truancy.

Pensamiento synonyms

view in spanish: ver, pronunciation: vju part of speech: noun opinion in spanish: opinión, pronunciation: əpɪnjən part of speech: noun idea in spanish: idea, pronunciation: aɪdiə part of speech: noun sentiment in spanish: sentimiento, pronunciation: sentəmənt part of speech: noun thinking in spanish: pensando, pronunciation: θɪŋkɪŋ part of speech: noun persuasion in spanish: persuasión, pronunciation: pɜrsweɪʒən part of speech: noun mentation in spanish: mentación, pronunciation: menteɪʃən part of speech: noun intellection in spanish: intelección, pronunciation: ɪntəlekʃən part of speech: noun cerebration in spanish: cerebration, pronunciation: serəbreɪʃən part of speech: noun
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