Penitencia in english


pronunciation: penəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

penitencia = penitence ; repentance ; penance. 

Example: The novel is about a contrite sinner who finds penitence through a 'cunning' that is theatrical.Example: The book stands on the slippery ground between the picaresque and the Puritan repentance narratives such as the Pilgrim's Progress.Example: The traditional white and black of the Dominican habit represent purity and penance.


» como penitenciaas penance .

Example: Those who let a foul word slip will be encouraged to deposit money into the cuss jar as penance.

» hacer penitenciado + penance .

Example: All Christ's faithful are obliged by divine law, each in his or her own way, to do penance.

Penitencia synonyms

repentance in spanish: arrepentimiento, pronunciation: rɪpentəns part of speech: noun penitence in spanish: penitencia, pronunciation: penɪtəns part of speech: noun self-abasement in spanish: auto-degradación, pronunciation: selfəbeɪsmənt part of speech: noun self-mortification in spanish: auto mortificación, pronunciation: selfmɔrtɪfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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