Pelotilla in english


pronunciation: pelət part of speech: noun
In gestures

pelotilla1 = pellet. 

Example: The presence of eggshells, faecal pellets, and silk threads in association with a mite-like animal illustrates a complex ecosystem.


» hacerse pelotillas con los mocospick + Posesivo + nose .

Example: If your child is still sucking his thumb, picking his nose until it bleeds or having trouble sleeping consult a children's therapist, it could be a sign of anxiety.

pelotilla2 = creep. 

Example: Remember before you give your heart away to figure out if he's a creep or not because creeps are just there to use you for whatever needs they have.


» hacerle la pelotilla atoady tobutter + Nombre + upbow and scrapesuck up tobrown-nosesmarmcosy up to/withcurry + favour with + Alguienfawn (on/upon/over) .

Example: The function of journalism is not to toady to those in power but to challenge them.

Example: This may seem surprising, but complimenting a co-worker can seem like you are buttering them up for something you need.

Example: She had a coterie of friends in Hollywood and New York who were always bowing and scraping to her for decades out of fear.

Example: Look at him sucking up to the big guys, talking about golf that he really is terrible at, trying to get into the 'boys club'.

Example: Brown-nosers are the ones that make it, due to the fact they are just as twisted and worthless as the people who they are brown-nosing.

Example: Your readers want to hear how the upper echelons got there by cheating, or at least smarming their way to the top.

Example: I think you have the right to say what you want, but you can't cozy up with violence mongers and come away pure = Creo que tienes derecho a decir lo que quieras, pero no puedes congraciarte con incitadores de la violencia y salir puro.

Example: Some even go so far as to curry favor with him, to keep him off their backs.

Example: Presumably they do so in the hope of being tossed some meaningless bauble of an honour when they have fawned enough.

Pelotilla synonyms

shot in spanish: Disparo, pronunciation: ʃɑt part of speech: noun
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