Pena in english


pronunciation: peɪn part of speech: noun
In gestures

pena1 = woe ; distress ; grief ; regret ; grieving ; woefulness ; heartache ; misery ; sorrow ; sadness ; hurt. 

Example: 'The word's out: all departments have to cut their staffs by 10%' -- Her voice was weak and laden with woe.Example: The reason for his distress seemed to have been twofold: he derived comfort from reading the roll and he would have found it very embarassing to admit at the end of his journey that he had lost it.Example: This paper discusses the ways in which books may be used to help bereaved children to understand death and other aspects of grief.Example: Spalding's regret is quite understandable, for few of those seeking to identify particular editions in the catalog will fail to be confused by the results of this decision.Example: The article 'Words of comfort: resources for the living and dying' reviews books on death and grieving for purposes of collection development in the area.Example: In presenting this story, Amenabar has managed to avoid both saccharine sentimentality and easy woefulness.Example: Lovelorn staff at a Japanese company can take paid time off after an upsetting break-up with a partner, with more 'heartache leave' offered as they get older.Example: Perhaps Jane Austen was aware of this, for having stated the fact of the elopement briefly, she says airily: 'Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery, I quit such odious subjects as soon as I can'.Example: In an authority list, the terms, whether descriptors or non-descriptors, may be single words (e.g., Hosiery, Journalism, Lingerie), or phrases of two or three words (e.g., Electric meters, Electric power plants, Joy and sorrow).Example: Suddenly she was consumed by a feeling of sadness.Example: I sent her a message explaining my hurt towards this and I didn't like it, it felt like a kick in the face to me.


» a duras penaswith great difficultyat a push .

Example: Alumina is helpful for any stool that is passed with great difficulty.

Example: A 6 foot round table will fit 10 people comfortably or 12 at a push.

» ahogar + Posesivo + penasdrown + Posesivo + sorrows .

Example: According to anonymous sources, Jessica has been depressed lately and has been drowning her sorrows in booze and junk food = Según fuentes anónimas, Jessica ha estado deprimida últimamente y se ha dedicado a ahogar sus penas en alcohol y comida basura.

» alegrías y penaspleasures and pains .

Example: The author reviews some of the pleasures and pains of producing journals for the profession of librarianship in Australia.

» alma en penabanshee .

Example: Flailing about like a lunatic, and braying like a wild banshee, he planted the seed of doubt.

» arreglárselas a duras penasmuddle through .

Example: The average user is not only frustrated by a library, but is working under the false notion that most of what he needs can be found by muddling through the card catalog.

» avanzar a duras penasfloundergrind on .

Example: I have noticed in many walks of life, people doing jobs, paid or unpaid, in which they are floundering because they do not have what I might call a job description.

Example: Far more likely is that the session will grind on days, perhaps weeks, before there's a compromise between the Presidente and the Senate.

» beber para ahogar las penasdrink to + drown + Posesivo + sorrows .

Example: She also tends to get upset if other mention she is single, and is very easily susceptible to drinking to drown her sorrows.

» causar penacause + hurt .

Example: Our reactions to actual crime -- disbelief about the act committed, anger at the hurt caused, a desire to get even, and fear for ourselves and our children -- arrive in an indecipherable rush of emotion.

» chillar como alma en penascream like + a bansheewail like + a banshee .

Example: He was arrested for disorderly conduct because he was screaming like a banshee.

Example: In her arms she held a child, round, pink, and wailing like a banshee.

» contarle las penas a Alguiensob + Posesivo + heart out to .

Example: The Prime Minister has been heard to scoff at the idea that he was sobbing his heart out to Tessa Jowell.

» dar penapain .

Example: She was quite a bit younger than her husband and it pained her a great deal that they did not have children.

» dar pena defeel + bad for .

Example: He's like that one awkward kid that is never good at anything in gym class and you just can't help but feel bad for him everytime he trips.

» de puta penaappallingdeplorable  ; awful .

Example: His article, 'The skeleton in the closet: public libraries art collections suffer appalling losses,' examines the problem of theft and mutilation of art materials in public libraries.

Example: We agree with Price that using the words 'citation' and 'reference' interchangeably is a deplorable waste of a good technical term.

Example: These articles were written by those who have had first hand experience of the awful consequences of not devoting enough time to testing their security systems.

» en penain grief .

Example: Juxtaposing harrowing scenes of a family in grief with high comedy, this film does not so much tread a delicate line between these two modes as career wildly between them like a drunken mourner.

» ganarse la vida a duras penaseke out + a livingscratch (out) + a livingscrape + a livingeke out + an existence .

Example: He represents not only hard-pressed immigrants and their plight but also everyone else eking out a living on the street corners of cities.

