Penitente in english


pronunciation: penɪtɪnt part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

penitente = penitent. 

Example: God offers penitents redemption but also bestows His 'common grace' on all.

Penitente synonyms

contrite in spanish: contrito, pronunciation: kəntraɪt part of speech: adjective sorry in spanish: lo siento, pronunciation: sɑri part of speech: adjective rueful in spanish: triste, pronunciation: rufəl part of speech: adjective remorseful in spanish: arrepentido, pronunciation: rɪmɔrsfəl part of speech: adjective repentant in spanish: arrepentido, pronunciation: rɪpentənt part of speech: adjective penitential in spanish: penitencial, pronunciation: penətenʃəl part of speech: adjective
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