Pelotón in english


pronunciation: plətun part of speech: noun
In gestures

pelotón = platoon ; ruck. 

Example: This concept comes mainly from the military, where a designated number of troops make a squad, a platoon, a regiment, etc..Example: The book stands out among the ruck of contemporary fiction unmistakably as a work of artistic and literary excellence.


» de mitad del pelotónmid-pack [En su origen, hace referencia a un 'pelotón' de corredores, ciclistas, etc] .

Example: Seattle Airport was a mid-pack finisher in a new survey released this week .

» grueso del pelotónruck .

Example: The book stands out among the ruck of contemporary fiction unmistakably as a work of artistic and literary excellence.

» ir a la cola (del pelotón)bring up + the rear .

Example: As always, Adam was in the lead, and John brought up the rear.

» ir con ventaja sobre el pelotónbe ahead of the pack .

Example: Radio Mirchi continues to top the daily listenership charts in Delhi, and is also ahead of the pack in Kolkata, the company said in a statement.

» ir por delante del pelotónbe ahead of the pack .

Example: Radio Mirchi continues to top the daily listenership charts in Delhi, and is also ahead of the pack in Kolkata, the company said in a statement.

» pelotón de fusilamientofiring squadshooting squad .

Example: The book has a blue mottled sheepskin binding signed by Antoine Menard, a famous bookbinder who was shot in Paris by a firing squad in 1871 but feigned death and escaped to Spain.

Example: He left the shooting squad and joined the squad that brought the Jews from the granaries to the pits.

» ser el farolillo rojo (del pelotón)bring up + the rear .

Example: As always, Adam was in the lead, and John brought up the rear.
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