Example: David keeps at his pushcart, scratching out a living even in the dead of winter -- meanwhile, Rose secretly visits Sammy to watch out for him.

Example: A recent report finds that small business owners who employ five or less staff are, on average, barely scraping a living from all their effort.

Example: In thus eking out an existence, however, the washerwoman was very important for the survival of her family.

» gemir como alma en penawail like + a banshee .

Example: In her arms she held a child, round, pink, and wailing like a banshee.

» gritar como alma en penascream like + a bansheewail like + a banshee .

Example: He was arrested for disorderly conduct because he was screaming like a banshee.

Example: In her arms she held a child, round, pink, and wailing like a banshee.

» merecer la penabe worthwhilebe worth + Posesivo + timebe worth itbe worth every penny .

Example: The School Library Association, therefore, deemed it worthwhile to draft and publish an abridged version of BC in 1967.

Example: Just as we previously enumerated some of the golden rules of library collecting, so it is worth our time to dwell on some of the changes that will impinge on librarianship.

Example: But the costs that I've seen so far aren't worth it for what it gets for our patrons.

Example: He is the highest grossing actor of all time, and by god, he's worth every penny.

» merecer la pena considerar más detalladamenterepay + full consideration .

Example: Figure 19.2 will repay full consideration.

» merecer la pena el esfuerzobe worth + Posesivo + effortrepay + Posesivo + effort .

Example: This attitude reinforces the concept that the family is still alive, functioning and worth the effort to build and maintain.

Example: The effort involved in creating an hospitable niche is repaid by the stimulus such courses provide to staff members.

» merecer la pena estudiar Algorepay + study .

Example: Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.

» merecer la pena + Infinitivobe worth + Gerundiobe worthy of + Gerundioit + be + worth + Gerundio .

Example: Nevertheless, it is worth drawing a comparison between them so that menu-based information retrieval systems might avoid some of the pitfalls of traditional classification.

Example: Step 2 Analysis: The second step towards an index involves the identification of the concepts within a document which are worthy of indexing.

Example: It is worth briefly observing a general approach to the creation of a data base.

» merecer la pena intentarlobe worth + a trybe worth + a shot .

Example: And the best judgment is: It's worth a try, but hardly guaranteed to succeed.

Example: It's worth a shot, there is a 60 day money back offer so try it out and if it doesn't work just request a refund.

» merecer la pena probarlobe worth + a shotbe worth + a try .

Example: It's worth a shot, there is a 60 day money back offer so try it out and if it doesn't work just request a refund.

Example: And the best judgment is: It's worth a try, but hardly guaranteed to succeed.

» merecerle la pena a Unobe worth + Posesivo + while .

Example: There was nothing to stop another American publisher from reprinting the book if he thought it worth his while, a practice that was known as piracy although it was in fact legal.

» morir de penadie of + a broken heart .

Example: She was extremely upset and heartbroken so we think she died of a broken heart.

» no merecer la penabe no good .

Example: Here is a snatch of Garner's version: 'I was in a fine rage, and should liked to have kicked him, but it was no good, there wasn't enough of him to get my boot against'.

» no ser nada de lo que valga la pena hablarbe nothing to speak of .

Example: The restaurant itself is nothing to speak of but the food is fabulous.

» no valer la penabe no good .

Example: Here is a snatch of Garner's version: 'I was in a fine rage, and should liked to have kicked him, but it was no good, there wasn't enough of him to get my boot against'.

» parecer + merecer la pena + Infinitivoseem + worth + Gerundio .

Example: However, it seems worth rehearsing some of the arguments again here in this particular context and identifying specifically how these problems are negotiated in a data base using natural language indexing.

» pena de amoresbroken heartheartbreakheartache .

Example: Falling in love for all the wrong reasons can result in a broken heart which may even affect future relationships.

Example: If you're trying to get over a break-up, you're not alone -- just about everyone experiences the type of grief we call heartbreak at one time or another.

Example: Lovelorn staff at a Japanese company can take paid time off after an upsetting break-up with a partner, with more 'heartache leave' offered as they get older.

» que merece la penaworthwhile .

Example: Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.

» ¡qué pena!what a shame!what a pity! .

Example: What a shame that Ireland, the symbol of European success, re-established diplomatic relations with Burma in February = Qué pena que Irlanda, símbolo del éxito europeo, haya reanudado en febrero sus relaciones diplomáticas con Birmania.

Example: What a pity it did not develop further!.

» que vale la penaworthwhile .

Example: Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.

» riesgo + merecer la penarisk + pay off .

Example: For most of us the risk paid off; but think back: surely there were early moments when it may have seemed a mistake.

» riesgo + valer la penarisk + pay off .

Example: For most of us the risk paid off; but think back: surely there were early moments when it may have seemed a mistake.

