Pelotillero in english


pronunciation: krip part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

pelotillero = pandering ; toady ; fawning ; sycophant ; smarmy ; brown-noser ; brown-nose. 

Example: With all the pandering shitheads in politics today, it's so refreshing to see some one who will just say 'fuck off, don't bother me'.Example: He campaigned under the guise of a moderate 'new Democrat' but now we know he's simply a toady to labor bosses and the old vestiges of his party.Example: Over the past two days, the fawning American media has provided rave reviews of John McCain's visit to France.Example: He's too lazy and incompetent, a sycophant who would rather lick his boss' ass than earn his promotion the honest and hard way.Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.Example: Brown-nosers are the ones that make it, due to the fact they are just as twisted and worthless as the people who they are brown-nosing.Example: That's why they're such brown-noses and kiss-asses to the successful and so hard on the unsuccessful.

Pelotillero synonyms

mouse in spanish: ratón, pronunciation: maʊs part of speech: noun steal in spanish: robar, pronunciation: stil part of speech: verb sneak in spanish: furtivo, pronunciation: snik part of speech: verb, noun cringe in spanish: encogerse, pronunciation: krɪndʒ part of speech: verb fawn in spanish: adular, pronunciation: fɔn part of speech: noun crawl in spanish: gatear, pronunciation: krɔl part of speech: verb, noun grovel in spanish: arrastrarse, pronunciation: grɑvəl part of speech: verb cower in spanish: acobardarse, pronunciation: kaʊɜr part of speech: verb spook in spanish: espectro, pronunciation: spuk part of speech: noun, verb schmuck in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: ʃmʌk part of speech: noun weirdo in spanish: bicho raro, pronunciation: wɪrdoʊ part of speech: noun pussyfoot in spanish: andar con mucho sigilo, pronunciation: pʊsifʊt part of speech: verb creeping in spanish: progresivo, pronunciation: kripɪŋ part of speech: noun crawling in spanish: arrastrándose, pronunciation: krɔlɪŋ part of speech: noun weirdy in spanish: raro, pronunciation: wɪrdi part of speech: noun weirdie in spanish: bicho raro, pronunciation: wɪrdi part of speech: noun grow over in spanish: crecer sobre, pronunciation: groʊoʊvɜr part of speech: verb
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