Penetración in english


pronunciation: penətreɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

penetración = penetration. 

Example: The somewhat late arrival of the ROOT thesaurus in the indexing world means that its penetration will be slow, although it has great potential as a tool for standardizing indexing languages.


» penetración de mercadomarket penetration [En evaluación de servicios, proporción de los usuarios potenciales de la biblioteca que la utilizan de hecho] .

Example: Market penetration is the proportion of the library's potential users who actually use the library.

» radar de penetración terrestreground penetrating radar .

Example: This new signal processing technique improves the detectability of buried anti-personnel land mines using a ground penetrating radar.

» sexo con penetraciónpenetrative sex .

Example: Men that wank too hard, can experience difficulty having penetrative sex with women.

Penetración synonyms

insight in spanish: visión, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪt part of speech: noun incursion in spanish: incursión, pronunciation: ɪnkɜrʒən part of speech: noun
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