» salir adelante a duras penaseke out + a livingscratch (out) + a livingscrape + a livingeke out + an existence .

Example: He represents not only hard-pressed immigrants and their plight but also everyone else eking out a living on the street corners of cities.

Example: David keeps at his pushcart, scratching out a living even in the dead of winter -- meanwhile, Rose secretly visits Sammy to watch out for him.

Example: A recent report finds that small business owners who employ five or less staff are, on average, barely scraping a living from all their effort.

Example: In thus eking out an existence, however, the washerwoman was very important for the survival of her family.

» sentir pena de Uno Mismofeel + sorry for + Reflexivo .

Example: When I feel grotty & sorry for myself, getting a little pressie always makes me feel much better.

» sentir pena porfeel + sorry forfeel + bad for .

Example: She added that she felt sorry for the assistant because he had so little power.

Example: He's like that one awkward kid that is never good at anything in gym class and you just can't help but feel bad for him everytime he trips.

» vagar como alma en penawander (a)round like + a lost soulwalk (a)round like + a lost soul .

Example: The first winter after her death he wandered around like a lost soul, not interested in anything or anybody.

Example: He walked around like a lost soul, trying to remember things.

» valer la penabe not for nothing thatbe worth itbe worthwhilebe worth + Posesivo + timebe worth every penny .

Example: It was not for nothing that he had learned to identify and isolate problems and to solve them.

Example: But the costs that I've seen so far aren't worth it for what it gets for our patrons.

Example: The School Library Association, therefore, deemed it worthwhile to draft and publish an abridged version of BC in 1967.

Example: Just as we previously enumerated some of the golden rules of library collecting, so it is worth our time to dwell on some of the changes that will impinge on librarianship.

Example: He is the highest grossing actor of all time, and by god, he's worth every penny.

» valer la pena el esfuerzobe worth + Posesivo + effortrepay + Posesivo + effort .

Example: This attitude reinforces the concept that the family is still alive, functioning and worth the effort to build and maintain.

Example: The effort involved in creating an hospitable niche is repaid by the stimulus such courses provide to staff members.

» valer la pena intentarlobe worth + a shotbe worth + a try .

Example: It's worth a shot, there is a 60 day money back offer so try it out and if it doesn't work just request a refund.

Example: And the best judgment is: It's worth a try, but hardly guaranteed to succeed.

» valer la pena leer Algorepay + reading .

Example: The introduction to this code certainly repays reading, and contains sensible advice about how to make a filing order amenable to the public.

» valer la pena probarlobe worth + a shotbe worth + a try .

Example: It's worth a shot, there is a 60 day money back offer so try it out and if it doesn't work just request a refund.

Example: And the best judgment is: It's worth a try, but hardly guaranteed to succeed.

» valerle la pena a Unobe worth + Posesivo + while .

Example: There was nothing to stop another American publisher from reprinting the book if he thought it worth his while, a practice that was known as piracy although it was in fact legal.

» vivir a duras penaslive on + a prayer .

Example: Today on the Dr. Phil show, Dan and Janna were guests who were 'living on a prayer' since they, along with their seven children, were living in home with no income, no heat and no running water.

pena2 = criminalisation [criminalization, -USA]. 

Example: In our opinion, it is more relevant to focus on the Cuban government's criminalization of the unauthorized ownership of computers and its effective banning of the World Wide Web.


» condenar a la pena de muertesentence + Nombre + to deathcondemn + Nombre + to death .

Example: A 23-year old has been sentenced to death for downloading information about women's rights in Afghanistan.

Example: Socrates was put on trial for corrupting the youth of Athens and condemned to death by drinking the poision hemlock.

» cumplir una pena de cárcelserve + timeserve + Posesivo + sentencedo + time .

Example: All aspects of the criminal justice system are included, from bargaining with the police to considering plea bargaining to serving time.

Example: This programme programme offers juvenile delinquents an option of training, rehabilitation and social insertion during the period that they are serving their sentence.

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

» delito castigado con la pena de muertecapital offence .

Example: During the First World War, self-inflicted wounds were a capital offence and if discovered, a man found guilty of this faced execution by firing-squad.

» pena capitalcapital punishment .

Example: Although users are better informed than non-users, they are fairly alike in their attitudes toward such issues as capital punishment and the effect of alcohol on driving.

» pena de cárcelprison sentenceprison termjail sentence [La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica]jail term [La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica]gaol sentence [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano]gaol term [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano] .

Example: The statistics show that overall crime levels have fallen in the last 10 years while the length of prison sentences have increased.

