Penique in english


pronunciation: peni part of speech: noun
In gestures

penique = penny [pennies/pence, -pl.]. 

Example: At the beginning of the century a one-volume novel could cost about half a guinea and at the end the same novel could be purchased for a few pennies.


» cuarto de peniquefarthing .

Example: Chapbooks were sold in villages, hamlets, towns for amounts ranging from a few farthings to a shilling.

» dos peniquestuppence [Forma coloquial de pronunciar two pence, unidad de moneda] .

Example: Tuppence is a valid word in this word list.

» peniquespence [penny, -sing.] [Unidad monetaria inglesa] .

Example: Clearly, then, there are many people (almost all women) who not only want to read this new romantic fiction, but who feel it is worth spending (at present) 75 pence a copy to buy the 192-page book.

» seis peniquessixpence .

Example: Pamphlets usually sold at between threepence and sixpence.

» tres peniquesthreepencethruppence [Pronunciación coloquial de three pence, moneda antigua] .

Example: Pamphlets usually sold at between threepence and sixpence.

Example: The subway or bus fare was seldom over thruppence for trips around the area.

Penique synonyms

cent in spanish: centavo, pronunciation: sent part of speech: noun centime in spanish: céntimo, pronunciation: sentim part of speech: noun priced in spanish: carillo, pronunciation: praɪst part of speech: verb, adjective
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