Example: Why have you done nothing to stop Cuba's independent librarians from being subjected to campaign of threats, intimidation, harassment, police raids, evictions, confiscations, physical assaults and prison terms of up to 26 years? = ¿Por qué no has hecho nada para poner fin a la campaña de amenazas, intimidación, acoso, redadas policiales, deshaucio, confiscaciones, agresiones físicas y condenas de hasta 26 años a la que están siendo sometidos los bibliotecarios indenpendientes de Cuba?.

Example: A local computer whiz has been given a 7 year jail sentence for masterminding an international crime ring.

Example: Most courts in India are unwilling to impose heavy fines and jail terms for wildlife crimes.

Example: If this is the first time you have been charged with drink drinving, it is unlikely you will get a gaol sentence.

Example: The family of a disabled boy who was bashed in an abandoned property is outraged his attackers will escape a gaol term.

» pena del taliónan eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth) .

Example: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth has brought Israel and Gaza to the edge of destruction.

» pena de muertedeath row .

Example: Participants commented on ethical aspects of two fictitious case studies: an inmate on a hunger strike and a death row inmate who wishes to be an organ donor.

» pena de muerte, ladeath penalty, the .

Example: The book considers critical issues, such as civil disobedience, war crimes, and the death penalty.

» pena de prisióncustodial sentencejail sentence [La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica]prison sentenceprison termjail term [La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica]gaol sentence [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano]gaol term [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano] .

Example: Cheryl will no doubt be thinking herself lucky that she hasn't got a custodial sentence.

Example: A local computer whiz has been given a 7 year jail sentence for masterminding an international crime ring.

Example: The statistics show that overall crime levels have fallen in the last 10 years while the length of prison sentences have increased.

Example: Why have you done nothing to stop Cuba's independent librarians from being subjected to campaign of threats, intimidation, harassment, police raids, evictions, confiscations, physical assaults and prison terms of up to 26 years? = ¿Por qué no has hecho nada para poner fin a la campaña de amenazas, intimidación, acoso, redadas policiales, deshaucio, confiscaciones, agresiones físicas y condenas de hasta 26 años a la que están siendo sometidos los bibliotecarios indenpendientes de Cuba?.

Example: Most courts in India are unwilling to impose heavy fines and jail terms for wildlife crimes.

Example: If this is the first time you have been charged with drink drinving, it is unlikely you will get a gaol sentence.

Example: The family of a disabled boy who was bashed in an abandoned property is outraged his attackers will escape a gaol term.

» sentenciar a la pena de muertesentence + Nombre + to deathcondemn + Nombre + to death .

Example: A 23-year old has been sentenced to death for downloading information about women's rights in Afghanistan.

Example: Socrates was put on trial for corrupting the youth of Athens and condemned to death by drinking the poision hemlock.

» suspensión condicional de la penasuspended sentence .

Example: Nearly 12,000 criminals have walked free from British courts with suspended sentences despite having at least ten previous convictions.

penar = penalise [penalize, -USA] ; atone (for). 

Example: The author contends that this unfairly penalises any institution with limited finances, and contravenes the tradition of cooperation among Swiss libraries.Example: It is necessary to rectify the misuses of the past, atone for the mistakes of the present, and ensure the well-being of future generations.

peña1 = boulder. 

Example: The moraine included 'particle' sizes varying from boulders down to fine silt.

peña2 = club. 

Example: The sharing of expertise through membership of a club of existing users can be valuable.


» peña ciclistacycling club .

Example: The Canberra Cycling Club is one of the oldest and largest cycling clubs in Australia.

» peña de fútbolSunday football team .

Example: He now play in a Sunday football club formed in 1967 by friends who wished to keep in touch after leaving School.

Pena synonyms

hurt in spanish: herir, pronunciation: hɜrt part of speech: verb, noun nuisance in spanish: molestia, pronunciation: nusəns part of speech: noun anguish in spanish: angustia, pronunciation: æŋgwɪʃ part of speech: noun bother in spanish: molestia, pronunciation: bɑðɜr part of speech: verb trouble in spanish: problema, pronunciation: trʌbəl part of speech: noun afflict in spanish: afligir, pronunciation: əflɪkt part of speech: verb ail in spanish: afligir, pronunciation: eɪl part of speech: noun annoyance in spanish: molestia, pronunciation: ənɔɪəns part of speech: noun hurting in spanish: lastimando, pronunciation: hɜrtɪŋ part of speech: noun botheration in spanish: molestia, pronunciation: bɔθɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun pain in the neck in spanish: dolor en el cuello, pronunciation: peɪnɪnðənek part of speech: noun pain in the ass in spanish: joda, pronunciation: peɪnɪnðəæs part of speech: noun painfulness in spanish: dolor, pronunciation: peɪnfəlnəs part of speech: noun painful sensation in spanish: sensación dolorosa, pronunciation: peɪnfəlsenseɪʃən part of speech: noun
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